Source code for pipeline.perf_data

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Contains class PerfData and its subclasses, which are objects for collecting and computing model performance metrics
and predictions

from textwrap import wrap
import sklearn.metrics

import deepchem as dc
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, confusion_matrix, average_precision_score, precision_score, recall_score
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, matthews_corrcoef, cohen_kappa_score, log_loss, balanced_accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error

from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import transformations as trans

import pdb

# ******************************************************************************************************************************
[docs] def rms_error(y_real, y_pred): """Calculates the root mean squared error. Score function used for model selection. Args: y_real (np.array): Array of ground truth values y_pred (np.array): Array of predicted values Returns: (np.array): root mean squared error of the input """ return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_real, y_pred))
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[docs] def negative_predictive_value(y_real, y_pred): """Computes negative predictive value of a binary classification model: NPV = TN/(TN+FN). Args: y_real (np.array): Array of ground truth values y_pred (np.array): Array of predicted values Returns: (float): The negative predictive value """ TN = sum((y_pred == 0) & (y_real == 0)) FN = sum((y_pred == 0) & (y_real == 1)) if TN + FN == 0: return 0.0 else: return float(TN)/float(TN+FN)
# ****************************************************************************************************************************** # params.model_choice_score_type must be a key in one of the dictionaries below: regr_score_func = dict(r2 = r2_score, mae = mean_absolute_error, rmse = rms_error) classif_score_func = dict(roc_auc = roc_auc_score, precision = precision_score, ppv = precision_score, recall = recall_score, npv = negative_predictive_value, cross_entropy = log_loss, accuracy = accuracy_score, bal_accuracy = balanced_accuracy_score, avg_precision = average_precision_score, mcc = matthews_corrcoef, kappa = cohen_kappa_score) # The following score types are loss functions, meaning the result must be sign flipped so we can maximize it in model selection loss_funcs = {'mae', 'rmse', 'cross_entropy'} # The following score types for classification require predicted class probabilities rather than class labels as input uses_class_probs = {'roc_auc', 'avg_precision', 'cross_entropy'} # The following classification score types have an 'average' parameter to control how multilabel scores are combined has_average_param = {'roc_auc', 'avg_precision', 'precision', 'recall'} # The following classification score types allow the value 'binary' for the 'average' parameter to make them report scores # for class 1 only binary_average_param = {'precision', 'recall'} # The following classification score types only support binary classifiers binary_class_only = {'npv'} # ******************************************************************************************************************************
[docs] def create_perf_data(prediction_type, model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs): """Factory function that creates the right kind of PerfData object for the given subset, prediction_type (classification or regression) and split strategy (k-fold or train/valid/test). Args: prediction_type (str): classification or regression. model_dataset (ModelDataset): Object representing the full dataset. transformers (list): A list of transformer objects. subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions **kwargs: Additional PerfData subclass arguments Returns: PerfData object Raises: ValueError: if split_strategy not in ['train_valid_test','k_fold_cv'] ValueError: prediction_type not in ['regression','classification'] """ if subset == 'full': split_strategy = 'train_valid_test' else: split_strategy = model_dataset.params.split_strategy if prediction_type == 'regression': if subset == 'full' or split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': # Called simple because no need to track compound IDs across multiple training folds return SimpleRegressionPerfData(model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs) elif split_strategy == 'k_fold_cv': return KFoldRegressionPerfData(model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown split_strategy %s' % split_strategy) elif prediction_type == 'classification': if subset == 'full' or split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': return SimpleClassificationPerfData(model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs) elif split_strategy == 'k_fold_cv': return KFoldClassificationPerfData(model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown split_strategy %s' % split_strategy) elif prediction_type == "hybrid": return SimpleHybridPerfData(model_dataset, transformers, subset, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown prediction type %s' % prediction_type)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class PerfData(object): """Class with methods for accumulating prediction data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Abstract class with concrete subclasses for classification and regression models. """ # **************************************************************************************** def __init__(self, model_dataset, subset): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all PerfData subclasses""" # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_prediction_results(self): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# **************************************************************************************** def _reshape_preds(self, predicted_vals): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class RegressionPerfData(PerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating regression model prediction data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Abstract class with concrete subclasses for different split strategies. Attributes: set in __init__ num_tasks (int): Set to None, the number of tasks num_cmpds (int): Set to None, the number of compounds """ # **************************************************************************************** # class RegressionPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, subset): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all RegressionPerfData subclasses. Side effects: num_tasks (int) is set as a RegressionPerfData attribute num_cmps (int) is set as a RegressionPerfData attribute """ # The code below is to document the atributes that methods in this class expect the # subclasses to define. Subclasses don't actually call this superclass method. self.num_tasks = None self.num_cmpds = None self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None self.weights = None # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# **************************************************************************************** # class RegressionPerfData
[docs] def model_choice_score(self, score_type='r2'): """Computes a score function based on the accumulated predicted values, to be used for selecting the best training epoch and other hyperparameters. Args: score_type (str): The name of the scoring metric to be used, e.g. 'r2', 'neg_mean_squared_error', 'neg_mean_absolute_error', etc.; see and sklearn.metrics.SCORERS.keys() for a complete list of options. Larger values of the score function indicate better models. Returns: score (float): A score function value. For multitask models, this will be averaged over tasks. """ ids, pred_vals, stds = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[nzrows,i]) scores.append(regr_score_func[score_type](task_real_vals, task_pred_vals)) self.model_score = float(np.mean(scores)) if score_type in loss_funcs: self.model_score = -self.model_score return self.model_score
# **************************************************************************************** # class RegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_prediction_results(self): """Returns a dictionary of performance metrics for a regression model. The dictionary values should contain only primitive Python types, so that it can be easily JSONified. Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: pred_results (dict): dictionary of performance metrics for a regression model. """ pred_results = {} # Get the mean and SD of R^2 scores over folds. If only single fold training was done, the SD will be None. r2_means, r2_stds = self.compute_perf_metrics(per_task=True) pred_results['r2_score'] = float(np.mean(r2_means)) if r2_stds is not None: pred_results['r2_std'] = float(np.sqrt(np.mean(r2_stds ** 2))) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_r2_scores'] = r2_means.tolist() if r2_stds is not None: pred_results['task_r2_stds'] = r2_stds.tolist() # Compute some other performance metrics. We do these differently than R^2, in that we compute the # metrics from the average predicted values, rather than computing them separately for each fold # and then averaging the metrics. If people start asking for SDs of MAE and RMSE scores over folds, # we'll change the code to compute all metrics the same way. (ids, pred_vals, pred_stds) = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) mae_scores = [] rms_scores = [] response_means = [] response_stds = [] # Iterate over tasks, call score funcs directly on weight masked values for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[nzrows,i]) mae_scores.append(regr_score_func['mae'](task_real_vals, task_pred_vals)) rms_scores.append(regr_score_func['rmse'](task_real_vals, task_pred_vals)) response_means.append(task_real_vals.mean().tolist()) response_stds.append(task_real_vals.std().tolist()) pred_results['mae_score'] = float(np.mean(mae_scores)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_mae_scores'] = mae_scores pred_results['rms_score'] = float(np.mean(rms_scores)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_rms_scores'] = rms_scores # Add model choice score if one was computed if self.model_score is not None: pred_results['model_choice_score'] = self.model_score pred_results['num_compounds'] = self.num_cmpds pred_results['mean_response_vals'] = response_means pred_results['std_response_vals'] = response_stds return pred_results
# **************************************************************************************** # class RegressionPerfData def _reshape_preds(self, predicted_vals): """Reshape an array of regression model predictions to a standard (ncmpds, ntasks) format. Checks that the task dimension matches what we expect for the dataset. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): array of regression model predictions. Returns: predicted_vals (np.array): reshaped array Raises: ValueError: if the dimensions of the predicted value do not match the dimensions of num_tasks for RegressionPerfData """ # For regression models, predicted_vals can be 1D, 2D or 3D array depending on the type of # underlying DeepChem model. dim = len(predicted_vals.shape) ncmpds = predicted_vals.shape[0] if dim == 1: # Single task model predicted_vals = predicted_vals.reshape((ncmpds,1)) ntasks = 1 else: ntasks = predicted_vals.shape[1] if ntasks != self.num_tasks: raise ValueError("Predicted value dimensions don't match num_tasks for RegressionPerfData") if dim == 3: # FCNet models generate predictions with an extra dimension, possibly for the number of # classes, which is always 1 for regression models. predicted_vals = predicted_vals.reshape((ncmpds,ntasks)) return predicted_vals
# **************************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class HybridPerfData(PerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating regression model prediction data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Abstract class with concrete subclasses for different split strategies. Attributes: set in __init__ num_tasks (int): Set to None, the number of tasks num_cmpds (int): Set to None, the number of compounds """ # **************************************************************************************** # class HybridPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, subset): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all HybridPerfData subclasses. Side effects: num_tasks (int) is set as a HybridPerfData attribute num_cmps (int) is set as a HybridPerfData attribute """ # The code below is to document the atributes that methods in this class expect the # subclasses to define. Subclasses don't actually call this superclass method. self.num_tasks = 2 self.num_cmpds = None self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None self.weights = None # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
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[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# **************************************************************************************** # class HybridPerfData
[docs] def model_choice_score(self, score_type='r2'): """Computes a score function based on the accumulated predicted values, to be used for selecting the best training epoch and other hyperparameters. Args: score_type (str): The name of the scoring metric to be used, e.g. 'r2', 'mae', 'rmse' Returns: score (float): A score function value. For multitask models, this will be averaged over tasks. """ ids, pred_vals, stds = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) scores = [] pos_ki = np.where(np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] pos_bind = np.where(~np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] # score for pKi/IC50 nzrows = np.where(weights[:, 0] != 0)[0] rowki = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_ki) rowbind = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_bind) ki_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowki,0]) ki_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowki,0]) bind_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowbind,0]) bind_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowbind,0]) if len(rowki) > 0: scores.append(regr_score_func[score_type](ki_real_vals, ki_pred_vals)) if len(rowbind) > 0: scores.append(regr_score_func[score_type](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) else: # if all values are dose response activities, use the r2_score above. scores.append(scores[0]) elif len(rowbind) > 0: # all values are single concentration activities. scores.append(regr_score_func[score_type](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) scores.append(scores[0]) self.model_score = float(np.mean(scores)) if score_type in loss_funcs: self.model_score = -self.model_score return self.model_score
# **************************************************************************************** # class HybridPerfData
[docs] def get_prediction_results(self): """Returns a dictionary of performance metrics for a regression model. The dictionary values should contain only primitive Python types, so that it can be easily JSONified. Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: pred_results (dict): dictionary of performance metrics for a regression model. """ pred_results = {} # Get the mean and SD of R^2 scores over folds. If only single fold training was done, the SD will be None. r2_means, r2_stds = self.compute_perf_metrics(per_task=True) pred_results['r2_score'] = float(np.mean(r2_means)) if r2_stds is not None: pred_results['r2_std'] = float(np.sqrt(np.mean(r2_stds ** 2))) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_r2_scores'] = r2_means.tolist() if r2_stds is not None: pred_results['task_r2_stds'] = r2_stds.tolist() # Compute some other performance metrics. We do these differently than R^2, in that we compute the # metrics from the average predicted values, rather than computing them separately for each fold # and then averaging the metrics. If people start asking for SDs of MAE and RMSE scores over folds, # we'll change the code to compute all metrics the same way. (ids, pred_vals, pred_stds) = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) mae_scores = [] rms_scores = [] response_means = [] response_stds = [] pos_ki = np.where(np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] pos_bind = np.where(~np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] # score for pKi/IC50 nzrows = np.where(weights[:, 0] != 0)[0] rowki = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_ki) rowbind = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_bind) ki_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowki,0]) ki_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowki,0]) bind_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowbind,0]) bind_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowbind,0]) if len(rowki) > 0: mae_scores.append(regr_score_func['mae'](ki_real_vals, ki_pred_vals)) rms_scores.append(regr_score_func['rmse'](ki_real_vals, ki_pred_vals)) if len(rowbind) > 0: mae_scores.append(regr_score_func['mae'](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) rms_scores.append(regr_score_func['rmse'](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) else: # if all values are dose response activities, use the r2_score above. mae_scores.append(mae_scores[0]) rms_scores.append(rms_scores[0]) elif len(rowbind) > 0: # all values are single concentration activities. mae_scores.append(regr_score_func['mae'](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) rms_scores.append(regr_score_func['rmse'](bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) mae_scores.append(mae_scores[0]) rms_scores.append(rms_scores[0]) response_means.append(ki_real_vals.mean().tolist()) response_stds.append(ki_real_vals.std().tolist()) response_means.append(bind_real_vals.mean().tolist()) response_stds.append(bind_real_vals.std().tolist()) pred_results['mae_score'] = float(np.mean(mae_scores)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_mae_scores'] = mae_scores pred_results['rms_score'] = float(np.mean(rms_scores)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_rms_scores'] = rms_scores # Add model choice score if one was computed if self.model_score is not None: pred_results['model_choice_score'] = self.model_score pred_results['num_compounds'] = self.num_cmpds pred_results['mean_response_vals'] = response_means pred_results['std_response_vals'] = response_stds return pred_results
