Source code for utils.datastore_functions

"""This file contains functions to make it easier to browse and retrieve data from the datastore.
   Intended for general use. Add/modify functions as needed. Created 23Jul18 CHW

# -------------setup section-----------------

import sys
import io
import json
import urllib3,bravado
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('ATOM')

import csv
import bz2
import pprint
import pickle
import tarfile
import tempfile
import getpass

from atomsci.ddm.utils.llnl_utils import is_lc_system
import atomsci.ddm.utils.file_utils as futils

feather_supported = True
    import pyarrow.feather as feather
except (ImportError, AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    feather_supported = False

clients_supported = True
    from atomsci.clients import DatastoreClient
    from atomsci.clients import DatastoreClientSingleton
    from atomsci.clients import MLMTClient
    from atomsci.clients import MLMTClientSingleton
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):"atomsci.clients package missing, is currently unsupported for non-ATOM users.\n" +
                "ATOM users should run 'pip install clients --user' to install.")
    clients_supported = False

## You must load your token to get access to the appropriate bucket where data is to be placed (or retrieved)
# refer to documentation on Confluence for how to create your token

#===function definition section==========================================================================

[docs] def config_client( token=None, url='', new_instance=False): """Configures client to access datastore service. Args: token (str): Path to file containing token for accessing datastore. Defaults to /usr/local/data/ds_token.txt on non-LC systems, or to $HOME/data/ds_token.txt on LC systems. url (str): URL for datastore REST service. new_instance (bool): True to force creation of a new client object. By default, a shared singleton object is returned. Returns: returns configured client """ if not clients_supported: raise Exception("Datastore client not supported in current environment.") if token is None: # Default token path depends on whether you're on LC or another LLNL system if is_lc_system(): token = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'data', 'ds_token.txt') else: token = '/usr/local/data/ds_token.txt' token_str = None if 'DATASTORE_API_TOKEN' in os.environ: token_str = os.environ['DATASTORE_API_TOKEN'] else: if os.path.exists(token): with open(token,'r') as f: token_str = f.readline().strip() os.environ['DATASTORE_API_TOKEN'] = token_str if new_instance: client = DatastoreClient(default_url=url, default_api_token=token_str) else: client = DatastoreClientSingleton(default_url=url, default_api_token=token_str) if not client.api_token: if not token_str: logger.error("token file not found: {}".format(token)) logger.error("and none of {} token env vars set".format(",".join( DatastoreClient.api_token_env_str))) return client
[docs] def initialize_model_tracker(new_instance=False): """Create or obtain a client object for the model tracker service.. Returns: mlmt_client (MLMTClientSingleton): The client object for the model tracker service. """ if not clients_supported: raise Exception("Model tracker client not supported in current environment.") if not 'MLMT_REST_API_URL' in os.environ: os.environ['MLMT_REST_API_URL'] = '' # MLMT service uses same API token as datastore. Make sure it gets set in the environment. ds_client = config_client() if new_instance: mlmt_client = MLMTClient() else: mlmt_client = MLMTClientSingleton() return mlmt_client
[docs] def retrieve_bucket_names(client=None): """Retrieve a list of the bucket names in datastore Args: client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: (list): list of bucket names that exist in the datastore which user has access to """ if client is None: client = config_client() buckets = client.ds_buckets.get_buckets().result() buckets = pd.DataFrame(buckets) buckets = list(buckets['bucket_name']) return buckets
[docs] def retrieve_keys(bucket='all', client=None, sort=True): """Get a list of keys in bucket(s) specified. Args: bucket (str, optional): 'all' by default. Specify bucket (as a str or list) to limit search client (optional): set client if not using the default sort (bool, optional): if 'True' (default), sort the keys alphabetically Returns: (list): returns a list of keys in bucket(s) specified """ if client is None: client = config_client() if bucket == 'all':'retrieving keys for all buckets...') keys = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_keys().result() else: if type(bucket) == str: bucket = [bucket] # check if requested buckets are valid bucket names all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) valid_buckets = [i for i in all_buckets if i in bucket] #compares the list of 'valid' buckets with the requested list if (len(valid_buckets) > 0) and (len(valid_buckets) < len(bucket)): print("Not all buckets requested all valid buckets. Keys will be retrieved for the following buckets:") bucket = valid_buckets print(bucket) if len(valid_buckets) == 0: print("Requested bucket(s) are not valid.") return keys = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_keys(bucket_names = bucket).result() if sort: keys = sorted(keys, key = str.lower) return keys
[docs] def key_exists(key, bucket='all', client=None): """Check if key exists in bucket(s) specified. Args: key (str): the key of interest bucket (str or list, optional): 'all' by default. Specify bucket (as a str or list) to limit search client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: (bool): Returns True if key exists in bucket(s) specified """ if client is None: client = config_client() if type(key) != str: raise ValueError("'key' must be a string") if bucket == 'all': # generate list of valid keys for all buckets keys = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_keys().result() else: if type(bucket) == str: bucket = [bucket] # check if requested buckets are valid bucket names all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) valid_buckets = [i for i in all_buckets if i in bucket] #compares the list of 'valid' buckets with the requested list if (len(valid_buckets) > 0) and (len(valid_buckets) < len(bucket)): print("Not all buckets requested all valid buckets. Keys will be retrieved for the following buckets:") bucket = valid_buckets print(bucket) if len(valid_buckets) == 0: raise ValueError("Requested bucket(s) are not valid.") # generate list of valid keys for bucket(s) specified keys = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_keys(bucket_names = bucket).result() #check if key specified is in 'valid key' list return key in keys
[docs] def retrieve_values_for_key(key, bucket='all', client=None): """Get a list of values associated with a specified key. Args: key (str): the key of interest bucket (str or list, optional): 'all' by default. Specify bucket (as a str or list) to limit search client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: (list): Returns a list of values (str) associated with a specified key """ if client is None: client = config_client() if type(key) != str: raise ValueError('key must be a string') if bucket == 'all': # evaluate if key is valid all_keys = retrieve_keys() if not key in all_keys: raise ValueError('specified key does not exist') values = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_key_values(key=key).result() value_type = values['value_types'] values = values['values'] else: if type(bucket) == str: bucket = [bucket] # evaluate if bucket name is valid for i in bucket: bucket_name = i all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) if not bucket_name in all_buckets: raise ValueError('bucket does not exist') # evaluate if key is valid all_keys = retrieve_keys(bucket=bucket) if not key in all_keys: raise ValueError('specified key does not exist in bucket(s) specified') values = client.ds_metadef.get_metadata_key_values(key=key, bucket_names = bucket).result() value_type = values['value_types'] values = values['values'] if value_type == ['str']: values = sorted(values, key = str.lower) if value_type == ['int']: values = np.sort(values) return values
