Source code for pipeline.parameter_parser

import argparse
import json
import sys
from time import process_time
import typing
import os
import re
import logging
import datetime
import pdb

import deepchem.models as dcm
import deepchem.models.torch_models as dcmt
import deepchem.feat as dcf
import inspect

import os.path
import atomsci.ddm.utils.checksum_utils as cu
import atomsci.ddm.utils.many_to_one as mto

from packaging.version import parse

log = logging.getLogger('ATOM')
# TODO: mjt, do we need to deal with parameters with options?
# e.g. ["dk","d","r","s","f","n","dd","sl","y"]

# model white list
# TODO: he6, we need to set model_dir using the existing parameter name.
# possibly use dest, and make exctract parameters aware of that change.
# mode to prediction_type, n_tasks, to num_model_tasks
# Dictionary containing synonyms. Keyed on deepchem names with AMPL values
# e.g. DeepChem's mode is the same as AMPL's prediction_type
parameter_synonyms = {'mode':'prediction_type',

model_wl = {'AttentiveFPModel':dcm.AttentiveFPModel, 
            'PytorchMPNNModel':dcmt.MPNNModel}#, dcm.GCNModel, dcm.GATModel]

# featurizer white list
featurizer_wl = {'MolGraphConvFeaturizer':dcf.MolGraphConvFeaturizer,

[docs] def all_auto_arguments(): """Returns a set of all arguments that get automatically added Args: None Returns: set: A set of all arguments that were automatically added. """ result = [] for k,m in model_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=m, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.all_prefixed_names() result += prefixed_names for k,f in featurizer_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=f, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.all_prefixed_names() result += prefixed_names return set(result)
[docs] def all_auto_int_lists(): """Returns a set of all arguments that are automatically added and accept a list of ints. Args: None Returns: set: A set of automatically added arugments that could accept a list of ints. """ result = [] for k,m in model_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=m, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_int_args() result += prefixed_names for k,f in featurizer_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=f, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_int_args() result += prefixed_names return set(result)
[docs] def all_auto_float_lists(): """Returns a set of all arguments that are automatically added and accept a list of float. Args: None Returns: A set of automatically added arguments that accept a list of floats """ result = [] for k,m in model_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=m, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_float_args() result += prefixed_names for k,f in featurizer_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=f, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_float_args() result += prefixed_names return set(result)
[docs] def all_auto_lists(): """Returns a set of all arguments that get automatically added and are lists Args: None Returns: set: A set of automatically added arguments that accept a list. """ result = [] for k,m in model_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=m, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_args() result += prefixed_names for k,f in featurizer_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=f, prefix=k) prefixed_names = aaa.get_list_args() result += prefixed_names return set(result)
[docs] def extract_model_params(params, strip_prefix=True): """Extracts parameters meant for a specific model. Use only for arguments automatically added by an AutoArgumentAdder Args: params (Namespace): Parameter Namespace strip_prefix (bool): Automatically added parameters come with a prefix. When True, the prefix is removed. e.g. AttentiveFP_mode becomes mode Returns: dict: A subset of parameters from params that should be passed on to the model """ assert params.model_type in model_wl aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(model_wl[params.model_type], params.model_type) return aaa.extract_params(params, strip_prefix=strip_prefix)
[docs] def extract_featurizer_params(params, strip_prefix=True): """Extracts parameters meant for a specific featurizer. Use only for arguments automatically added by an AutoArgumentAdder Args: params (Namespace): Parameter Namespace strip_prefix (bool): Automatically added parameters come with a prefix. When True, the prefix is removed. e.g. MolGraphConvFeaturizer_use_edges becomes use_edges Returns: dict: A subset of parameters from params that should be passed on to the featurizer """ assert params.featurizer in featurizer_wl aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(featurizer_wl[params.featurizer], params.featurizer) return aaa.extract_params(params, strip_prefix=strip_prefix)
[docs] def is_primative_type(t): """Returns true if t is of type int, str, or float Args: t (type): A type Returns: bool. True if type is int, str, or float """ return t == int or t == str or t == float
[docs] def primative_type_only(type_annotation): """Given annotation, return only primative types that can be read in from commandline, int, float, and str. Default return value is str, which is default for type parameter in add_arguments Args: type_annotation (type): A type annotation. Returns: type: One of 3 choices, int, float, str """ if is_primative_type(type_annotation): return type_annotation annots = strip_optional(type_annotation=type_annotation) if len(annots) > 1: for t in annots: if is_primative_type(t): return t return str else: return str