# **************************************************************************************** # class HybridPerfData def _reshape_preds(self, predicted_vals): """Reshape an array of regression model predictions to a standard (ncmpds, ntasks) format. Checks that the task dimension matches what we expect for the dataset. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): array of regression model predictions. Returns: predicted_vals (np.array): reshaped array Raises: ValueError: if the dimensions of the predicted value do not match the dimensions of num_tasks for RegressionPerfData """ # hybrid model is highly specific, there is no need to reshape return predicted_vals
# **************************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class ClassificationPerfData(PerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating classification model prediction data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Abstract class with concrete subclasses for different split strategies. Attributes: set in __init__ num_tasks (int): Set to None, the number of tasks num_cmpds (int): Set to None, the number of compounds num_classes (int): Set to None, the number of classes """ # **************************************************************************************** # class ClassificationPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, subset): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all ClassificationPerfData subclasses Side effects: num_tasks (int) is set as a ClassificationPerfData attribute num_cmps (int) is set as a ClassificationPerfData attribute num_classes (int) is set as a ClassificationPerfData attribute """ # TODO: Allow num_classes to vary between tasks in a multitask, multilabel model. # This would require making self.num_classes a list or array. Also, the _reshape_preds method # would have to change to accept and generate lists of (ncmpds, nclasses) arrays, rather than # the 3D (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) arrays generated by DeepChem predict() methods; and downstream # code would have to be modified to deal with these lists. Recommend we hold off dealing with this # until we have some multitask/label datasets and models where it will be necessary. # The code below is to document the atributes that methods in this class expect the # subclasses to define. Subclasses don't actually call this superclass method. self.num_tasks = None self.num_cmpds = None self.num_classes = None self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None self.weights = None # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Raises: NotImplementedError: The method is implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
# **************************************************************************************** # class ClassificationPerfData
[docs] def model_choice_score(self, score_type='roc_auc'): """Computes a score function based on the accumulated predicted values, to be used for selecting the best training epoch and other hyperparameters. Args: score_type (str): The name of the scoring metric to be used, e.g. 'roc_auc', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1'; see and sklearn.metrics.SCORERS.keys() for a complete list of options. Larger values of the score function indicate better models. Returns: score (float): A score function value. For multitask models, this will be averaged over tasks. """ ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values() weights = self.get_weights() scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] average_param = None if self.num_classes > 2: if score_type in binary_class_only: raise ValueError("Model selection by %s score not allowed for multi-label classifiers." % score_type) if score_type in has_average_param: average_param = 'macro' # If more than 2 classes, task_real_vals is indicator matrix (one-hot encoded). task_real_vals = real_vals[nzrows,i,:] task_class_probs = class_probs[nzrows,i,:] task_real_classes = np.argmax(task_real_vals, axis=1) task_pred_classes = np.argmax(task_class_probs, axis=1) else: # sklearn metrics functions are expecting single array of 1s and 0s for task_real_vals # and task_class_probs for class 1 only task_real_vals = real_vals[nzrows,i] task_real_classes = task_real_vals task_class_probs = class_probs[nzrows,i,1] if score_type in binary_average_param: average_param = 'binary' if score_type in uses_class_probs: task_pred_vars = task_class_probs task_real_vars = task_real_vals else: task_pred_vars = pred_classes[nzrows,i] task_real_vars = task_real_classes if average_param is None: scores.append(classif_score_func[score_type](task_real_vars, task_pred_vars)) else: scores.append(classif_score_func[score_type](task_real_vars, task_pred_vars, average=average_param)) self.model_score = float(np.mean(scores)) if score_type in loss_funcs: self.model_score = -self.model_score return self.model_score
# **************************************************************************************** # class ClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_prediction_results(self): """Returns a dictionary of performance metrics for a classification model. The dictionary values will contain only primitive Python types, so that it can be easily JSONified. Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: pred_results (dict): dictionary of performance metrics for a classification model. """ pred_results = {} (ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds) = self.get_pred_values() real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) if self.num_classes > 2: real_val_list = [real_vals[:,i,:] for i in range(self.num_tasks)] class_prob_list = [class_probs[:,i,:] for i in range(self.num_tasks)] real_classes = np.argmax(real_vals, axis=2) else: real_classes = real_vals real_val_list = [real_vals[:,i] for i in range(self.num_tasks)] class_prob_list = [class_probs[:,i,1] for i in range(self.num_tasks)] # Get the mean and SD of ROC AUC scores over folds. If only single fold training was done, the SD will be None. roc_auc_means, roc_auc_stds = self.compute_perf_metrics(per_task=True) pred_results['roc_auc_score'] = float(np.mean(roc_auc_means)) if roc_auc_stds is not None: pred_results['roc_auc_std'] = float(np.sqrt(np.mean(roc_auc_stds ** 2))) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_roc_auc_scores'] = roc_auc_means.tolist() if roc_auc_stds is not None: pred_results['task_roc_auc_stds'] = roc_auc_stds.tolist() # Compute some other performance metrics. We do these differently than ROC AUC, in that we compute the # metrics from the average predicted values, rather than computing them separately for each fold # and then averaging the metrics. If people start asking for SDs of the other metrics over folds, # we'll change the code to compute all metrics the same way. prc_aucs = [] cross_entropies = [] precisions = [] recalls = [] if self.num_classes == 2: npvs = [] accuracies = [] bal_accs = [] kappas = [] matthews_ccs = [] confusion_matrices = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] task_pred_classes = pred_classes[nzrows,i] task_real_classes = real_classes[nzrows,i] if self.num_classes > 2: # If more than 2 classes, task_real_vals is indicator matrix (one-hot encoded). task_real_vals = real_vals[nzrows,i,:] task_class_probs = class_probs[nzrows,i,:] prc_aucs.append(average_precision_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs, average='macro')) precisions.append(float(precision_score(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes, average='macro'))) recalls.append(float(recall_score(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes, average='macro'))) # NPV is not supported for multilabel classifiers, skip it else: # sklearn metrics functions are expecting single array of 1s and 0s for task_real_vals # and task_class_probs for class 1 only task_real_vals = real_vals[nzrows,i] task_class_probs = class_probs[nzrows,i,1] prc_aucs.append(average_precision_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs)) precisions.append(float(precision_score(task_real_vals, task_pred_classes, average='binary'))) recalls.append(float(recall_score(task_real_vals, task_pred_classes, average='binary'))) npvs.append(negative_predictive_value(task_real_vals, task_pred_classes)) cross_entropies.append(log_loss(task_real_vals, task_class_probs)) accuracies.append(accuracy_score(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes)) bal_accs.append(balanced_accuracy_score(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes)) kappas.append(float(cohen_kappa_score(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes))) matthews_ccs.append(float(matthews_corrcoef(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes))) confusion_matrices.append(confusion_matrix(task_real_classes, task_pred_classes).tolist()) pred_results['prc_auc_score'] = float(np.mean(prc_aucs)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_prc_auc_scores'] = prc_aucs pred_results['cross_entropy'] = float(np.mean(cross_entropies)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_cross_entropies'] = cross_entropies # Add model choice score if one was computed if self.model_score is not None: pred_results['model_choice_score'] = self.model_score pred_results['precision'] = float(np.mean(precisions)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_precisions'] = precisions pred_results['recall_score'] = float(np.mean(recalls)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_recalls'] = recalls if self.num_classes == 2: pred_results['npv'] = float(np.mean(npvs)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_npvs'] = npvs pred_results['accuracy_score'] = float(np.mean(accuracies)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_accuracies'] = accuracies pred_results['bal_accuracy'] = float(np.mean(bal_accs)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_bal_accuracies'] = bal_accs pred_results['kappa'] = float(np.mean(kappas)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_kappas'] = kappas pred_results['matthews_cc'] = float(np.mean(matthews_ccs)) if self.num_tasks > 1: pred_results['task_matthews_ccs'] = matthews_ccs pred_results['confusion_matrix'] = confusion_matrices pred_results['num_compounds'] = self.num_cmpds return pred_results
# **************************************************************************************** # class ClassificationPerfData def _reshape_preds(self, predicted_vals): """Reshape an array of classification model predictions to a standard (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) format. Checks that the task and class dimensions match what we expect for the dataset. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): array of classification model predictions Returns: predicted_vals (np.array): reshaped array of classification model predictions """ # For classification models, predicted_vals can be 2D or 3D array depending on whether the # underlying DeepChem or sklearn model supports multitask datasets. dim = len(predicted_vals.shape) ncmpds = predicted_vals.shape[0] if dim == 2: # Single task model ntasks = 1 nclasses = predicted_vals.shape[1] predicted_vals = predicted_vals.reshape((ncmpds, 1, nclasses)) else: ntasks = predicted_vals.shape[1] nclasses = predicted_vals.shape[2] if nclasses != self.num_classes: raise ValueError("Predicted value dimensions doesn't match num_classes for ClassificationPerfData") if ntasks != self.num_tasks: raise ValueError("Predicted value dimensions doesn't match num_tasks for ClassificationPerfData") return predicted_vals
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class KFoldRegressionPerfData(RegressionPerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating regression model prediction data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Arguments: Set in __init__: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred-vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ # **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, transformers, subset, transformed=True): """# Initialize any attributes that are common to all KFoldRegressionPerfData subclasses Args: model_dataset (ModelDataset object): contains the dataset and related methods transformers (list of transformer objects): contains the list of transformers used to transform the dataset subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions transformed (bool): True if values to be passed to accumulate preds function are transformed values Side effects: Sets the following attributes of KFoldRegressionPerfData: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred_vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ self.subset = subset if self.subset in ('train', 'valid', 'train_valid'): dataset = model_dataset.combined_training_data() elif self.subset == 'test': dataset = model_dataset.test_dset else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset subset type "%s"' % self.subset) self.num_cmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] self.num_tasks = dataset.y.shape[1] self.pred_vals = dict([(id, np.empty((0, self.num_tasks), dtype=np.float32)) for id in dataset.ids]) self.folds = 0 self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None # Want predictions and real values to be in the same space, either transformed or untransformed if transformed: # Predictions passed to accumulate_preds() will be transformed self.real_vals, self.weights = model_dataset.get_subset_responses_and_weights(self.subset, []) self.transformers = transformers else: # If these were never transformed, transformers will be [], which is fine with undo_transforms self.real_vals, self.weights = model_dataset.get_subset_responses_and_weights(self.subset, transformers) self.transformers = [] # **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Add training, validation or test set predictions from the current fold to the data structure where we keep track of them. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): Array of the predicted values for the current dataset ids (np.array): An np.array of compound ids for the current dataset pred_stds (np.array): An array of the standard deviation in the predictions, not used in this method Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If Predicted value dimensions don't match num_tasks for RegressionPerfData Side effects: Overwrites the attribute pred_vals Increments folds by 1 """ # For regression models, predicted_vals can be 1D, 2D or 3D array depending on the type of # underlying DeepChem model. Reshape the array to (ncmpds, ntasks) regardless. dim = len(predicted_vals.shape) ncmpds = predicted_vals.shape[0] if dim == 1: # Single task model predicted_vals = predicted_vals.reshape((ncmpds,1)) ntasks = 1 else: ntasks = predicted_vals.shape[1] if ntasks != self.num_tasks: raise ValueError("Predicted value dimensions don't match num_tasks for RegressionPerfData") if dim == 3: # FCNet models generate predictions with an extra dimension, possibly for the number of # classes, which is always 1 for regression models. predicted_vals = predicted_vals.reshape((ncmpds,ntasks)) for i, id in enumerate(ids): self.pred_vals[id] = np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id], predicted_vals[i,:].reshape((1,-1))], axis=0) self.folds += 1 pred_vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(predicted_vals, self.transformers) real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[nzrows,i]) scores.append(regr_score_func['r2'](task_real_vals, task_pred_vals)) self.perf_metrics.append(np.array(scores)) return float(np.mean(scores))
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Returns the predicted values accumulated over training, with any transformations undone. If self.subset is 'train' or 'test', the function will return averages over the training folds for each compound along with standard deviations when there are predictions from multiple folds. Otherwise, returns a single predicted value for each compound. Returns: ids (np.array): list of compound IDs vals (np.array): (ncmpds, ntasks) array of mean predicted values fold_stds (np.array): (ncmpds, ntasks) array of standard deviations over folds if applicable, and None otherwise. """ ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) if self.subset in ['train', 'test', 'train_valid']: rawvals = np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id].mean(axis=0, keepdims=True).reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids]) vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(rawvals, self.transformers) if self.folds > 1: stds = dc.trans.undo_transforms(np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id].std(axis=0, keepdims=True).reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids]), self.transformers) else: stds = None else: rawvals = np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id].reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids], axis=0) vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(rawvals, self.transformers) stds = None return (ids, vals, stds)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Returns the real dataset response values, with any transformations undone, as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array in the same ID order as get_pred_values() (unless ids is specified). Args: ids (list of str): Optional list of compound IDs to return values for. Returns: np.array (ncmpds, ntasks) of the real dataset response values, with any transformations undone, in the same ID order as get_pred_values(). """ if ids is None: ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) real_vals = np.concatenate([self.real_vals[id].reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids], axis=0) return dc.trans.undo_transforms(real_vals, self.transformers)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights, as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array in the same ID order as get_pred_values() (unless ids is specified). Args: ids (list of str): Optional list of compound IDs to return values for. Returns: np.array (ncmpds, ntasks) of the real dataset response weights, in the same ID order as get_pred_values(). """ if ids is None: ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) return np.concatenate([self.weights[id].reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids], axis=0)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldRegressionPerfData
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Computes the R-squared metrics for each task based on the accumulated values, averaged over training folds, along with standard deviations of the scores. If per_task is False, the scores are averaged over tasks and the overall standard deviation is reported instead. Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: A tuple (r2_mean, r2_std): r2_mean: A numpy array of mean R^2 scores for each task, averaged over folds, if per_task is True. Otherwise, a float giving the R^2 score averaged over both folds and tasks. r2_std: A numpy array of standard deviations over folds of R^2 values, if per_task is True. Otherwise, a float giving the overall standard deviation. """ r2_scores = np.stack(self.perf_metrics) if per_task: r2_mean = np.mean(r2_scores, axis=0) r2_std = np.std(r2_scores, axis=0) else: r2_mean = np.mean(r2_scores.flatten()) r2_std = np.std(r2_scores.flatten()) return (r2_mean, r2_std)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class KFoldClassificationPerfData(ClassificationPerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating classification model performance data over multiple cross-validation folds and computing performance metrics after all folds have been run. Attributes: Set in __init__: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred-vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values class_names (np.array): Assumes the classes are of deepchem index type (e.g. 0,1,2,...) num_classes (int): The number of classes to predict on """ # **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, transformers, subset, predict_probs=True, transformed=True): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all KFoldClassificationPerfData subclasses Args: model_dataset (ModelDataset object): contains the dataset and related methods transformers (list of transformer objects): contains the list of transformers used to transform the dataset subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions predict_probs (bool): True if using classifier supports probabilistic predictions, False otherwise transformed (bool): True if values to be passed to accumulate preds function are transformed values Raises: ValueError if subset not in ['train','valid','test'], unsupported dataset subset NotImplementedError if predict_probs is not True, non-probabilistic