[docs] def dataset_key_exists(dataset_key, bucket, client=None): """Returns a boolean indicating whether the given dataset_key is already present in the bucket specified. Args: dataset_key (str): the dataset_key for the dataset you want (unique in each bucket) bucket (str): the bucket the dataset you want resides in client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: (bool): returns 'True' if dataset_key is present in bucket specified """ if client is None: client = config_client() # check that bucket exists all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) if not bucket in all_buckets: raise ValueError('bucket does not exist') # check that dataset_key exists in bucket all_dataset_keys = client.ds_datasets.get_dataset_distinct_dataset_keys(bucket_name=bucket).result() return (dataset_key in all_dataset_keys)
[docs] def retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(dataset_key, bucket, client=None, return_metadata=False, nrows=None, print_metadata=False, sep=False, index_col=None, tarpath=".", **kwargs): """Retrieves the dataset and returns as a pandas dataframe (or other format as needed depending on file type). Args: dataset_key (str): the dataset_key for the dataset you want (unique in each bucket) bucket (str): the bucket the dataset you want resides in client (optional): set client if not using the default return_metadata (bool, optional): if set to True, return a dictionary of the metadata INSTEAD of a dataframe of the data nrows (num, optional): used to limit the number of rows returned print_metadata (bool, optional): if set to True, displays the document metadata/properties sep (str, optional): separator used for csv file tarpath (str, optional): path to use for tarball files index_col (int, optional): For csv files, column to use as the row labels of the DataFrame Returns: (DataFrame, OrderedDict, str, dict): filetype determines what type of object is returned. xls and xlsx files returns an OrderedDict. tarball (gz and tgz) files returns the location of the files as a string csv returns a DataFrame optionally, return a dictionary of the metadata only if 'return_metadata' is set to TRUE. """ if client is None: client = config_client() # check that bucket exists all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) if not bucket in all_buckets: raise ValueError('bucket does not exist') # check that dataset_key exists in bucket # JEA comment: # this is not going to scale well to millions of keys # and an exception will already be thrown if the dataset key is not found # I think this should be removed #all_dataset_keys = client.ds_datasets.get_dataset_distinct_dataset_keys(bucket_name=bucket).result() #if not dataset_key in all_dataset_keys: # raise ValueError('dataset_key {0} does not exist in bucket {1}'.format(dataset_key, bucket)) try : all_metadata = client.ds_datasets.get_bucket_dataset (bucket_name=bucket, dataset_key=dataset_key).result() except bravado.exception.HTTPNotFound: return None file_type = all_metadata['distribution']['dataType'] if print_metadata: pprint.pprint(all_metadata) if return_metadata: return all_metadata if file_type == 'bz2': # bz2. Read bz2 file in binary mode, then decompress to text. Return as dataframe. fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='b') fp = (fp, mode='rt') dict_reader = csv.DictReader (fp) table = [] i_row = 1 for row in dict_reader: table.append(row) if nrows is not None: if i_row >= nrows: #i_row += 1 break i_row += 1 dataset = pd.DataFrame(table) elif file_type == 'pkl': # pickle file. Open in binary. fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='b') dataset = pickle.load(fp) if type(dataset)==bytes: dataset = pickle.loads(dataset) fp.close() elif file_type == 'csv': # csv file. Open in text mode for csv reader. Return as dataframe. fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='rt') if not sep: dataset = pd.read_csv(fp,nrows=nrows, index_col=index_col, **kwargs) else: dataset = pd.read_csv(fp, nrows=nrows, sep=sep, index_col=index_col, **kwargs)\ elif file_type == 'feather': # feather file. Return as dataframe. if not feather_supported: raise ValueError("feather-format not installed in your current environment") fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='b') # Have to save the feather file to disk first, because feather.read_dataframe needs to seek tmp_fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_fp = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, mode='wb') while True: data = if len(data) == 0: break logger.debug("Read %d bytes of data from datastore" % len(data)) tmp_fp.write(data) logger.debug("Wrote data to %s" % tmp_path) tmp_fp.close() fp.close() logger.debug("Reading data into data frame") dataset = feather.read_dataframe(tmp_path) logger.debug("Done") os.unlink(tmp_path) elif file_type == 'xls' or file_type == 'xlsx': # xls or xlsx file. Return as a ordered dictionary fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='b') dataset = pd.read_excel(fp, sheet_name=None) num_sheets = len(dataset) sheet_names = dataset.keys() print('Excel workbook has %s sheets' %(num_sheets), 'Sheet names = ', sheet_names) print('tip: use OrderedDict.get(sheet_name) to extract a specific sheet') elif file_type == 'gz' or file_type == 'tgz': # tar.gz (tarball) file. Extract to path specified and return path. fp = client.open_bucket_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, mode='b') with, mode='r:gz') as tar: futils.safe_extract(tar, path=tarpath) #get new folder name and return full path extracted_dir = all_metadata['distribution'].get('filename') extracted_dir = extracted_dir.split(".")[0] # TODO: This is misleading; the original filename is not necessarily preserved in the tar file. # TODO: Just return tarpath. dataset = os.path.join(tarpath, extracted_dir) else: raise ValueError (dataset_key, 'file type not recognized\n', "all_metadata['distribution']['dataType']:", all_metadata['distribution']['dataType']) return dataset
[docs] def retrieve_dataset_by_dataset_oid(dataset_oid, client=None, return_metadata=False, nrows=None, print_metadata=False, sep=False, index_col=None, tarpath="."): """retrieves the dataset and returns as a pandas dataframe (or other format as needed depending on file type). Args: dataset_oid (str): unique identifier for the dataset you want client (optional): set client if not using the default return_metadata (bool, optional): if set to True, return a dictionary of the metadata INSTEAD of a dataframe of the data nrows (num, optional): used to limit the number of rows returned print_metadata (bool, optional): if set to True, displays the document metadata/properties sep (str, optional): separator used for csv file tarpath (str, optional): path to use for tarball files index_col (int, optional): For csv files, column to use as the row labels of the DataFrame Returns: (DataFrame, OrderedDict, str, dict): filetype determines what type of object is returned. xls and xlsx files returns an OrderedDict. tarball (gz and tgz) files returns the location of the files as a string csv returns a DataFrame optionally, return a dictionary of the metadata only if 'return_metadata' is set to TRUE. """ print("") print('caution: dataset_oid is version specific. Newer versions of this file