[docs] def is_list_int(p, type_annotation): """Given parameter name and annotation, returns true if this accepts an integer list Returns False on generic list will only return true for 'typing.List[int]' Performs recursive earch in case of typing.Union Args: p (str): A parameter name. type_annotation (object): This is a type annotation returned by the inspect module Returns: boolean: If this annotation will accept a List[int] """ # some guesses because annotations aren't always 100% correct. if 'graph_conv_layers' in p: return True annots = strip_optional(type_annotation=type_annotation) if len(annots) > 1: for t in annots: if is_list_int(p, t): return True return False else: return str(type_annotation) == 'typing.List[int]'
[docs] def is_list_float(p, type_annotation): """Given paramter name and annotation, returns true if it accepts a float list Returns False on generic list will only return true for 'typing.List[float]' Performs recursive earch in case of typing.Union Args: p (str): A parameter name. type_annotation (object): This is a type annotation returned by the inspect module Returns: boolean: If this annotation will accept a List[float] """ ta = str(type_annotation) annots = strip_optional(type_annotation=type_annotation) if len(annots) > 1: for t in annots: if is_list_float(p, t): return True return False else: return ta == 'typing.List[float]'
[docs] def is_list(p, type_annotation): """Given paramter name and annotation, returns true if it accepts a list Returns False on generic list will only return true for 'typing.List' or <class 'list'> Performs recursive earch in case of typing.Union Args: p (str): A parameter name. type_annotation (object): This is a type annotation returned by the inspect module Returns: boolean: If this annotation will accept a List """ # some guesses because annotations aren't always 100% correct. if 'graph_conv_layers' in p: return True annots = strip_optional(type_annotation=type_annotation) if len(annots) > 1: for t in annots: if is_list(p, t): return True return False else: type_annotation = annots[0] return str(type_annotation).startswith('typing.List') or str(type_annotation) == "<class 'list'>"
[docs] def strip_optional(type_annotation): """In the upgrade to python 3.9 type_annotaions now use typeing.Optional and we need to strip that off. Args: type_annotation (object): This is a type annotation returned by the inspect module Returns: list(type_annotation) or the __args__ of typing.Optional or typing.Union """ ta = str(type_annotation) # could not find a better way to do this check: # if ta.startswith('typing.Union') or ta.startswith('typing.Optional'): return type_annotation.__args__ else: return [type_annotation]
[docs] class AutoArgumentAdder: """Finds, manages, and adds all parameters of an object to a argparse parser AutoArgumentAdder recursively finds all keyword arguments of a given object. A prefix is added to each keyword argument to prevent collisions and help distinguish automatically added arguments from normal arguments. Attributes: func (object): The original object e.g. dcm.AttentiveFPModel funcs (List[object]): A list of parents. e.g. KerasModel prefix (str): A prefix for arguments. e.g. 'AttentiveFPModel' types (dict): A mapping between parameter names and types. Prefixes are not used in the keys. used_by (dict): A mapping between parameter names (no prefix) and the object or objects that use that parameter. args (set): A set of all argument names """ def __init__(self, func, prefix): """Initialize all attributes with given object Args: func (object): Input object. e.g. dcm.AttentiveFPModel prefix (str): A prefix used to distinguish arguments from default AMPL arguments Returns: None """ self.func = func # original function e.g. dcm.AttentiveFPModel self.funcs = [] # a list of all parents. e.g. KerasModel self.prefix = prefix # name of original function e.g. AttentiveFPModel self.types = {} # parameter names to types self.used_by = {} # mapping parameter names to an element in funcs self.args = set() # set of arguments self._add_all_keyword_arguments() def _add_all_keyword_arguments(self): """Recursively explores self.func and its parents to find all keyword arguments. The type and which object uses each argument is recorded Args: None Returns: None """ self.funcs.append(self.func) current_funcs = [self.func] while len(current_funcs)>0: # get something off bottom of the list current_func = current_funcs.pop(0) # add the bases to the list current_funcs = current_funcs + list(current_func.__bases__) # look at arguments for this function spec = inspect.getfullargspec(current_func) args = set(spec.args) if args is None: continue # Remove all self arguments if 'self' in args: args.remove('self') # add set of args self.args = self.args.union(args) # keep track of which functions use which arguments func_name = str(current_func) for a in args: if a in self.used_by: self.used_by[a].append(func_name) else: self.used_by[a] = [func_name] # keep track of types for each argument for a in args: # find type of argument if a in spec.annotations: t = spec.annotations[a] else: # guess if there is no annotation e.g. MPNN has no annotations if a.startswith('n_') or 'num_' in a or a.startswith('number_'): t = int else: t = str if a in self.types: # do not overwrite args already in self.types continue else: self.types[a] = t def _make_param_name(self, arg_name): """Combines the prefix and argument name Args: arg_name (str): The name of an argument Returns: str: The same argument with a prefix. """ return f'{self.prefix}_{arg_name}'