classifiers are not supported yet Side effects: Sets the following attributes of KFoldClassificationPerfData: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred_vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values in one-hot encoding class_names (np.array): Assumes the classes are of deepchem index type (e.g. 0,1,2,...) num_classes (int): The number of classes to predict on """ self.subset = subset if self.subset in ('train', 'valid', 'train_valid'): dataset = model_dataset.combined_training_data() elif self.subset == 'test': dataset = model_dataset.test_dset else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset subset type "%s"' % self.subset) # All currently used classifiers generate class probabilities in their predict methods; # if in the future we implement a classification algorithm such as kNN that doesn't support # probabilistic predictions, the ModelWrapper for that classifier should pass predict_probs=False # when constructing this object. When that happens, modify the code in this class to support # this option. if not predict_probs: raise NotImplementedError("Need to add support for non-probabilistic classifiers") self.num_cmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] self.num_tasks = dataset.y.shape[1] self.num_classes = len(set(model_dataset.dataset.y.flatten())) self.pred_vals = dict([(id, np.empty((0, self.num_tasks, self.num_classes), dtype=np.float32)) for id in dataset.ids]) real_vals, self.weights = model_dataset.get_subset_responses_and_weights(self.subset, []) self.real_classes = real_vals # Change real_vals to one-hot encoding if self.num_classes > 2: self.real_vals = dict([(id, np.concatenate([dc.metrics.to_one_hot(np.array([class_labels[j]]), self.num_classes) for j in range(self.num_tasks)], axis=0)) for id, class_labels in real_vals.items()]) else: self.real_vals = real_vals self.folds = 0 self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None if transformed: # Predictions passed to accumulate_preds() will be transformed self.transformers = transformers else: self.transformers = [] # **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Add training, validation or test set predictions from the current fold to the data structure where we keep track of them. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): Array of the predicted values for the current dataset ids (np.array): An np.array of compound ids for the current dataset pred_stds (np.array): An array of the standard deviation in the predictions, not used in this method Returns: None Side effects: Overwrites the attribute pred_vals Increments folds by 1 """ class_probs = self._reshape_preds(predicted_vals) for i, id in enumerate(ids): self.pred_vals[id] = np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id], class_probs[i,:,:].reshape((1,self.num_tasks,-1))], axis=0) self.folds += 1 real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) # Break out different predictions for each task, with zero-weight compounds masked out, and compute per-task metrics scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] if self.num_classes > 2: # If more than 2 classes, real_vals is indicator matrix (one-hot encoded). task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i,:]) task_class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms( np.squeeze(class_probs[nzrows,i,:]), self.transformers) scores.append(roc_auc_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs, average='macro')) else: # For binary classifier, sklearn metrics functions are expecting single array of 1s and 0s for real_vals_list, # and class_probs for class 1 only. task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms( np.squeeze(class_probs[nzrows,i,1]), self.transformers) scores.append(roc_auc_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs)) self.perf_metrics.append(np.array(scores)) return float(np.mean(scores))
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Returns the predicted values accumulated over training, with any transformations undone. If self.subset is 'train', 'train_valid' or 'test', the function will return the means and standard deviations of the class probabilities over the training folds for each compound, for each task. Otherwise, returns a single set of predicted probabilites for each validation set compound. For all subsets, returns the compound IDs and the most probable classes for each task. Returns: ids (list): list of compound IDs. pred_classes (np.array): an (ncmpds, ntasks) array of predicted classes. class_probs (np.array): a (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of predicted probabilities for the classes, and prob_stds (np.array): a (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of standard errors over folds for the class probability estimates (only available for the 'train' and 'test' subsets; None otherwise). """ ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) if self.subset in ['train', 'test', 'train_valid']: #class_probs = np.concatenate([dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals[id], self.transformers).mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) # for id in ids], axis=0) #prob_stds = np.concatenate([dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals[id], self.transformers).std(axis=0, keepdims=True) # for id in ids], axis=0) class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms(np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id].mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) for id in ids], axis=0), self.transformers) prob_stds = dc.trans.undo_transforms(np.concatenate([self.pred_vals[id].std(axis=0, keepdims=True) for id in ids], axis=0), self.transformers) else: class_probs = np.concatenate([dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals[id], self.transformers) for id in ids], axis=0) prob_stds = None pred_classes = np.argmax(class_probs, axis=2) return (ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Returns the real dataset response values as an (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of indicator bits (if nclasses > 2) or an (ncmpds, ntasks) array of binary classes (if nclasses == 2), with compound IDs in the same order as in the return from get_pred_values() (unless ids is specified). Args: ids (list of str): Optional list of compound IDs to return values for. Returns: np.array of shape (ncmpds, tasks, nclasses): of either indicator bits or a 2D array of binary classes """ if ids is None: ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) if self.num_classes > 2: return np.concatenate([self.real_vals[id].reshape((1,-1,self.num_classes)) for id in ids], axis=0) else: return np.concatenate([self.real_vals[id].reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids], axis=0)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights, as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array in the same ID order as get_pred_values() (unless ids is specified). Args: ids (list of str): Optional list of compound IDs to return values for. Returns: np.array (ncmpds, ntasks) of the real dataset response weights, in the same ID order as get_pred_values(). """ if ids is None: ids = sorted(self.pred_vals.keys()) return np.concatenate([self.weights[id].reshape((1,-1)) for id in ids], axis=0)
# **************************************************************************************** # class KFoldClassificationPerfData
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Computes the ROC AUC metrics for each task based on the accumulated values, averaged over training folds, along with standard deviations of the scores. If per_task is False, the scores are averaged over tasks and the overall standard deviation is reported instead. Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: A tuple (roc_auc_mean, roc_auc_std): roc_auc_mean: A numpy array of mean ROC AUC scores for each task, averaged over folds, if per_task is True. Otherwise, a float giving the ROC AUC score averaged over both folds and tasks. roc_auc_std: A numpy array of standard deviations over folds of ROC AUC values, if per_task is True. Otherwise, a float giving the overall standard deviation. """ roc_auc_scores = np.stack(self.perf_metrics) if per_task: roc_auc_mean = np.mean(roc_auc_scores, axis=0) roc_auc_std = np.std(roc_auc_scores, axis=0) else: roc_auc_mean = np.mean(roc_auc_scores.flatten()) roc_auc_std = np.std(roc_auc_scores.flatten()) return (roc_auc_mean, roc_auc_std)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class SimpleRegressionPerfData(RegressionPerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating regression model prediction data from training, validation or test sets and computing performance metrics. Attributes: Set in __init__: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred-vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, transformers, subset, transformed=True): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all SimpleRegressionPerfData subclasses Args: model_dataset (ModelDataset object): contains the dataset and related methods transformers (list of transformer objects): contains the list of transformers used to transform the dataset subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions transformed (bool): True if values to be passed to accumulate preds function are transformed values Raises: ValueError: if subset not in ['train','valid','test','full'], subset not supported Side effects: Sets the following attributes of SimpleRegressionPerfData: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred_vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ self.subset = subset if subset == 'train': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][0] elif subset == 'valid': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][1] elif subset == 'test': dataset = model_dataset.test_dset elif subset == 'full': dataset = model_dataset.dataset else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset subset type "%s"' % subset) self.num_cmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] self.num_tasks = dataset.y.shape[1] self.weights = dataset.w self.ids = dataset.ids self.pred_vals = None self.pred_stds = None self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None if transformed: # Predictions passed to accumulate_preds() will be transformed self.transformers = transformers self.real_vals = dataset.y else: self.real_vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(dataset.y, transformers) self.transformers = [] # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Add training, validation or test set predictions to the data structure where we keep track of them. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): Array of predicted values ids (list): List of the compound ids of the dataset pred_stds (np.array): Optional np.array of the prediction standard deviations Side effects: Reshapes the predicted values and the standard deviations (if they are given) """ self.pred_vals = self._reshape_preds(predicted_vals) if pred_stds is not None: self.pred_stds = self._reshape_preds(pred_stds) pred_vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals, self.transformers) real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[nzrows,i]) scores.append(r2_score(task_real_vals, task_pred_vals)) self.perf_metrics.append(np.array(scores)) return float(np.mean(scores))
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Returns the predicted values accumulated over training, with any transformations undone. Returns a tuple (ids, values, stds), where ids is the list of compound IDs, values is a (ncmpds, ntasks) array of predictions, and stds is always None for this class. Returns: Tuple (ids, vals, stds) ids (list): Contains the dataset compound ids vals (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks) array of prediction stds (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks) array of prediction standard deviations """ vals = dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals, self.transformers) stds = None if self.pred_stds is not None: stds = self.pred_stds if len(self.transformers) == 1 and (isinstance(self.transformers[0], dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer) or isinstance(self.transformers[0],trans.NormalizationTransformerMissingData)): # Untransform the standard deviations, if we can. This is a bit of a hack, but it works for # NormalizationTransformer, since the standard deviations used to scale the data are # stored in the transformer object. y_stds = self.transformers[0].y_stds.reshape((1,-1,1)) stds = stds / y_stds return (self.ids, vals, stds)
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Returns the real dataset response values, with any transformations undone, as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array with compounds in the same ID order as in the return from get_pred_values(). Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array: Containing the real dataset response values with transformations undone. """ return dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.real_vals, self.transformers)
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array: Containing the dataset response weights """ return self.weights
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleRegressionPerfData
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Returns the R-squared metrics for each task or averaged over tasks based on the accumulated values Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: A tuple (r2_score, std): r2_score (np.array): An array of scores for each task, if per_task is True. Otherwise, it is a float containing the average R^2 score over tasks. std: Always None for this class. """ r2_scores = self.perf_metrics[0] if per_task or self.num_tasks == 1: return (r2_scores, None) else: return (r2_scores.mean(), None)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class SimpleClassificationPerfData(ClassificationPerfData): """Class with methods for collecting classification model prediction and performance data from single-fold training and prediction runs. Attributes: Set in __init__: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred-vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values class_names (np.array): Assumes the classes are of deepchem index type (e.g. 0,1,2,...) num_classes (int): The number of classes to predict on """ # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, transformers, subset, predict_probs=True, transformed=True): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all SimpleClassificationPerfData subclasses Args: model_dataset (ModelDataset object): contains the dataset and related methods transformers (list of transformer objects): contains the list of transformers used to transform the dataset subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions predict_probs (bool): True if using classifier supports probabilistic predictions, False otherwise transformed (bool): True if values to be passed to accumulate preds function are transformed values Raises: ValueError: if subset not in ['train','valid','test','full'], subset not supported NotImplementedError: if predict_probs is not True, non-probabilistic functions are not supported yet Side effects: Sets the following attributes of SimpleClassificationPerfData: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred_vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values num_classes (int): The number of classes to predict on """ self.subset = subset if subset == 'train': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][0] elif subset == 'valid': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][1] elif subset == 'test': dataset = model_dataset.test_dset elif subset == 'full': dataset = model_dataset.dataset else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset subset type "%s"' % subset) # All currently used classifiers generate class probabilities in their predict methods; # if in the future we implement a classification algorithm such as kNN that doesn't support # probabilistic predictions, the ModelWrapper for that classifier should pass predict_probs=False # when constructing this object. When that happens, modify the code in this class to support # this option. if not predict_probs: raise NotImplementedError("Need to add support for non-probabilistic classifiers") self.num_cmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] if len(dataset.y.shape) > 1: self.num_tasks = dataset.y.shape[1] else: self.num_tasks = 1 self.pred_vals = None self.pred_stds = None self.ids = dataset.ids self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None if transformed: # Predictions passed to accumulate_preds() will be transformed self.transformers = transformers else: self.transformers = [] self.weights = dataset.w # TODO: Everything down to here is same as in SimpleRegressionPerfData.__init__. # TODO: Consider defining a SimplePerfData class with the common stuff in its __init__ # TODO: method, and doing multiple inheritance so we can call it from here. # DeepChem does not currently support arbitary class names in classification datasets; # enforce class indices (0, 1, 2, ...) here. self.class_indeces = list(set(model_dataset.dataset.y.flatten())) self.num_classes = len(self.class_indeces) self.real_classes = dataset.y # Convert true values to one-hot encoding if self.num_classes > 2: self.real_vals = np.concatenate([dc.metrics.to_one_hot(dataset.y[:,j], self.num_classes).reshape(-1,1,self.num_classes) for j in range(self.num_tasks)], axis=1) else: self.real_vals = dataset.y.reshape((-1,self.num_tasks)) # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Add training, validation or test set predictions from the current dataset to the data structure where we keep track of them. Arguments: predicted_vals (np.array): Array of predicted values (class probabilities) ids (list): List of the compound ids of the dataset pred_stds (np.array): Optional np.array of the prediction standard deviations Side effects: Updates self.pred_vals and self.perf_metrics """ class_probs = self.pred_vals = self._reshape_preds(predicted_vals) if pred_stds is not None: self.pred_stds = self._reshape_preds(pred_stds) real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) # Break out different predictions for each task, with zero-weight compounds masked out, and compute per-task metrics scores = [] for i in range(self.num_tasks): nzrows = np.where(weights[:,i] != 0)[0] if self.num_classes > 2: # If more than 2 classes, real_vals is indicator matrix (one-hot encoded). task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i,:]) task_class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms( np.squeeze(class_probs[nzrows,i,:]), self.transformers) scores.append(roc_auc_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs, average='macro')) else: # For binary classifier, sklearn metrics functions are expecting single array of 1s and 0s for real_vals_list, # and class_probs for class 1 only. task_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[nzrows,i]) task_class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms( np.squeeze(class_probs[nzrows,i,1]), self.transformers) scores.append(roc_auc_score(task_real_vals, task_class_probs)) self.perf_metrics.append(np.array(scores)) return float(np.mean(scores))