might be available.') print("") if client is None: client = config_client() all_metadata = client.ds_datasets.get_dataset(dataset_oid = dataset_oid).result() if print_metadata: pprint.pprint(all_metadata) if return_metadata: return all_metadata file_type = all_metadata['distribution']['dataType'] if file_type == 'bz2': # bz2. Read bz2 file in binary mode, then decompress to text. fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='b') fp = (fp, mode='rt') dict_reader = csv.DictReader (fp) table = [] i_row = 1 for row in dict_reader: table.append(row) if nrows is not None: if i_row >= nrows: #i_row += 1 break i_row += 1 dataset = pd.DataFrame(table) elif file_type == 'pkl': # pickle file. Open in binary fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='b') dataset = pickle.load(fp) if type(dataset)==bytes: dataset = pickle.loads(dataset) fp.close() elif file_type == 'csv': # csv file. Open in text mode for csv reader. fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='t') if not sep: dataset = pd.read_csv(fp, nrows=nrows, index_col=index_col) else: dataset = pd.read_csv(fp, nrows=nrows, sep=sep, index_col=index_col) elif file_type == 'xls' or file_type == 'xlsx': # xls or xlsx file. Return as a ordered dictionary fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='b') dataset = pd.read_excel(fp, sheet_name=None) num_sheets = len(dataset) sheet_names = dataset.keys() print('Excel workbook has %s sheets' %(num_sheets), 'Sheet names = ', sheet_names) print('tip: use OrderedDict.get(sheet_name) to extract a specific sheet') elif file_type == 'gz' or file_type == 'tgz': # tar.gz (tarball) file. Extract to path specified and return path. fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='b') with, mode='r:gz') as tar: futils.safe_extract(tar, path=tarpath) #get new folder name and return full path extracted_dir = all_metadata['distribution'].get('filename') extracted_dir = extracted_dir.split(".")[0] dataset = os.path.join(tarpath, extracted_dir) else: raise ValueError ('file type not recognized \n', "all_metadata['distribution']['dataType']:", all_metadata['distribution']['dataType']) return dataset
[docs] def search_datasets_by_key_value(key, value, client=None, operator='in', bucket='all', display_all_columns=False): """Find datasets by key:value pairs and returns a DataFrame of datasets and associated properties. Args: key (str): the key of interest value (str): the value of interest client (optional): set client if not using the default operator (str, optional): 'in' by default, but can be changed to any of the following: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, all, in, not in bucket (str or list, optional): 'all' by default. Specify bucket (as a str or list) to limit search display_all_columns (bool, optional): If 'False' (default), then show only a selected subset of the columns Returns: (DataFrame): summary table of the files and relevant metadata matching the criteria specified """ if client is None: client = config_client() if type(key) != str: raise ValueError('key must be a string') if type(value) != list: value = [value] metadata = json.dumps([ {'key': key, 'value': value, 'operator': operator} ]) if bucket == 'all': # evaluate if key is valid all_keys = retrieve_keys() if not key in all_keys: raise ValueError('specified key does not exist') datasets = client.ds_datasets.get_datasets(metadata=metadata).result() else: if type(bucket) != list: bucket = [bucket] # evaluate if bucket name is valid all_buckets = retrieve_bucket_names(client) for i in bucket: bucket_name = i if not bucket_name in all_buckets: raise ValueError('bucket does not exist') # evaluate if key is valid all_keys = retrieve_keys(bucket=bucket) if not key in all_keys: raise ValueError('specified key does not exist in bucket(s) specified') datasets = client.ds_datasets.get_datasets(metadata=metadata, bucket_names=bucket).result() datasets = pd.DataFrame(datasets) if len(datasets) == 0: print('No datasets found matching criteria specified',key,value) else: if not display_all_columns: col = ['bucket_name', 'title', 'dataset_oid', 'dataset_key', 'description', 'metadata', 'tags', 'user_perm', 'active', 'versions'] datasets = datasets[col] return datasets
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extracted this function (with small modifications) from join.ipynb
[docs] def retrieve_columns_from_dataset (bucket, dataset_key, client=None, max_rows=0, column_names='', return_names=False): """Retrieve column(s) from csv file (may be bz2 compressed) in datastore. 'NA' returned if column not in file (as well as warning message). Args: return_names (bool): If true, just return column headers from file max_rows (int): default=0 which will return all rows client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: (dict): dictionary corresponding to selected columns """ if client is None: client = config_client() # Check column_names input. if not isinstance (column_names, list): if not isinstance (column_names, str): raise TypeError ('get_columns_csv: Second argument should be column name or list of column names', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit (1) else: column_names = [column_names] dataset_result \ = client.ds_datasets \ .get_bucket_dataset (bucket_name=bucket, dataset_key=dataset_key).result () dataset_oid = dataset_result.get ('dataset_oid') if dataset_result['distribution']['dataType'] == 'bz2': # bz2. Read bz2 file in binary mode, then decompress to text. fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='b') fp = (fp, mode='rt') elif dataset_result['distribution']['dataType'] == 'csv': # csv file. Open in text mode for csv reader. fp = client.open_dataset (dataset_oid, mode='t') else: raise ValueError (dataset_key, 'does not appear to be either a csv or bz2 file\n', "dataset_result['distribution']['dataType']:", dataset_result['distribution']['dataType']) dict_reader = csv.DictReader (fp) # Set up dict to be returned. selected_columns = {} for column_name in column_names: selected_columns[column_name] = [] # Check which columns in this file. header_names = dict_reader.fieldnames if return_names: return header_names column_names_valid_b = [] for column_name in column_names: column_name_valid_b = column_name in header_names column_names_valid_b.append (column_name_valid_b) if not column_name_valid_b: print ('Note: column', column_name, 'not in', os.path.split (dataset_key)[1], file=sys.stderr) print ('Reading ' + os.path.split (dataset_key)[1] + '... ') i_row = 1 for row in dict_reader: for i, column_name in enumerate (column_names): if column_names_valid_b[i]: selected_columns[column_name].append (row[column_name]) else: selected_columns[column_name].append ('NA') if i_row % 1000 == 0: print (i_row, 'rows ', end='\r', flush=True) if max_rows: if i_row >= max_rows: i_row += 1 break i_row += 1 print ('\nDone. Read %d rows' % (i_row - 1)) return selected_columns