[docs] def all_prefixed_names(self): """Returns a list of all argument names with prefixes added Args: None Returns: List[str]: A list of all arguments with prefix added """ return [self._make_param_name(p) for p in self.args]
[docs] def add_to_parser(self, parser): """Adds expected parameters to an argparse.ArgumentParser. Checks to see if the argument has synonyms e.g. mode and prediction_type and sets dest accordingly. All parameters have default=None, this is checked later in self.extract_params. None parameters are not passed on so we can use default parameters set by DeepChem. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): An argument parser Returns: None """ for p in self.args: p_name = f'--{self._make_param_name(p)}' t = self.types[p] pt = primative_type_only(t) if p in parameter_synonyms: # don't set default or type. e.g. learning_rate in AMPL is a str where as DeepChem # expects a float parser.add_argument(p_name, dest=parameter_synonyms[p], help=f'Auto added argument used in one of these: '+', '.join(self.used_by[p])) else: parser.add_argument(p_name, type=pt, default=None, help=f'Auto added argument used in one of these: '+', '.join(self.used_by[p]))
[docs] def extract_params(self, params, strip_prefix=False): """Extracts non-None parameters from the given Namespace. Args: params (Namespace): Parameters. strip_prefix (bool): Strips off the prefix of the parameter. e.g. AttentiveFP_mode becomes mode Returns: dict: Dictionary containing a subset of parameters that are expected by this function. """ args = {} params = vars(params) for p in self.args: p_name = self._make_param_name(p) # check to see if the argument is in params if p_name in params: v = params[p_name] elif p in parameter_synonyms: # if it's not found, it might be a synonym v = params[parameter_synonyms[p]] else: v = None # parameter is not found and assumed to not be set # unset parameters are not passed on if v is None: continue # Pass on set parameters if strip_prefix: args[p] = v else: args[p_name] = v return args
[docs] def get_list_int_args(self): """Returns a list of arguments that accept a List[int] Args: None Returns: List[str]: A list of prefixed argument names that will accept a List[int] """ return [self._make_param_name(p) for p in self.args if is_list_int(p, self.types[p])]
[docs] def get_list_float_args(self): """Returns a list of arguments that accept a List[float] Args: None Returns: List[str]: A list of prefixed argument names that will accept a List[float] """ return [self._make_param_name(p) for p in self.args if is_list_float(p, self.types[p])]
[docs] def get_list_args(self): """Returns a list of arguments that accept a List Args: None Returns: List[str]: A list of prefixed argument names that will accept a List """ return [self._make_param_name(p) for p in self.args if is_list(p, self.types[p])]
# Parameters that may take lists of values, usually but not always in the context of a hyperparam search convert_to_float_list = {'dropouts','weight_init_stddevs','bias_init_consts','learning_rate', 'umap_targ_wt', 'umap_min_dist', 'dropout_list','weight_decay_penalty', 'xgb_learning_rate', 'xgb_gamma', "xgb_min_child_weight", "xgb_subsample", "xgb_colsample_bytree", "ki_convert_ratio" } convert_to_int_list = {'layer_sizes','rf_max_features','rf_estimators', 'rf_max_depth', 'umap_dim', 'umap_neighbors', 'layer_nums', 'node_nums', 'xgb_max_depth', 'xgb_n_estimators'}.union(all_auto_int_lists()) convert_to_numeric_list = convert_to_float_list | convert_to_int_list keep_as_list = {'dropouts','weight_init_stddevs','bias_init_consts', 'layer_sizes','dropout_list','layer_nums'}.union(all_auto_lists()) not_a_list_outside_of_hyperparams = {'learning_rate','weight_decay_penalty', 'xgb_learning_rate', 'xgb_gamma', 'xgb_min_child_weight', 'xgb_subsample', 'xgb_colsample_bytree', 'xgb_max_depth', 'xgb_n_estimators' } convert_to_str_list = \ {'response_cols','model_type','featurizer','splitter','umap_metric','weight_decay_penalty_type','descriptor_type'} not_a_str_list_outside_of_hyperparams = \ {'model_type','featurizer','splitter','umap_metric','weight_decay_penalty_type','descriptor_type'} #**********************************************************************************************************
[docs] def to_str(params_obj): """Converts a namespace.argparse object or a dict into a string for command line input Args: params_obj (argparse.Namespace or dict): an argparse namespace object or dict to be converted into a command line input. E.g. params_obj = argparse.Namespace(arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2, arg3 = val3) OR params_obj = {'arg1':val1, 'arg2':val2, 'arg3':val3} Returns: str_params (str): parameters in string format E.g. str_params = '--arg1 val1 --arg2 val2 --arg3 val3' """ # This command converts the namespace_obj to a dict, with the spaces replaced with # a temporary string. if type(params_obj) == dict: strobj = dict_to_list(params_obj,replace_spaces=True) else: strobj = dict_to_list(vars(params_obj),replace_spaces=True) separator = " " str_params = separator.join(strobj) return str_params