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Returns the predicted values accumulated over training, with any transformations undone. If self.subset is 'train', the function will average class probabilities over the k-1 folds in which each compound was part of the training set, and return the most probable class. Otherwise, there should be a single set of predicted probabilites for each validation or test set compound. Returns a tuple (ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds), where ids is the list of compound IDs, pred_classes is an (ncmpds, ntasks) array of predicted classes, class_probs is a (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of predicted probabilities for the classes, and prob_stds is a (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of standard errors for the class probability estimates. Returns: Tuple (ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds) ids (list): Contains the dataset compound ids pred_classes (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks) array of prediction classes class_probs (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of predict class probabilities prob_stds (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of standard errors for the class probability estimates """ class_probs = dc.trans.undo_transforms(self.pred_vals, self.transformers) pred_classes = np.argmax(class_probs, axis=2) prob_stds = self.pred_stds return (self.ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds)
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Returns the real dataset response values as an (ncmpds, ntasks, nclasses) array of indicator bits. If nclasses == 2, the returned array has dimension (ncmpds, ntasks). Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array of the response values of the real dataset as indicator bits """ return self.real_vals
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array: Containing the dataset response weights """ return self.weights
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleClassificationPerfData
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Returns the ROC_AUC metrics for each task based on the accumulated predictions. If per_task is False, returns the average ROC AUC over tasks. Args: per_task (bool): Whether to return individual ROC AUC scores for each task Returns: A tuple (roc_auc, std): roc_auc: A numpy array of ROC AUC scores, if per_task is True. Otherwise, a float giving the mean ROC AUC score over tasks. std: Placeholder for an array of standard deviations. Always None for this class. """ roc_auc_scores = self.perf_metrics[0] if per_task or self.num_tasks == 1: return (roc_auc_scores, None) else: return (roc_auc_scores.mean(), None)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class SimpleHybridPerfData(HybridPerfData): """Class with methods for accumulating hybrid model prediction data from training, validation or test sets and computing performance metrics. Attributes: Set in __init__: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred-vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results folds (int): Initialized at zero, flag for determining which k-fold is being assessed transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData def __init__(self, model_dataset, transformers, subset, is_ki, ki_convert_ratio=None, transformed=True): """Initialize any attributes that are common to all SimpleRegressionPerfData subclasses Args: model_dataset (ModelDataset object): contains the dataset and related methods transformers (list of transformer objects): contains the list of transformers used to transform the dataset subset (str): Label in ['train', 'valid', 'test', 'full'], indicating the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions is_ki: whether the dose-response activity is Ki or IC50, it will decide how to convert them into single concentration activities. ki_convert_ratio: If the given activity is pKi, a ratio to convert Ki into IC50 is needed. It can be the ratio of concentration and Kd of the radioligand in a competitive binding assay, or the concentration of the substrate and Michaelis constant (Km) of enzymatic inhibition assay. transformed (bool): True if values to be passed to accumulate preds function are transformed values Raises: ValueError: if subset not in ['train','valid','test','full'], subset not supported Side effects: Sets the following attributes of SimpleRegressionPerfData: subset (str): Label of the type of subset of dataset for tracking predictions num_cmps (int): The number of compounds in the dataset num_tasks (int): The number of tasks in the dataset pred_vals (dict): The dictionary of prediction results transformers (list of Transformer objects): from input arguments real_vals (dict): The dictionary containing the origin response column values """ self.subset = subset if subset == 'train': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][0] elif subset == 'valid': dataset = model_dataset.train_valid_dsets[0][1] elif subset == 'test': dataset = model_dataset.test_dset elif subset == 'full': dataset = model_dataset.dataset else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset subset type "%s"' % subset) self.num_cmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] self.num_tasks = dataset.y.shape[1] self.weights = dataset.w self.ids = dataset.ids self.pred_vals = None self.pred_stds = None self.perf_metrics = [] self.model_score = None self.is_ki = is_ki self.ki_convert_ratio = ki_convert_ratio if transformed: # Predictions passed to accumulate_preds() will be transformed self.transformers = transformers self.real_vals = dataset.y else: self.real_vals = transformers[0].untransform(dataset.y) self.transformers = [] # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData
[docs] def accumulate_preds(self, predicted_vals, ids, pred_stds=None): """Add training, validation or test set predictions to the data structure where we keep track of them. Args: predicted_vals (np.array): Array of predicted values ids (list): List of the compound ids of the dataset pred_stds (np.array): Optional np.array of the prediction standard deviations Side effects: Reshapes the predicted values and the standard deviations (if they are given) """ self.pred_vals = self._reshape_preds(predicted_vals) if pred_stds is not None: self.pred_stds = self._reshape_preds(pred_stds) # pred_vals = self.transformers[0].untransform(self.pred_vals, isreal=False) pred_vals = self.pred_vals real_vals = self.get_real_values(ids) weights = self.get_weights(ids) scores = [] pos_ki = np.where(np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] pos_bind = np.where(~np.isnan(real_vals[:, 1]))[0] # score for pKi/IC50 nzrows = np.where(weights[:, 0] != 0)[0] rowki = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_ki) rowbind = np.intersect1d(nzrows, pos_bind) ki_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowki,0]) ki_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowki,0]) bind_real_vals = np.squeeze(real_vals[rowbind,0]) bind_pred_vals = np.squeeze(pred_vals[rowbind,0]) if len(rowki) > 0: scores.append(r2_score(ki_real_vals, ki_pred_vals)) if len(rowbind) > 0: scores.append(r2_score(bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) else: # if all values are dose response activities, use the r2_score above. scores.append(scores[0]) elif len(rowbind) > 0: # all values are single concentration activities. scores.append(r2_score(bind_real_vals, bind_pred_vals)) scores.append(scores[0]) self.perf_metrics.append(np.array(scores)) return float(np.mean(scores))
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData def _predict_binding(self, activity, conc): """Predict measurements of fractional binding/inhibition of target receptors by a compound with the given activity, in -Log scale, at the specified concentration in nM. If the given activity is pKi, a ratio to convert Ki into IC50 is needed. It can be the ratio of concentration and Kd of the radioligand in a competitive binding assay, or the concentration of the substrate and Michaelis constant (Km) of enzymatic inhibition assay. """ if self.is_ki: if self.ki_convert_ratio is None: raise Exception("Ki converting ratio is missing. Cannot convert Ki into IC50") Ki = 10**(9-activity) IC50 = Ki * (1 + self.ki_convert_ratio) else: IC50 = 10**(9-activity) pred_frac = 1.0/(1.0 + IC50/conc) return pred_frac # **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData
[docs] def get_pred_values(self): """Returns the predicted values accumulated over training, with any transformations undone. Returns a tuple (ids, values, stds), where ids is the list of compound IDs, values is a (ncmpds, ntasks) array of predictions, and stds is always None for this class. Returns: Tuple (ids, vals, stds) ids (list): Contains the dataset compound ids vals (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks) array of prediction stds (np.array): Contains (ncmpds, ntasks) array of prediction standard deviations """ vals = self.pred_vals # pos_bind = np.where(~np.isnan(self.real_vals[:,1]))[0] # vals[pos_bind, 0] = self._predict_binding(vals[pos_bind, 0], self.real_vals[pos_bind, 1]) stds = None return (self.ids, vals, stds)
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData
[docs] def get_real_values(self, ids=None): """Returns the real dataset response values, with any transformations undone, as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array with compounds in the same ID order as in the return from get_pred_values(). Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array: Containing the real dataset response values with transformations undone. """ return self.transformers[0].untransform(self.real_vals)
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData
[docs] def get_weights(self, ids=None): """Returns the dataset response weights as an (ncmpds, ntasks) array Args: ids: Ignored for this class Returns: np.array: Containing the dataset response weights """ return self.weights
