

AMPL is a Python 3 package that has been developed and run in a specific pip environment.


Clone the git repository

git clone

Create pip environment


cd $AMPL_HOME/pip # cd to AMPL repo’s pip directory

pip3 install –force-reinstall –no-use-pep517 -r requirements.txt


Depending on system performance, creating the environment can take some time.

Install AMPL

Go to the AMPL root directory and install the AMPL package:

source atomsci/bin/activate # activate the environemt
cd ..
pip3 install -e .
  • The system command installs AMPL directly in the pip environment. If alone is used, then AMPL is installed in the $HOME/.local directory.

  • After this process, you will have an atomsci pip environment with all dependencies installed. The name of the AMPL package is atomsci-ampl and is installed in the script to the environment with pip.

Install with Docker

  • Download and install Docker Desktop.
  • Create a workspace folder to mount with Docker environment and transfer files.

  • Get the Docker image and run it:

    docker pull paulsonak/atomsci-ampl
    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v </local_workspace_folder>:</directory_in_docker> atomsci/atomsci-ampl
    #inside docker environment
    jupyter-notebook --ip= --allow-root --port=8888 &
    # -OR-
    jupyter-lab --ip= --allow-root --port=8888 &
  • Visit the provided URL in your browser, ie
  • Be sure to save any work you want to be permanent in your workspace folder. If the container is shut down, you’ll lose anything not in that folder.