[docs] def filter_datasets_interactive (bucket='all', client=None, save_search=False, restrict_key=True, restrict_value=False, dataset_oid_only=False, display_all_columns=False, max_rows=10): #TODO: This function has been replaced by 'search_files_interactive'. """This is an old way of searching for files. Not based on the current format. Only use Args: bucket (str or list, optional): buckets to search (defaults to searching all buckets you have access to in the datastore) client (optional): set client if not using the default restrict_key (bool, optional): if set to True, restricts the search to keys that are on the approved list (see file in bucket with dataset_key: accepted_key_values) restrict_key (bool, optional): if set to True, restricts the search to values that are on the approved list (see file in bucket with dataset_key: accepted_key_values) dataset_oid_only (bool, optional): if True, return a list of dataset_oids meeting the criteria; if False, returns a dataframe of all the metadata for the files meeting search criteria display_all_columns (bool, optional): If 'False' (default), then show only a selected subset of the columns max_rows (int, optional): maximum rows to display during interactive search Returns: None """ print("CAUTION: Use of filter_datasets_interactive is not recommended. This function has been replaced with 'search_files_interactive'. Please use 'search_files_interactive' instead") #configure client if client is None: client = config_client() # retrieve file with accepted keys and values if available (if user wants to restrict search to 'approved' keys:values) if restrict_key or restrict_value: try: kv_lookup = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(bucket=bucket, dataset_key='accepted_key_values') except: print('Accepted_keys_values not defined for bucket(s) chosen. restrict_key and restrict_value will be set to False.') restrict_key = False restrict_value = False search_criteria = [bucket] # provide list of keys and have user select option print('Select a key from the following list:') keys = retrieve_keys(bucket = bucket) if restrict_key: approved_keys = kv_lookup.columns keys = list(set(keys) & set(approved_keys)) #display only keys that are both Approved and In use keys = sorted(keys, key = str.lower) #provides examples of types of values associated with the key to help users pick the key they want example_val_list=[] for key in keys: example_val = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) example_val_list.append(example_val) temp_dict={'value_examples': example_val_list, 'keys': keys, } display(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dict)) key = input('Enter a key: ') # provide list of values and have user select option print("") print('Select value(s) for key=', key, 'from the following list: ') values_for_key = retrieve_values_for_key(key=key, bucket=bucket) if restrict_value: approved_values = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) values_for_key = list(set(values_for_key ) & set(approved_values)) print("") display(values_for_key) print("") value = input('Enter value(s) (comma separated for multiple values): ') print(type(value)) value = value.replace("'","") value = value.replace("[","") value = value.replace("]","") value = value.split(",") value = [x.strip(' ') for x in value] if type(values_for_key) == np.ndarray: value = [int(i) for i in value] #save key and value(s) searched search_criteria.append({'key': key, 'value': value, 'operator': "in"}) # return dataframe of datasets meeting user specified criteria dataset_list = search_datasets_by_key_value(key=key, value=value, bucket=bucket, display_all_columns=display_all_columns) print('Number of datasets found meeting criteria =', len(dataset_list)) if len(dataset_list) > max_rows: print('Displaying first %s results' %(max_rows)) display(dataset_list.iloc[0:max_rows]) if len(dataset_list) < 2: return dataset_list print("") repeat = input('Apply additional filter? (y/n)') # if repeat == 'n': # return dataset_list while repeat == 'y': key_values = list(dataset_list['metadata']) i = 0 rows = len(key_values) while i < rows: new= key_values.pop(0) if i == 0: key_val = pd.DataFrame(new) else: key_val = pd.concat([key_val, new]) i = i+1 print('key_val size',key_val.shape[:]) unique_keys = key_val['key'].unique() print("") print('Select a key from the following list:') if restrict_key: unique_keys = list(set(unique_keys) & set(approved_keys)) labels = [('keys')] unique_keys = sorted(unique_keys, key = str.lower) example_val_list=[] for key in unique_keys: example_val = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) example_val_list.append(example_val) temp_dict={'value_examples': example_val_list, 'keys': unique_keys, } display(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dict)) new_key = input('Enter a key: ') print("") print('Select value(s) for key=', new_key, 'from the following list: ') new_value = key_val[key_val['key'] == new_key] new_value = new_value['value'].unique() if restrict_value: approved_values = list(kv_lookup[new_key].unique()) new_value = list(set(new_value) & set(approved_values)) print('if statement true') print("") display(new_value) print("") new_value = input('Enter value(s) (comma separated for multiple values): ') new_value = new_value.replace("'","") new_value = new_value.replace(" ","") new_value = new_value.replace(" ","") new_value = new_value.split(",") new_value = [x.strip(' ') for x in new_value] print('values selected =', new_value, type(new_value)) i = 0 new_col = [] #extract the values associated with the key while i < len(dataset_list): r = dataset_list.iloc[i]['metadata'] keys = [] for item in r: keys.append(item['value']) #extracts keys from a keys = str(keys) keys = keys.replace("'","") keys = keys.replace("[","") keys = keys.replace("]","") if i == 0: new_col = [keys] else: new_col.append(keys) i += 1 dataset_list['key_value'] = new_col dataset_list2 = dataset_list[dataset_list['key_value'].str.contains('|'.join(new_value)) ] #save key and value(s) searched search_criteria.append({'key': new_key, 'value': new_value, 'operator': "in"}) print('Number of datasets found meeting criteria =', len(dataset_list2)) if len(dataset_list2) > max_rows: print('Displaying first %s results' %(max_rows)) display(dataset_list2.iloc[0:max_rows]) print("") dataset_list = dataset_list2[:] print('--dataset_list length = ', len(dataset_list)) if len(dataset_list) < 2: repeat = "n" repeat = input('Apply additional filter? (y/n)') if dataset_oid_only: return list(dataset_list['dataset_oid']) if save_search: print('search_criteria =', search_criteria) return search_criteria return dataset_list
[docs] def summarize_datasets(dataset_keys, bucket, client=None, column=None, save_as=None, plot_ht=10, labels=None, last=False): """Generate summary statistics such as min/max/median/mean on files specified (all files must be in same bucket). Args: dataset_keys (list): dataset_keys corresponding to the files to summarize bucket (str): bucket the files reside in client (optional): set client if not using the default column (str, optional): column to summarize (will be prompted to specify if not pre-specified or if column does not exist in file) save_as (str, optional): filename to save image of box plot(s) to plot_ht (int, optional): height of box plots (default = 10) labels ('str', optional): last (bool optional): If True (default=False), then summarize values from last column instead of specifying column heading Returns (DataFrame): returns table summarizing the stats for the file(s) specified """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if client is None: client = config_client() if type(dataset_keys) != list: dataset_keys = [dataset_keys] i=0 check_col = column for key in dataset_keys: #retrieve the dataset as a pandas dataframe dataset = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(dataset_key=key, bucket=bucket) # use the values in the last column if last: headers = list(dataset.columns) column = headers[-1] # provide a list of column names if column is not already specified if check_col is None: if column is not None: try: d = dataset[column] except: print(dataset.columns) column = input("Pick a column from list to analyze: ") else: print(dataset.columns) column = input("Pick a column from list to analyze: ") # calculate stats for the column indicated d = dataset[column] d = pd.to_numeric(d) median = d.median() col_mode = d.mode() stats = d.describe() # combine stats into a summary table (pandas dataframe) stats = pd.DataFrame(stats) summary = [key, median, [col_mode]] summary = pd.DataFrame(summary, columns = [column], index = ['key', 'median', 'mode']) summary_temp = pd.concat([summary,stats]) if i == 0: summary_table = summary_temp.rename(columns={column: '1'}) data_to_plot = [d] else: summary_table[i+1] = summary_temp[column] data_to_plot.append(d) i += 1 display(summary_table) # generate box and whisker plot # Create a figure instance fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(3*len(dataset_keys), plot_ht)) # Create an axes instance ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create the boxplot bp = ax.boxplot(data_to_plot) if labels: # Set x-labels for boxplot ax.set_xticklabels(labels) if save_as: fig.savefig(save_as, bbox_inches='tight') return summary_table