[docs] def wrapper(*any_arg): """Wrapper to handle the ParseParams class. Calls the correct method depending on the input argument type Args: *any_arg: any single input of a str, dict, ar/printgparse.Namespace, or list Returns: argparse.Namespace: a Namespace.argparse object containing default parameters + user specified parameters Raises: TypeError: Input argument must be a configuration file (str), dict, argparse.Namespace, or list """ if len(any_arg) == 1: inp_arg = any_arg[0] if isinstance(inp_arg,str): list_inp = parse_config_file(config_file_path = inp_arg) return parse_command_line(list_inp) elif isinstance(inp_arg, (dict,argparse.Namespace)): list_inp = parse_namespace(inp_arg) return parse_command_line(list_inp) elif isinstance(inp_arg, list): # This conditional statement checks for the positional argument '--config_file' # and parses the input .json configuration file into a list type input if inp_arg[0] == '--config_file' or inp_arg[0] == '--config': list_inp = parse_config_file(config_file_path = inp_arg[1]) # If there are additional arguments beyond the config_file input # the following if statement properly appends the remaining arguments # if len(inp_arg) > 2: just_args = [x for x in inp_arg[2:] if "--" in x] for item in just_args: if item in list_inp: idx = list_inp.index(item) if "--" in list_inp[idx+1]: list_inp[idx:idx+1] = [] else: list_inp[idx:idx+2] = [] list_inp += inp_arg[2:] return parse_command_line(list_inp) elif len(inp_arg) == 1: if inp_arg[0][0:9] == 'Namespace': eval_arg = eval('argparse.' + inp_arg[0]) print(eval_arg) else: eval_arg = eval(inp_arg[0]) if isinstance(eval_arg, (dict,argparse.Namespace)): list_inp = parse_namespace(eval_arg) return parse_command_line(list_inp) else: return parse_command_line(eval_arg) else: return parse_command_line(inp_arg) else: raise TypeError("Input argument must be a configuration file (str), dict, argparse.Namespace, or list") else: raise TypeError("Input argument must be a configuration file (str), dict, argparse.Namespace, or list")
[docs] def parse_config_file(config_file_path): """Method to convert a .json configuration file to a Namespace object. Does the following conversions: .json -> hierarchical dict -> flat dict -> dict_to_list. WARNING: if there are two identical parameters on the same hierarchical level in the config.json, the .json will inherently silence the parameter higher up on the list without flagging a duplication. However, duplicate parameters in two different hierarchies or subdictionaries will be flagged by this parser. Args: config_file_path(str): PATH to configuration .json file Returns: argparse.Namespace: a Namespace.argparse object containing default parameters + user specified parameters """ # Loads the .json config file with open(config_file_path) as f: config = json.loads( # If the config file is a hierarchical dict, it flattens the dictionary, otherwise, the dict is unchanged flat_dict = flatten_dict(config, {}) # there are several optional naming conventions for parameters, the following lines of code replace the optional # names with the expected parameter names replace_json_names_dict = \ {'dataset_bucket':'bucket','feat_type':'featurizer','y':'response_cols','optimizer':'optimizer_type'} orig_keys = list(flat_dict.keys()) for key, vals in replace_json_names_dict.items(): if key in orig_keys: flat_dict[vals] = flat_dict.pop(key) #dictionary comprehension that retains only the keys that are in the accepted list of parameters hyperparam = 'hyperparam' in orig_keys and flat_dict['hyperparam'] == True newdict = remove_unrecognized_arguments(flat_dict, hyperparam) newdict['config_file'] = config_file_path return dict_to_list(newdict)
[docs] def flatten_dict(inp_dict,newdict = {}): """Method to flatten a hierarchical dictionary. Used in parse_config_file(). Throws error if there are duplicated keys in the dictionary. WARNING: immediately throws error upon first detection of duplications. Args: inp_dict(dict): hierarchical dictionary newdict(empty dict): empty dictionary, name of output flattened dictionary Returns: newdict(dict): Flattened dictionary. """ for key, val in inp_dict.items(): if isinstance(val,dict) and not (key in ['DatasetMetadata', 'dataset_metadata']): flatten_dict(val,newdict) else: if key in newdict and newdict[key] != val: log.warning(str(key) + " appears several times. Overwriting with value: " + str(val)) newdict[key] = val else: newdict[key] = val return newdict
[docs] def parse_namespace(namespace_params=None): """Method to convert namespace object to dictionary, then pass the value to dict_to_list. Will simply pass a dictionary Args: namespace_params(dictionary or namespace.argparse object) Returns: argparse.Namespace: a Namespace.argparse object containing default parameters + user specified parameters """ if namespace_params is None: return dict_to_list(namespace_params) if isinstance(namespace_params,argparse.Namespace): namespace_params = vars(namespace_params) # If the namespace object or dictionary is a hierarchical dict, it flattens the dictionary, otherwise, the dict # is unchanged flat_dict = flatten_dict(namespace_params, {}) # there are several optional naming conventions for parameters, the following lines of code replace the optional # names with the expected parameter names replace_json_names_dict = \ {'dataset_bucket':'bucket','feat_type':'featurizer','y':'response_cols','optimizer':'optimizer_type'} orig_keys = list(flat_dict.keys()) for key, vals in replace_json_names_dict.items(): if key in orig_keys: flat_dict[vals] = flat_dict.pop(key) #dictionary comprehension that retains only the keys that are in the accepted list of parameters newdict = remove_unrecognized_arguments(flat_dict) return dict_to_list(newdict)
