Source code for utils.pubchem_utils

import urllib.request as urlreq
import io,json
import pandas as pd

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[docs] def download_smiles(myList,intv=1) : """Retrieve canonical SMILES strings for a list of input INCHIKEYS. Will return only one SMILES string per INCHIKEY. If there are multiple values returned, the first is retained and the others are returned in a the discard_lst. INCHIKEYS that fail to return a SMILES string are put in the fail_lst Args: myList (list): List of INCHIKEYS intv (1): number of INCHIKEYS to submit queries for in one request, default is 1 Returns: list of SMILES strings corresponding to INCHIKEYS list of INCHIKEYS, which failed to return a SMILES string list of CIDs and SMILES, which were returned beyond the first CID and SMILE found for input INCHIKEY """ ncmpds=len(myList) smiles_lst,cid_lst,inchikey_lst=[],[],[] sublst="" fail_lst=[] discard_lst=[] for it in range(0,ncmpds,intv) : if (it+intv) > ncmpds : upbnd=ncmpds else : upbnd=it+intv sublst=myList[it:upbnd] inchikey = ','.join(map(str,sublst)) url=""+inchikey+"/property/CanonicalSMILES/CSV" try : response = urlreq.urlopen(url) html = except : fail_lst.append(inchikey) continue f=io.BytesIO(html) cnt=0 for l in f : l=l.decode("utf-8") l=l.rstrip() vals=l.split(',') if vals[0] == '"CID"' : continue if cnt > 0: #print("more than one SMILES returned, discarding. Appear to be multiple CID values",vals) #print("using",cid_lst[-1],smiles_lst[-1],inchikey_lst[-1]) discard_lst.append(vals) break cid_lst.append(vals[0]) sstr=vals[1].replace('"','') smiles_lst.append(vals[1]) inchikey_lst.append(myList[it+cnt]) cnt+=1 if cnt != len(sublst) : print("warning, multiple SMILES for this inchikey key",cnt,len(sublst),sublst) save_smiles_df=pd.DataFrame( {'CID' : cid_lst, 'standard_inchi_key' :inchikey_lst, 'smiles' : smiles_lst}) return save_smiles_df,fail_lst,discard_lst
[docs] def download_bioactivity_assay(myList,intv=1) : """Retrieve summary info on bioactivity assays. Args: myList (list): List of PubChem AIDs (bioactivity assay ids) intv (1): number of INCHIKEYS to submit queries for in one request, default is 1 Returns: Nothing returned yet, will return basic stats to help decide whether to use assay or not """ ncmpds=len(myList) smiles_lst,cid_lst,inchikey_lst=[],[],[] sublst="" fail_lst=[] jsn_lst=[] for it in range(0,ncmpds,intv) : if (it+intv) > ncmpds : upbnd=ncmpds else : upbnd=it+intv sublst=myList[it:upbnd] inchikey = ','.join(map(str,sublst)) url=""+inchikey+"/summary/JSON" try : response = urlreq.urlopen(url) html = except : fail_lst.append(inchikey) continue f=io.BytesIO(html) cnt=0 json_str="" for l in f : l=l.decode("utf-8") l=l.rstrip() json_str += l jsn_lst.append(json_str) return jsn_lst
# save_smiles_df=pd.DataFrame( {'CID' : cid_lst, 'standard_inchi_key' :inchikey_lst, 'smiles' : smiles_lst}) # return save_smiles_df,fail_lst,discard_lst #******************************************************************************************************************************************
[docs] def download_SID_from_bioactivity_assay(bioassayid) : """Retrieve summary info on bioactivity assays. Args: a single bioactivity id: PubChem AIDs (bioactivity assay ids) Returns: Returns the sids tested on this assay """ myList=[bioassayid] ncmpds=len(myList) smiles_lst,cid_lst,inchikey_lst=[],[],[] sublst="" fail_lst=[] jsn_lst=[] intv=1 for it in range(0,ncmpds,intv) : if (it+intv) > ncmpds : upbnd=ncmpds else : upbnd=it+intv sublst=myList[it:upbnd] inchikey = ','.join(map(str,sublst)) url=""+inchikey+"/sids/JSON" try : response = urlreq.urlopen(url) html = except : fail_lst.append(inchikey) continue f=io.BytesIO(html) cnt=0 json_str="" for l in f : l=l.decode("utf-8") l=l.rstrip() json_str += l jsn_lst.append(json_str) res=json.loads(jsn_lst[0]) res_lst=res["InformationList"]['Information'][0]['SID'] return res_lst
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[docs] def download_dose_response_from_bioactivity(aid,sidlst) : """Retrieve data for assays for a select list of sids. Args: myList (list): a bioactivity id (aid) sidlst (list): list of sids specified as integers Returns: Nothing returned yet, will return basic stats to help decide whether to use assay or not """ sidstr= "," . join(str(val) for val in sidlst) myList=[sidstr] ncmpds=len(myList) smiles_lst,cid_lst,inchikey_lst=[],[],[] sublst="" fail_lst=[] jsn_lst=[] intv=1 for it in range(0,ncmpds,intv) : if (it+intv) > ncmpds : upbnd=ncmpds else : upbnd=it+intv sublst=myList[it:upbnd] inchikey = ','.join(map(str,sublst)) url=""+aid+"/doseresponse/CSV?sid="+inchikey try : response = urlreq.urlopen(url) html = except : fail_lst.append(inchikey) continue f=io.BytesIO(html) cnt=0 json_str="" df=pd.read_csv(f) jsn_lst.append(df) return jsn_lst
[docs] def download_activitytype(aid,sid) : """Retrieve data for assays for a select list of sids. Args: myList (list): a bioactivity id (aid) sidlst (list): list of sids specified as integers Returns: Nothing returned yet, will return basic stats to help decide whether to use assay or not """ myList=[sid] ncmpds=len(myList) smiles_lst,cid_lst,inchikey_lst=[],[],[] sublst="" fail_lst=[] jsn_lst=[] intv=1 for it in range(0,ncmpds,intv) : if (it+intv) > ncmpds : upbnd=ncmpds else : upbnd=it+intv sublst=myList[it:upbnd] inchikey = ','.join(map(str,sublst)) url=""+aid+"/CSV?sid="+inchikey #url=""+aid+"/doseresponse/CSV?sid="+inchikey try : response = urlreq.urlopen(url) html = except : fail_lst.append(inchikey) continue f=io.BytesIO(html) cnt=0 json_str="" df=pd.read_csv(f) jsn_lst.append(df) return jsn_lst