[docs] def check_key_val(key_values, client=None, df=None, enforced=True): """Checks to ensure the keys and values specified are 'approved' and that (optionally) all required keys are filled out. Args: key_values (dict): keys and values specified by user for a file client (optional): set client if not using the default df (DataFrame): dataframe to be uploaded enforced (bool, optional): If True (default) checks that all required keys are filled out Returns: (bool): returns True if all keys and values are 'approved' AND enforcement criteria are met """ if 'file_category' not in key_values: raise ValueError('file_category must be specified.') if client is None: client = config_client() #check if file_category is valid datasets = client.ds_datasets.get_datasets(dataset_key_regex='kv_lookup*', bucket_names=['default']).result() datasets = pd.DataFrame(datasets) i=0 kv_lookup_dataset_keys = datasets['dataset_key'] valid_file_category=[] while i < len(datasets): valid_file_category.append(kv_lookup_dataset_keys[i].replace('kv_lookup_',"")) i+=1 if key_values['file_category'] not in valid_file_category: raise ValueError('invalid file_category. Must be one of the following: %s' %valid_file_category) # generate dataset_key to retrieve the appropriate key:value lookup table file_cat = key_values['file_category'] kv_lookup_dskey = ''.join(['kv_lookup_',file_cat]) #will need to enable to switch to auto-look up by category in default kv_lookup = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(bucket='default', client=client, dataset_key=kv_lookup_dskey) #kv_lookup = pd.read_csv(kv_lookup_dskey+'.csv') # check that all keys are valid for key in key_values: if key not in kv_lookup: raise ValueError('key=%s invalid' %key,' Valid options include:', kv_lookup.iloc[:,0:-3].columns) # check that specified values are valid for given key if len(kv_lookup[key].unique()) > 1 : values = key_values.get(key) if type(values) != list: values = [values] for value in values: if any(kv_lookup[key] == value) != True: raise ValueError('value=%s invalid' %value,'valid values for key=%s include:' %key, list(kv_lookup[key].unique())) # when applicable, check that the values input for id_col, smiles_col, and response_col are all headings that exist if df is not None : col_heading_req = ['id_col', 'smiles_col','response_col', 'parent_smiles_col'] for col in col_heading_req: if col in list(key_values.keys()): avail_headings = list(df.columns) col_head_value = key_values.get(col) if col_head_value not in avail_headings: raise ValueError('value for key=%s invalid. Pick from these column headings:' %col, avail_headings) if enforced: """ This section checks to make sure all relevent keys have been filled in based on other selections made for example: if user includes 'curation_level':'ml_ready' as a key:value pair, then additional keys such as 'units' are also required 1) this section requires the following 3 columns in the kv_lookup file: 'enforced_on_key', 'enforced_on_value', and 'required_keys'. 2) if the 'enforced_on' key:value matches one input, then it checks to make sure all of the keys listed in the corresponding row in the 'required_keys' column have been filled out """ num_enforced_key = kv_lookup['enforced_on_key'].count() i=0 while i < num_enforced_key: enforced_key = kv_lookup['enforced_on_key'][i] enforced_value = kv_lookup['enforced_on_value'][i] if enforced_key in key_values.keys(): if enforced_value in key_values[enforced_key]: required = (kv_lookup['required_keys'][i]).split(', ') for key in required: if key not in key_values: raise ValueError('Required key missing: %s' %key) i += 1
[docs] def upload_file_to_DS(bucket, title, description, tags, key_values, filepath, filename, client=None, dataset_key=None, override_check=True, return_metadata=False, file_ref=False, data_type=None): """This function will upload a file to the Datastore along with the associated metadata Args: bucket (str): bucket the file will be put in title (str): title of the file in (human friendly format) description (str): long text box to describe file (background/use notes) tags (list): must be a list. key_values (dict): key:value pairs to enable future users to find the file. Must be a dictionary. filepath (str): current location of the file filename (str): current filename of the file client (optional): set client if not using the default dataset_key (str, optional): If updating a file already in the datastore enter the corresponding dataset_key. If not, leave as 'none' and the dataset_key will be automatically generated. override_check (bool, optional): If 'True' then do NOT perform a check of the keys/values against approved list and enforcement criteria return_metadata (bool, optional): If 'True' (default=False), then return the metadata from the uploaded file file_ref (bool, optional): If 'True' (default=False), links file to the datastore instead of creating a copy to managed by the datastore. data_type (str,optional): Specify dataType (e.g. csv,bz, etc) if not specified attempt to use file extension Returns: (dict): optionally returns the metadata from the uploaded file (if return_metadata=True) """ if client is None: client = config_client() filepath = os.path.join(filepath,filename) if type(key_values) != dict: raise ValueError('key_values must be a dictionary') if not override_check: ## JEA when pd is big, this will cause problems check_key_val(key_values=key_values, client=client, df=pd.read_csv(filepath)) try: user = getpass.getuser() except: user = 'unknown' key_values.update({'user': user}) key_values = json.dumps([key_values]) #fileObj is what the datastore uploads #check file type split_file_ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) extension = split_file_ext[-1] #only open file if not creating a link if not file_ref : if extension == '.pkl': fileObj = open(filepath, 'rb') else: fileObj = io.FileIO(filepath) if dataset_key is None: dataset_key = filepath if not file_ref : req = client.ds_datasets.upload_dataset( bucket_name=bucket, title=title, description=description, tags=tags, metadata_obj=key_values, fileObj=fileObj, dataType=data_type, dataset_key=dataset_key, filename=filename, ) else : req = client.ds_datasets.reference_dataset( bucket_name=bucket, title=title, description=description, tags=tags, metadata_obj=key_values, fileURL=filepath, dataType=data_type, dataset_key=dataset_key, filename=filename, ) dataset = req.result() if return_metadata: return dataset