[docs] def dict_to_list(inp_dictionary,replace_spaces=False): """Method to convert dictionary to a modified list of strings for input to argparse. Adds a '--' in front of keys in the dictionary. Args: inp_dictionary (dict): Flat dictionary of parameters replae_spaces (bool): A flag for replace spaces with replace_spaces_str for handling spaces in command line. Returns: (list): a list of default parameters + user specified parameters None if inp_dictionary is None """ #if replace_spaces is true, replaces spaces with replace_spaces_str for os command line calls replace_spaces_str = "@" if not isinstance(inp_dictionary,dict): raise ValueError("input to dict_to_list should be a dictionary!") # Handles optional names for the dictionary. optional_names_dict = \ {'dataset_bucket':'bucket','feat_type':'featurizer','y':'response_cols','optimizer':'optimizer_type'} orig_keys = list(inp_dictionary.keys()) for key, vals in optional_names_dict.items(): if key in orig_keys: inp_dictionary[vals] = inp_dictionary.pop(key) temp_list_to_command_line = [] # Special case handling for arguments that are False or True by default default_false = ['previously_split','use_shortlist','datastore', 'save_results','verbose', 'hyperparam', 'split_only', 'is_ki', 'production'] default_true = ['transformers','previously_featurized','uncertainty', 'rerun'] for key, value in inp_dictionary.items(): if key in default_false: true_options = ['True','true','ture','TRUE','Ture'] if str(value) in true_options: temp_list_to_command_line.append('--' + str(key)) elif key in default_true: false_options = ['False','false','flase','FALSE','Flase'] if str(value) in false_options: temp_list_to_command_line.append('--' + str(key)) else: temp_list_to_command_line.append('--' + str(key)) # Special case handling for null values null_options = ['null','Null','none','None','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan','NAN','NONE','NULL'] if str(value) in null_options: temp_list_to_command_line.append('None') elif isinstance(value, list): sep = "," newval = sep.join([str(item) for item in value]) if replace_spaces == True: temp_list_to_command_line.append(newval.replace(" ",replace_spaces_str)) else: temp_list_to_command_line.append(newval) else: newval = str(value) if replace_spaces == True: temp_list_to_command_line.append(newval.replace(" ",replace_spaces_str)) else: temp_list_to_command_line.append(newval) return temp_list_to_command_line
[docs] def list_defaults(hyperparam=False): """Creates temporary required variables, to generate a Namespace.argparse object of defaults. Returns: argparse.Namespace: a Namespace.argparse object containing default parameters + user specified parameters """ #TODO: These required_vars are no longer required, but are very convenient for testing. # Replace these vars after refactoring testing. if hyperparam: required_vars = ['--dataset_key','/ds/data/public/delaney/delaney-processed.csv', '--bucket','gsk_ml', '--hyperparam'] else: required_vars = ['--dataset_key','/ds/data/public/delaney/delaney-processed.csv', '--bucket','gsk_ml'] return parse_command_line(required_vars)
[docs] def parse_command_line(args=None): """Parses a command line argument or a specifically formatted list of strings into a Namespace.argparse object. String input is in the following format: args = ['--arg1','val1','--arg2','val2','--arg3','val3'] Args: args(None or list): If args is none, parse_command_line parses sys.argv if it . If args is a list, the list is parsed Returns: parsed_args (argparse.Namespace): an object containing default parameters + user specific parameters """ # The following conditional checks for duplicates in the input list if args is not None: if isinstance(args, str): newlist = re.split(" ",args) else: newlist = args just_args = [x for x in newlist if "--" in x] duplicates = set([x for x in just_args if just_args.count(x) > 1]) if len(duplicates) > 0: raise ValueError(str(duplicates) + " appears several times. ") parser = get_parser() parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) return postprocess_args(parsed_args)
[docs] def get_parser(): """Method that performs the actual parsing of pre-processed parameters. Modify this method to add/change/remove parameters Args: None Returns: parser (argparse.Namespace): an object containing default parameters + user specific parameters """ # Conditional help strings for layer sizes and dropouts. Modify these dictionaries to change the help string layer_size_options = {'graphconv': '[64,64,128]', 'ecfp': '[1000,500]', 'descriptors': '[200,100]'} dropout_options = {'graphconv': '[0,0,0]','non-graphconv':'[0.40,0.40]'} weight_init_stddevs_options = {'all': '[0.02,0.02]'} bias_init_consts_options = {'all':'[1.0,1.0]'} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Parses a command line argument or a specifically formatted list of strings into a Namespace.argparse object.