# **************************************************************************************** # class SimpleHybridPerfData
[docs] def compute_perf_metrics(self, per_task=False): """Returns the R-squared metrics for each task or averaged over tasks based on the accumulated values Args: per_task (bool): True if calculating per-task metrics, False otherwise. Returns: A tuple (r2_score, std): r2_score (np.array): An array of scores for each task, if per_task is True. Otherwise, it is a float containing the average R^2 score over tasks. std: Always None for this class. """ r2_scores = self.perf_metrics[0] if per_task or self.num_tasks == 1: return (r2_scores, None) else: return (r2_scores.mean(), None)
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class EpochManager: """Manages lists of PerfDatas This class manages lists of PerfDatas as well as variables related to iteratively training a model over several epochs. This class sets several varaibles in a given ModelWrapper for the sake of backwards compatibility Attributes: Set in __init__: _subsets (dict): Must contain the keys 'train', 'valid', 'test'. The values are used as subsets when calling create_perf_data. _model_choice_score_type (str): Passed into PerfData.model_choice_score _log (logger): This is the from wrapper.log _should_stop (bool): True when training as satisfied stopping conditions. Either it has reached the max number of epochs or has exceeded early_stopping_patience wrapper (ModelWrapper): The model wrapper where this object is being used. _new_best_valid_score (function): This function takes no arguments and is called whenever a new best validation score is achieved. """ # **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager def __init__(self, wrapper, subsets={'train':'train', 'valid':'valid', 'test':'test'}, production=False, **kwargs): """Initialize EpochManager Args: wrapper (ModelWrapper): The ModelWrapper that's doing the training subsets (dict): Must contain the keys 'train', 'valid', 'test'. The values are used as subsets when calling create_perf_data. production (bool): True if this is running in production mode. kwargs (dict): Additional keyword args are passed to create_perf_data. The subset argument should not be passed. Side effects: Creates the following attributes in wrapper: best_epoch best_valid_score train_epoch_perfs valid_epoch_perfs test_epoch_perfs train_epoch_perf_stds valid_epoch_perf_stds test_epoch_perf_stds model_choice_scores early_stopping_min_improvement early_stopping_patience train_perf_data valid_perf_data test_perf_data """ params = wrapper.params self.production = production self._subsets = subsets self._model_choice_score_type = params.model_choice_score_type self._log = wrapper.log self._should_stop = False self.wrapper = wrapper self._new_best_valid_score = lambda: False self.wrapper.best_epoch = 0 self.wrapper.best_valid_score = None self.wrapper.train_epoch_perfs = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.valid_epoch_perfs = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.test_epoch_perfs = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.train_epoch_perf_stds = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.valid_epoch_perf_stds = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.test_epoch_perf_stds = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.model_choice_scores = np.zeros(params.max_epochs) self.wrapper.early_stopping_min_improvement = params.early_stopping_min_improvement self.wrapper.early_stopping_patience = params.early_stopping_patience self.wrapper.train_perf_data = [] self.wrapper.valid_perf_data = [] self.wrapper.test_perf_data = [] for _ in range(params.max_epochs): self.wrapper.train_perf_data.append( create_perf_data(subset=self._subsets['train'], **kwargs)) self.wrapper.valid_perf_data.append( create_perf_data(subset=self._subsets['valid'], **kwargs)) self.wrapper.test_perf_data.append( create_perf_data(subset=self._subsets['test'], **kwargs)) # **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def should_stop(self): """Returns True when the training loop should stop Returns: bool: True when the training loop should stop """ return self._should_stop
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def update_epoch(self, ei, train_dset=None, valid_dset=None, test_dset=None): """Update training state after an epoch This function updates train/valid/test_perf_data. Call this function once per epoch. Call self.should_stop() after calling this function to see if you should exit the training loop. Subsets with None arguments will be ignored Args: ei (int): The epoch index train_dset ( The train dataset valid_dset ( The valid dataset. Providing this argument updates best_valid_score and _should_stop test_dset ( The test dataset Returns: list: A list of performance values for the provided datasets. Side effects: This function updates self._should_stop """ train_perf = self.update(ei, 'train', train_dset) valid_perf = self.update(ei, 'valid', valid_dset) test_perf = self.update(ei, 'test', test_dset) return [p for p in [train_perf, valid_perf, test_perf] if not(p is None)]
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def accumulate(self, ei, subset, dset): """Accumulate predictions Makes predictions, accumulate predictions and calculate the performance metric. Calls PerfData.accumulate_preds belonging to the epoch, subset, and given dataset. Args: ei (int): Epoch index subset (str): Which subset, should be train, valid, or test. dset ( Calculates the performance for the given dset Returns: float: Performance metric for the given dset. """ pred = self._make_pred(dset) perf = getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_perf_data')[ei].accumulate_preds(pred, dset.ids) return perf
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def compute(self, ei, subset): """Computes performance metrics This calls PerfData.compute_perf_metrics and saves the result in f'{subset}_epoch_perfs' Args: ei (int): Epoch index subset (str): Which subset to compute_perf_metrics. Should be train, valid, or test Returns: None """ getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_epoch_perfs')[ei], _ = \ getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_perf_data')[ei].compute_perf_metrics()
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def update_valid(self, ei): """Checks validation score Checks validation performance of the given epoch index. Updates self._should_stop, checks on early stopping conditions, calls self._new_best_valid_score() when necessary. Args: ei (int): Epoch index Returns: None Side effects: Updates self._should_stop when it's time to exit the training loop. """ valid_score = self.wrapper.valid_perf_data[ei].model_choice_score(self._model_choice_score_type) self.wrapper.model_choice_scores[ei] = valid_score if self.wrapper.best_valid_score is None or self.production: # If we're in production mode, every epoch is the new best epoch self._new_best_valid_score() self.wrapper.best_valid_score = valid_score self.wrapper.best_epoch = ei"Total score for epoch {ei} is {valid_score:.3}") elif valid_score - self.wrapper.best_valid_score > self.wrapper.early_stopping_min_improvement: self._new_best_valid_score() self.wrapper.best_valid_score = valid_score self.wrapper.best_epoch = ei"*** Total score for epoch {ei} is {valid_score:.3}, is new maximum") elif ei - self.wrapper.best_epoch > self.wrapper.early_stopping_patience:"No improvement after {self.wrapper.early_stopping_patience} epochs, stopping training") self._should_stop = True
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def update(self, ei, subset, dset=None): """Update training state Updates the training state for a given subset and epoch index with the given dataset. Args: ei (int): Epoch index. subset (str): Should be train, valid, test dset ( Updates using this dset Returns: perf (float): the performance of the given dset. """ if dset is None: return None perf = self.accumulate(ei, subset, dset) self.compute(ei, subset) if subset == 'valid': self.update_valid(ei) return perf
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def set_make_pred(self, functional): """Sets the function used to make predictions Sets the function used to make predictions. This must be called before invoking self.update and self.accumulate Args: functional (function): This function takes one argument, a, and returns an array of predictions for that dset. This function is called when updating the training state after a given epoch. Returns: None Side effects: Saves the functional as self._make_pred """ self._make_pred = functional
# **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManager
[docs] def on_new_best_valid(self, functional): """Sets the function called when a new best validation score is achieved Saves the function called when there's a new best validation score. Args: functional (function): This function takes no arguments and returns nothing. This function is called when there's a new best validation score. This can be used to tell the ModelWrapper to save the model. Returns: None Side effects: Saves the _new_best_valid_score function. """ self._new_best_valid_score = functional
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] class EpochManagerKFold(EpochManager): """This class manages the training state when using KFold cross validation. This is necessary because this manager uses f'{subset}_epoch_perf_stds' unlike EpochManager """ # **************************************************************************************** # class EpochManagerKFold
[docs] def compute(self, ei, subset): """Calls PerfData.compute_perf_metrics() This differs from EpochManager.compute in that it saves the results into f'{subset}_epoch_perf_stds' Args: ei (int): Epoch index subset (str): Should be train, valid, test. Returns: None """ getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_epoch_perfs')[ei], getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_epoch_perf_stds')[ei]= \ getattr(self.wrapper, f'{subset}_perf_data')[ei].compute_perf_metrics()