[docs] def upload_df_to_DS(df, bucket, filename, title, description, tags, key_values, client=None, dataset_key=None, override_check=True, return_metadata=False, index=False, data_type=None): """This function will upload a file to the Datastore along with the associated metadata Args: df (DataFrame): dataframe to be uploaded bucket (str): bucket the file will be put in filename (str): the filename to save the dataframe as in the datastore. Include the extension title (str): title of the file in (human friendly format) description (str): long text box to describe file (background/use notes) tags (list): must be a list. key_values (dict): key-value pairs to enable future users to find the file. Must be a dictionary. client (optional): set client if not using the default dataset_key (str): If updating a file already in the datastore enter the corresponding dataset_key. If not, leave as 'none' and the dataset_key will be automatically generated. data_type (str,optional): Specify dataType (e.g. csv,bz, etc) if not specified attempt to use file extension Returns: (dict): if return_metadata=True, then function returns a dictionary of the metadata for the uploaded dataset. """ if client is None: client = config_client() if type(key_values) != dict: raise ValueError('key_values must be a dictionary') if not override_check: check_key_val(key_values=key_values, client=client) df_shape = df.shape[:] num_row = df_shape[0] num_col = df_shape[1] try: user = getpass.getuser() except: user = 'unknown' key_values.update({'num_row':num_row, 'num_col':num_col, 'user': user}) key_values = json.dumps([key_values]) if '.csv' in filename: filename=filename elif '.' in filename: raise ValueError('filename extension must be .csv') else: filename = filename + '.csv' if dataset_key is None: dataset_key = bucket +'_'+ filename fileObj= df.to_csv(index=index) req = client.ds_datasets.upload_dataset( bucket_name=bucket, title=title, description=description, tags=tags, metadata_obj=key_values, fileObj=fileObj, dataset_key=dataset_key, dataType=data_type, filename=filename, ) dataset = req.result() if return_metadata: return dataset
[docs] def update_kv(bucket, dataset_key, client=None, kv_add=None, kv_del=None, return_metadata=False): #TODO: function currently performs 2 separate uploads if adding and deleting, needs to be fixed to just 1 upload """update the key:values for specified file. No change to file. Args: bucket (str): Specify bucket where the file exists dataset_key (str): dataset_key for the file to update metadata for client (optional): set client if not using the default kv_add (dict, optional): key-value pairs to add to the metadata for the file specified kv_del (str or list, optional): keys to delete from the metadata for the file specified Returns: None """ #configure client if needed if client is None: client = config_client() #check that bucket and dataset_key are valid if not dataset_key_exists(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket=bucket, client=client): raise ValueError('dataset_key does not exist in bucket specified') # if kv_add is specified check to make sure format is right, then upload new keys:values if kv_add is not None: if type(kv_add) is not dict: raise ValueError('kv_add must be a dictionary') modified_dataset = { 'metadata': kv_add, } results = client.ds_datasets.update_dataset(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket_name=bucket, dataset=modified_dataset).result() # if kv_del is specified check to make sure format is right, then upload deletion of the keys specified if kv_del is not None: if type(kv_del) is not str and type(kv_del) is not list: raise ValueError('kv_del must be a string or list') if type(kv_del) is not list: kv_del = [kv_del] del_list = [] for key in kv_del: del_list.append({'key': key, 'delete':True}) modified_dataset = { 'metadata': del_list } results = client.ds_datasets.update_dataset(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket_name=bucket, dataset=modified_dataset).result() if return_metadata: return results
#---------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_distribution_kv(bucket, dataset_key, client=None, kv_add=None, kv_del=None, return_metadata=False): #TODO: function currently performs 2 separate uploads if adding and deleting, needs to be fixed to just 1 upload #TODO: This should be merged with update_kv() """update the key:values for specified file. No change to file. Args: bucket (str): Specify bucket where the file exists dataset_key (str): dataset_key for the file to update metadata for client (optional): set client if not using the default kv_add (dict, optional): key-value pairs to add to the metadata for the file specified kv_del (str or list, optional): keys to delete from the metadata for the file specified Returns: None """ #configure client if needed if client is None: client = config_client() #check that bucket and dataset_key are valid if not dataset_key_exists(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket=bucket, client=client): raise ValueError('dataset_key does not exist in bucket specified') # if kv_add is specified check to make sure format is right, then upload new keys:values if kv_add is not None: if type(kv_add) is not dict: raise ValueError('kv_add must be a dictionary') modified_dataset = { 'distribution': kv_add, } results = client.ds_datasets.update_dataset(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket_name=bucket, dataset=modified_dataset).result() # if kv_del is specified check to make sure format is right, then upload deletion of the keys specified if kv_del is not None: if type(kv_del) is not str and type(kv_del) is not list: raise ValueError('kv_del must be a string or list') if type(kv_del) is not list: kv_del = [kv_del] del_list = [] for key in kv_del: del_list.append({'key': key, 'delete':True}) modified_dataset = { 'metadata': del_list } results = client.ds_datasets.update_dataset(dataset_key=dataset_key, bucket_name=bucket, dataset=modified_dataset).result() if return_metadata: return results
#---------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_keyval(dataset_oid=None, dataset_key=None, bucket=None, client=None): """Requires either dataset_oid *or* dataset_key+bucket. Function extracts the key:value pairs and converts from the 'datastore format' (list of dictionaries) into 'model tracker format' (a single dictionary). """ if client is None: client = config_client() # check that dataset_oid *or* dataset_key+bucket was entered if dataset_oid: if dataset_key: raise ValueError('Both dataset_oid and dataset_key are specified.') ds_metadata = retrieve_dataset_by_dataset_oid(dataset_oid=dataset_oid, return_metadata=True, client=client) if dataset_key: ds_metadata = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(bucket=bucket, dataset_key=dataset_key, return_metadata=True, client=client) if not dataset_oid: if not dataset_key: raise ValueError('dataset_oid or dataset_key + bucket required') # convert ds_metadata = ds_metadata['metadata'] kv_pairs = len(ds_metadata) i = 0 new_dict = {} while i < kv_pairs: kv = ds_metadata[i] key = kv.get('key') value = kv.get('value') new_dict.update({key: value}) i+=1 return new_dict
[docs] def upload_pickle_to_DS(data, bucket, filename, title, description, tags, key_values,client=None, dataset_key=None, override_check=True, return_metadata=False): """This function will upload a file to the Datastore along with the associated metadata. Args: data (DataFrame, str, list, tuple, pickle): data to be pickled and uploaded bucket (str): bucket the file will be put in filename (str): the filename to save the dataframe as in the datastore. Include the extension title (str): title of the file in (human friendly format) description (str): long text box to describe file (background/use notes) tags (list): must be a list. key_values (dict): key:value pairs to enable future users to find the file. Must be a dictionary. client (optional): set client if not using the default dataset_key (str, optional): If updating a file already in the datastore enter the corresponding dataset_key. If not, leave as 'none' and the dataset_key will be automatically generated. override_check (bool, optional): If True, overrides checking the metadata for the file when uploaded. return_metadata (bool, optional): If True, returns metadata for the file after it is uploaded. Returns: None """ if client is None: client = config_client() if type(key_values) != dict: raise ValueError('key_values must be a dictionary') if not override_check: check_key_val(key_values=key_values, df=df, client=client) try: user = getpass.getuser() except: user = 'unknown' key_values.update({'user': user}) key_values = json.dumps([key_values]) if dataset_key is None: dataset_key = bucket +'_'+ filename if type(data) != bytes: fileObj= pickle.dumps(data) else: fileObj = data req = client.ds_datasets.upload_dataset( bucket_name=bucket, title=title, description=description, tags=tags, metadata_obj=key_values, fileObj=fileObj, dataset_key=dataset_key, filename=filename, ) dataset = req.result() if return_metadata: return dataset