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # ********************************************************************************************************** # training_dataset_parameters parser.add_argument( '--bucket', dest='bucket', default='public', required=False, help='Name of datastore bucket. Specific to LLNL datastore system.') parser.add_argument( '--dataset_key', '-dk', dest='dataset_key', required=False, default = None, help='Datastore key (LLNL system) or file path for dataset.') parser.add_argument( '--dataset_name', dest='dataset_name', default=None, help='Parameter for overriding the output files/dataset object names. Default is set within model_pipeline.') parser.add_argument( '--dataset_oid', dest='dataset_oid', default=None, required=False, help='OID of the model dataset inserted into the datastore. Specific to LLNL datastore system.') parser.add_argument( '--datastore', dest='datastore', action='store_true', help='Boolean flag for using an input file from the LLNL specific datastore system based on a key of ' 'dataset_key') parser.set_defaults(datastore=False) parser.add_argument( '--id_col', dest='id_col', default='compound_id', help='Name of column containing compound IDs. Will default to compound_id if not specified') parser.add_argument( '--min_compound_number', dest='min_compound_number', default=200, type=int, help='Minimum number of dataset compounds considered adequate for model training. A warning message will be ' 'issued if the dataset size is less than this.') parser.add_argument( '--response_cols', '-y', dest='response_cols', type=str, help='name of column(s) containing response values. Will default to last column if not specified. ' 'Input as a string of comma separated values for hyperparameter search. Can be input as a comma ' 'separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'column1\',\'column2\')') parser.add_argument( '--save_results', dest='save_results', action='store_true', help='Save model results to Mongo DB. LLNL model_tracker system specific') parser.add_argument( '--smiles_col', dest='smiles_col', default='rdkit_smiles', help='Name of column containing SMILES strings. Will default to "rdkit_smiles" if not specified') parser.add_argument( '--max_dataset_rows', dest='max_dataset_rows', default=0, type=int, help='Maximum number of dataset records to be used for training. By default all records are used. ' 'If a nonzero value is specified and the dataset is larger than the given value, a random sample ' 'will be used.') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: autoencoders parser.add_argument( '--autoencoder_bucket', dest='autoencoder_bucket', default=None, help='datastore bucket for the autoencoder file. Specific to LLNL datastore system. TODO: Not yet implemented') parser.add_argument( '--autoencoder_key', dest='autoencoder_key', default=None, help='Base of key for the autoencoder. TODO: Not yet implemented') parser.add_argument( '--autoencoder_type', dest='autoencoder_type', default='molvae', help='Type of autoencoder being used as features. TODO: Not yet implemented') parser.add_argument( '--mol_vae_model_file', dest='mol_vae_model_file', default=None, help='Trained model HDF5 file path, only needed for MolVAE featurizer') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: classifiers parser.add_argument( '--class_number', dest='class_number', type=int, required=False, default=2, help='User specified number of classes') parser.add_argument( '--class_name', dest='class_name',required=False, default=None, help='User specified class name. TODO: referenced in hyperparameter_search_wrapper, in test_mlmt_client_metadata.') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: descriptors parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_bucket', dest='descriptor_bucket', default='public', help='Datastore bucket for the descriptor file. Specific to LLNL datastore system.') parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_key', dest='descriptor_key', default=None, help='Base of key for descriptor table file. Subset files will be prepended with "subset"' 'and appended with the dataset name. Specific to LLNL datastore system.') # TODO: REMOVE DESCRIPTOR_OID, ingested in model_pipeline but is metadata as part of the model_tracker parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_oid', dest='descriptor_oid', default=None, help='dataset_oid for the descriptor file in the datastore') parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_spec_bucket', dest='descriptor_spec_bucket', default='', help='Datastore bucket for file mapping descriptor types to descriptor specifications. Specific to LLNL datastore' 'system.') parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_spec_key', dest='descriptor_spec_key', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data', 'descriptor_sets_sources_by_descr_type.csv'), help='Datastore key or path to file mapping descriptor types to descriptor specifications.') parser.add_argument( '--descriptor_type', dest='descriptor_type', default='moe', help='Type of descriptors being used as features, e.g. moe, dragon7, used when featurizer = "descriptors". ' 'Sets the subclass within') parser.add_argument( '--moe_threads', dest='moe_threads', type=int, default=-1, help='Number of threads to use for computing MOE descriptors; default is 2*(num_cores - 1); ' 'should not exceed number of MOE licenses you have.') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: ecfp parser.add_argument( '--ecfp_radius', dest='ecfp_radius', type=int, default=2, help='Radius used for ECFP generation') parser.add_argument( '--ecfp_size', dest='ecfp_size', type=int, default=1024, help='Size of ECFP bit vectors') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model building parameters: embedding featurizer parser.add_argument( '--embedding_model_uuid', dest='embedding_model_uuid', type=str, default=None, help='Model UUID for pretrained model used to compute embedding features') parser.add_argument( '--embedding_model_collection', dest='embedding_model_collection', type=str, default=None, help='Model tracker collection name for pretrained model used to compute embedding features') parser.add_argument( '--embedding_model_path', dest='embedding_model_path', type=str, default=None, help='File