[docs] def list_key_values(bucket, input_key, category='experimental', client=None): #TODO: """List the values for input key. Requires that the input key be in the 'approved' list Args: bucket (str or list, optional): buckets to search (defaults to searching all buckets you have access to in the datastore) input_key: user specified key to query category: 'experimental' or 'pdb_bind' client (optional): set client if not using the default Returns: None """ values_for_key=[] if client is None : client = config_client() if key_exists(input_key, bucket, client) : #retrieve lookup table dataset_key = 'kv_lookup_'+ category kv_lookup = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(bucket='default', dataset_key=dataset_key) if input_key in kv_lookup : values_for_key = retrieve_values_for_key(key=input_key, bucket=bucket) else : print("Error Key not on approved list",input_key,kv_lookup) return values_for_key
[docs] def search_files_interactive (bucket='all', client=None, to_return='df', display_all_columns=False, max_rows=10): #TODO: This will replace filter_datasets_interactive eventually. This function uses the new key:value lookup tables """This tool helps you find the files you need via an interactive/guided interface. Args: bucket (str or list, optional): buckets to search (defaults to searching all buckets you have access to in the datastore) client (optional): set client if not using the default to_return (str): 'df' (df_results) = return a pandas dataframe summarizing metadata of files meeting criteria 'search' (search_criteria) = return a list containing search criteria where position 0 = string/list of buckets, and remaining positions are dictionaries of search criteria. Designed to work with 'repeat_defined_search' function. 'oid' (dataset_oid) = return a list of dataset_oids meeting criteria 'ds_key' (dataset_key) = return a list of dataset_key + bucket tuples display_all_columns (bool, optional): If 'False' (default), then show only a selected subset of the columns max_rows (int, optional): maximum rows to display during interactive search Returns: None """ if to_return not in ['df','search','oid','ds_key']: raise ValueError('to_return entry invalid') #configure client if client is None: client = config_client() # determine file category file_categories = retrieve_values_for_key(key='kv_lookup', bucket="default") category="" if len(file_categories) == 1: category = file_categories[0] while category not in file_categories: print('Select file category. Options: ', file_categories) category = input('Enter a selection: ') #retrieve lookup table dataset_key = 'kv_lookup_'+ category kv_lookup = retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(bucket='default', dataset_key=dataset_key) search_criteria = [bucket, {'key':'file_category', 'value':[category], 'operator':'in'}] # used for saving the search for easy retrieval, updated as selections are made used_keys = ['file_category'] # provide list of keys and have user select option print('Select a key from the following list:') keys = retrieve_keys(bucket = bucket) approved_keys = kv_lookup.columns #display only keys that 1) exist, 2) are approved (in kv_lookup table), and 3) not already used. Then sort (ascending). keys = list(set(keys) & set(approved_keys)) for key in used_keys: keys.remove(key) keys = sorted(keys, key = str.lower) #provides examples of types of values associated with the key to help users pick the key they want example_val_list=[] for key in keys: example_val = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) example_val_list.append(example_val) temp_dict={'value_examples': example_val_list, 'keys': keys, } print(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dict)) input_key = "" while input_key not in keys: input_key = input('Enter a key: ') used_keys.append(input_key) # provide list of values and have user select option print("") print('Select value(s) for key=', input_key, 'from the following list: ') values_for_key = retrieve_values_for_key(key=input_key, bucket=bucket) print("") print(values_for_key) print("") values_valid=False operator='in' while values_valid == False: invalid_value = False value = input('Enter value(s) (comma separated for multiple values): ') value = value.replace("'","") value = value.replace("[","") value = value.replace("]","") value = value.split(",") value = [x.strip(' ') for x in value] print('currently value=', value) #delete? if type(values_for_key) == np.ndarray: if '>=' in value[0]: operator='>=' value = value[0].replace(">=","") value = values_for_key[np.where(values_for_key >= int(value))] elif '<=' in value[0]: operator='<=' value = value[0].replace("<=","") value = values_for_key[np.where(values_for_key <= int(value))] elif '>' in value[0]: operator='>' value = value[0].replace(">","") value = values_for_key[np.where(values_for_key > int(value))] elif '<' in value[0]: operator='<' value = value[0].replace("<","") value = values_for_key[np.where(values_for_key < int(value))] else: value = [int(i) for i in value] for value in value: if value not in values_for_key: invalid_value = True print('value %s is not valid ' %value) if invalid_value == False: values_valid = True #save key and value(s) searched search_criteria.append({'key': input_key, 'value': [value], 'operator': "in"}) # return dataframe of datasets meeting user specified criteria dataset_list = search_datasets_by_key_value(key=input_key, value=value, operator=operator, bucket=bucket, display_all_columns=display_all_columns) print('Number of datasets found meeting criteria =', len(dataset_list)) if len(dataset_list) > max_rows: print('Displaying first %s results' %(max_rows)) print(dataset_list.iloc[0:max_rows]) if len(dataset_list) < 2: return dataset_list print("") repeat = "" while repeat not in ['y','n']: repeat = input('Apply additional filter? (y/n)') #-----refine search section ---- while repeat == 'y': key_values = list(dataset_list['metadata']) i = 0 rows = len(key_values) while i < rows: new= key_values.pop(0) if i == 0: key_val = pd.DataFrame(new) else: key_val = key_val.append(new) i = i+1 unique_keys = key_val['key'].unique() print("") print('Select a key from the following list:') unique_keys = list(set(unique_keys) & set(approved_keys)) for key in used_keys: unique_keys.remove(key) unique_keys = sorted(unique_keys, key = str.lower) example_val_list=[] for key in unique_keys: example_val = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) example_val_list.append(example_val) temp_dict={'value_examples': example_val_list, 'keys': unique_keys, } print(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dict)) new_key="" while new_key not in approved_keys: new_key = input('Enter a key: ') used_keys.append(new_key) print("") print('Select value(s) for key=', new_key, 'from the following list: ') values_for_key = key_val[key_val['key'] == new_key] values_for_key = values_for_key['value'].unique() approved_values = list(kv_lookup[new_key].unique()) values_for_key = list(set(values_for_key) & set(approved_values)) print("") print(values_for_key) print("") ## values_valid=False while values_valid == False: invalid_value = False new_value = input("Enter value(s) (comma separated for multiple values) or Enter 'change key' to change the key': ") if new_value == "change key": used_keys.pop() print("") print('Select a key from the following list:') unique_keys = list(set(unique_keys) & set(approved_keys)) unique_keys = sorted(unique_keys, key = str.lower) example_val_list=[] for key in unique_keys: example_val = list(kv_lookup[key].unique()) example_val_list.append(example_val) temp_dict={'value_examples': example_val_list, 'keys': unique_keys, } print(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dict)) new_key="" while new_key not in approved_keys: new_key = input('Enter a key: ') used_keys.append(new_key) print("") print('Select value(s) for key=', new_key, 'from the following list: ') values_for_key = key_val[key_val['key'] == new_key] values_for_key = values_for_key['value'].unique() approved_values = list(kv_lookup[new_key].unique()) values_for_key = list(set(values_for_key) & set(approved_values)) print("") print(values_for_key) print("") new_value = new_value.replace("'","") new_value = new_value.replace("[","") new_value = new_value.replace("]","") new_value = new_value.split(",") new_value = [x.strip(' ') for x in new_value] if type(values_for_key) == np.ndarray: new_value = [int(i) for i in new_value] for value in new_value: if value not in values_for_key: invalid_value = True print('value %s is not valid ' %value) if invalid_value == False: values_valid = True print('values selected =', new_value, type(new_value)) i = 0 new_col = [] #extract the values associated with the key while i < len(dataset_list): r = dataset_list.iloc[i]['metadata'] keys = [] for item in r: keys.append(item['value']) #extracts keys from a keys = str(keys) keys = keys.replace("'","") keys = keys.replace("[","") keys = keys.replace("]","") if i == 0: new_col = [keys] else: new_col.append(keys) i += 1 dataset_list['key_value'] = new_col dataset_list2 = dataset_list[dataset_list['key_value'].str.contains('|'.join(new_value)) ] #save key and value(s) searched search_criteria.append({'key': new_key, 'value': new_value, 'operator': "in"}) print('Number of datasets found meeting criteria =', len(dataset_list2)) if len(dataset_list2) > max_rows: print('Displaying first %s results' %(max_rows)) print(dataset_list2.iloc[0:max_rows]) print("") dataset_list = dataset_list2[:] print('--dataset_list length = ', len(dataset_list)) if len(dataset_list) < 2: repeat = "n" repeat = "" while repeat not in ['y','n']: repeat = input('Apply additional filter? (y/n)') if to_return == 'df': #(df_results) return dataset_list if to_return == 'search': #(search_criteria) print('search_criteria =', search_criteria) return search_criteria if to_return == 'oid': #(dataset_oid) return list(dataset_list['dataset_oid']) if to_return == 'ds_key': #(dataset_key) return list(zip(dataset_list['bucket_name'], dataset_list['dataset_key']))
[docs] def bulk_export_kv_for_files(files, save_as, client=None): #TODO: function is slow. look into speeding up. """exports a csv file with 3 columns: bucket, dataset_key, key/value pairs to make reviewing metadata easier Args: files (list of tuples): format [(bucket1, dataset_key1), (bucket2, dataset_key2)] save_as (str): filename to use for new file Returns: None """ #configure client if client is None: client = config_client() if type(files) is not list: raise ValueError(" 'files' must be a list") file_list = [] summary = [] for item in files: if type(item) is not tuple: raise ValueError("each item in 'files' must be a tuple formatted (bucket, dataset_key)") bucket=item[0] dataset_key=item[1] metadata = get_keyval(bucket=bucket, dataset_key=dataset_key, client=client) file_list = [bucket, dataset_key, metadata] summary.append(file_list) summary = pd.DataFrame(summary) summary.to_csv(save_as)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- #NOTE: Bulk update keys/values function uses this function
[docs] def string_to_dict(dict_string): # Convert to proper json format dict_string = dict_string.replace("'", '"').replace('u"', '"') return json.loads(dict_string)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------- #NOTE: Bulk update keys/values function uses this function
[docs] def string_to_list(list_string): # Convert to proper json format list_string = list_string.replace("'", '').replace("[","").replace("]","").replace(",","").replace('u"', '"') list_string=list_string.split() return list_string
#--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### upload info bor files to change
[docs] def bulk_update_kv(file, client=None, i=0): """this function allows you to upload a properly formatted csv file with 4 columns (order and spelling of headings must match): bucket, dataset_key, kv_add, kv_del the metadata for the files listed will then be updated in the Datastore """ #configure client if client is None: client = config_client() # import file edit_files = pd.read_csv(file) #check headings req_headings = ['bucket', 'dataset_key', 'kv_add', 'kv_del'] cols_used = list(edit_files.columns) if cols_used != req_headings: raise ValueError('headings need to match approved format: bucket, dataset_key, kv_add, kv_del') #loop through files and update metadata for each i = i while i < len(edit_files): row = list(edit_files.iloc[i]) bucket = row[0] dataset_key=row[1] kv_add=row[2] print('i =', i, 'dataset_key = ', dataset_key) if type(kv_add) == str: kv_add=string_to_dict(kv_add) len_add = len(kv_add) else: len_add = 0 kv_del=row[3] if type(kv_del) == str: kv_del=string_to_list(kv_del) len_del = len(kv_del) else: len_del = 0 i += 1 if len_add > 0 and len_del > 0: update_kv(bucket, dataset_key, kv_add=kv_add, kv_del=kv_del, client=client) elif len_add > 0 and len_del == 0: update_kv(bucket, dataset_key, kv_add=kv_add, client=client) elif len_del > 0 and len_add == 0: update_kv(bucket, dataset_key, kv_del=kv_del, client=client)
[docs] def get_key_val(metadata, key=None): """Simple utility to search through list of key value pairs and return values for query key Args: metadata list of key,value pairs (list): a list with position 0 = string/list of buckets, and remaining positions dictionaries of search criteria example: [{'key': 'species', 'value': ['rat'] }, {'key': 'assay_category','value': ['solubility', 'volume_of_distribution']}] key (str): key to search for Returns: returns When key is provide, returns value for matching key if found, None otherwise returns dictionary for the list of key,value pairs when a query key is not provided. """ if key == None : return dict([(kv['key'], kv['value']) for kv in metadata]) else : ret_val=None for elem in metadata : if elem['key'] == key : ret_val=elem['value'] break return ret_val
[docs] def copy_datasets_to_bucket(dataset_keys, from_bucket, to_bucket, ds_client=None): """Copy each named dataset from one bucket to another. Args: dataset_keys (str or list of str): List of dataset_keys for datasets to move. from_bucket (str): Bucket where datasets are now. to_bucket (str): Bucket to move datasets to. Returns: None """ if ds_client is None: ds_client = config_client() if type(dataset_keys) == str: dataset_keys = [dataset_keys] # Copy each dataset for dataset_key in dataset_keys: try: ds_meta = ds_client.ds_datasets.copy_dataset(bucket_name=from_bucket, dataset_key=dataset_key, to_bucket_name=to_bucket).result() except Exception as e: print('Error copying dataset %s\nfrom bucket %s to %s' % (dataset_key, from_bucket, to_bucket)) print(e) continue print('Copied dataset %s to %s' % (dataset_key, to_bucket))