path for pretrained model used to compute embedding features') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: general parser.add_argument( '--featurizer', '-f', dest='featurizer', default=None, type=str, help='Type of featurizer to use on chemical structures. Current supported options: ' '["ecfp","graphconv","molvae","computed_descriptors","descriptors","embedding"]. Further information on ' 'descriptors are in descriptor_type. Options are used to set the featurization subclass in the ' 'create_featurization method of Can be input as a comma separated list for ' 'hyperparameter search (e.g. \'ecfp\',\'molvae\')') parser.add_argument( '--model_choice_score_type', dest='model_choice_score_type', required=False, default=None, help='Type of score function used to choose best epoch and/or hyperparameters (defaults to "roc_auc" ' 'for classification and "r2" for regression). ') parser.add_argument( '--model_type', dest='model_type', default=None, type=str, help='Type of model to fit (NN, RF, or xgboost). The model_type sets the model subclass in model_wrapper. ' 'Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'NN\',\'RF\')') parser.add_argument( '--prediction_type', dest='prediction_type', required=False, default='regression', choices=['regression', 'classification'], help='Sets the prediction type of the model to a choice between ["regresion","classification"]. Used as ' 'a flag for model behavior throughout the pipeline.') parser.add_argument( '--previously_featurized', dest='previously_featurized', action='store_false', help='Boolean flag for loading in previously featurized data files. If set to True, the method' 'get_featurized_data within model_datasets will attempt to load the featurized dataset' 'associated with the given dataset_oid parameter') parser.set_defaults(previously_featurized=True) parser.add_argument( '--uncertainty', dest='uncertainty', action='store_false', help='Boolean flag for computing uncertainty estimates for regression model predictions. Will also change the' 'default values for dropouts if set to True.') parser.set_defaults(uncertainty=True) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='True/False flag for setting verbosity') parser.set_defaults(verbose=False) # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: graphconv parser.add_argument( '--optimizer_type', dest='optimizer_type', required=False, default='adam', help='Optimizer specific for graph conv, defaults to "adam"') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: mordred parser.add_argument( '--mordred_cpus', dest='mordred_cpus', type=int, default=None, help='Max number of CPUs to use for Mordred descriptor computations. None means use all available') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: neural_nets parser.add_argument( '--baseline_epoch', '-b', dest='baseline_epoch', type=int, default=30, help='Deprecated: Baseline epoch at which to evaluate performance for DNN models') parser.add_argument( '--batch_size', dest='batch_size', type=int, required=False, default=50, help='Sets the model batch size within model_wrapper') parser.add_argument( '--early_stopping_patience', dest='early_stopping_patience', type=int, default=30, help='Number of epochs to continue training before giving up trying for better validation set score') parser.add_argument( '--early_stopping_min_improvement', dest='early_stopping_min_improvement', type=float, default=0.0, help='Minimum amount by which validation set score must improve to set a new best epoch') temp_bias_init_consts_string = [key + ':' + value + ',' for key, value in bias_init_consts_options.items()] separator = " " bias_init_consts_help_string = \ ('Comma-separated list of initial bias parameters per layer for dense NN models with conditional values. ' 'Defaults to [1.0]*len(layer_sizes). Must be same length as layer_sizes. Can be input as a space-separated ' 'list of comma-separated lists for hyperparameters (e.g. \'1.0,1.0 0.9,0.9 0.8,0.9\'). Default behavior is' ' set within __init__ method of relevant ModelWrapper class. ' + separator.join(temp_bias_init_consts_string)).rstrip(',') parser.add_argument( '--bias_init_consts', dest='bias_init_consts', required=False, default=None, help=bias_init_consts_help_string) temp_dropout_string = [key + ':' + value + ',' for key, value in dropout_options.items()] separator = " " dropout_help_string = \ ('Comma-separated list of dropout rates per layer for NN models with default values conditional on featurizer.' ' Default behavior is controlled in Must be same length as layer_sizes. Can be input as ' 'a space-separated list of comma-separated lists for hyperparameters (e.g. \'0.4,0.4 0.2,0.2 0.3,0.3\'). ' 'Default behavior is set within __init__ method of relevant ModelWrapper class. Defaults: ' + separator.join(temp_dropout_string)).rstrip(',') parser.add_argument( '--dropouts', dest='dropouts', required=False, default=None, help=dropout_help_string) temp_layer_size_string = [key + ':' + value + ',' for key,value in layer_size_options.items()] separator = " " layer_size_help_string = \ ('Comma-separated list of layer sizes for NN models with default values conditional on featurizer. Must be' ' same length as layer_sizes. Can be input as a space-separated list of comma-separated lists for ' 'hyperparameters (e.g. \'64,16 200,100 1000,500\'). Default behavior is set within __init__ method of ' 'relevant ModelWrapper class. Defaults: ' + separator.join(temp_layer_size_string)).rstrip(',') parser.add_argument( '--layer_sizes', dest='layer_sizes', required=False, default=None, help=layer_size_help_string) parser.add_argument( '--learning_rate', dest='learning_rate', required=False, default='0.0005', help='Learning rate for dense NN models. Input as comma separated floats for hyperparameters ' '(e.g. \'0.0005,0.0004,0.0003\')') parser.add_argument( '--max_epochs', dest='max_epochs', type=int, default=30, help='Maximum number of training epochs to run for DNN models') production_help_string = \ ('Runs training in produciton mode. The model will be trained for exactly max_epochs and ' 'it will duplicate the dataset so that the entire dataset will be used for training, ' 'validatin, and test.') parser.add_argument( '--production', dest='production', default=False, action='store_true', help=production_help_string ) parser.set_defaults(production=False) parser.add_argument( '--weight_decay_penalty', dest='weight_decay_penalty', required=False, default='0.0001', help='weight_decay_penalty: float. The magnitude of the weight decay penalty to use. ' 'Can be input as a comma separated list of strings for hyperparameter search ' '(e.g. \'0.0001,0.0002,0.0003\')') parser.add_argument( '--weight_decay_penalty_type', dest='weight_decay_penalty_type', default='l2', type=str, help='weight_decay_penalty_type: str. The type of penalty to use for weight decay, either "l1" or "l2". ' 'Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'l1,l2\')') temp_weight_init_stddevs_string = [key + ':' + value + ',' for key, value in weight_init_stddevs_options.items()] separator = " " weight_init_stddevs_help_string = \ ('Comma-separated list of standard deviations per layer for initializing weights in dense NN models with ' 'conditional values. Must be same length as layer_sizes. Can be input as a space-separated list of ' 'comma-separated lists for hyperparameters (e.g. \'0.001,0.001 0.002,0.002 0.03,003\'). Default behavior is ' 'set within __init__ method of relevant ModelWrapper class. Defaults: ' + separator.join(temp_weight_init_stddevs_string)).rstrip(',') parser.add_argument( '--weight_init_stddevs', dest='weight_init_stddevs', required=False, default=None, help=weight_init_stddevs_help_string) # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: hybrid parser.add_argument( '--is_ki', dest='is_ki', required=False, action='store_true', help='True/False flag for noting whether the dose-response activity is Ki or XC50') parser.set_defaults(is_ki=False) parser.add_argument( '--ki_convert_ratio', dest='ki_convert_ratio', default=None, help='To convert Ki into IC50, a ratio is needed. It can be the ratio of [S]/Km' ' for enzymatic inhibition assays, [S] is the concentration of substrate' 'Km is the Michaelis constant. It can also be [S]/Kd for radioligand competitive' ' binding, [S] is the concentration of the radioligand, Kd is its dissociation constant.') parser.add_argument( '--loss_func', dest='loss_func', default='poisson', type=str, help='The loss function used in the hybrid model training, currently support poisson and l2') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: random_forest parser.add_argument( '--rf_estimators', dest='rf_estimators', default='500', help='Number of estimators to use in random forest models. Hyperparameter searching requires 3 ' 'inputs: start, end, step when used with search_type geometric or grid (example: \'100,500,100\') or ' 'can be input as a list of possible values for search_type user_specified ' '(example: \'100,200,300,400,500\')') parser.add_argument( '--rf_max_depth', dest='rf_max_depth', default=None, help='The maximum depth of a decision tree in the random forest. Hyperparameter searching requires 3 ' 'inputs: start, end, step when used with search_type geometric or grid (example: \'4,7,1\') or can be ' 'input as a list of possible values for search_type user_specified (example: \'4,5,6,7\')') parser.add_argument( '--rf_max_features', dest='rf_max_features', default='32', help='Max number of features to split random forest nodes. Hyperparameter searching requires 3 ' 'inputs: start, end, step when used with search_type geometric or grid (example: \'16,32,4\') ' 'or can be input as a list of possible values for search_type user_specified ' '(example: \'16,20,24,28,32\')') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: splitting parser.add_argument( '--base_splitter', dest='base_splitter', default='scaffold', type=str, help='Type of splitter to use for train/validation split if temporal split used for test set. May be random,' ' scaffold, or ave_min. The allowable choices are set in') parser.add_argument( '--butina_cutoff', dest='butina_cutoff', type=float, default=0.6, help='cutoff Tanimoto similarity for clustering in Butina splitter.') parser.add_argument( '--cutoff_date', dest='cutoff_date', type=str, default=None, help='Cutoff date for test set compounds in temporal splitter. TODO: needs some formatting guidelines.') parser.add_argument( '--date_col', dest='date_col', type=str, default=None, help='Column in dataset containing dates for temporal splitter') parser.add_argument( '--num_folds', dest='num_folds', default=5, type=int, help='Number of k-folds to use in k-fold cross validation') parser.add_argument( '--previously_split', dest='previously_split', action='store_true', help='Boolean flag for loading in previously split train, validation, and test csv files.') parser.set_defaults(previously_split=False) parser.add_argument( '--split_strategy', dest='split_strategy', choices=['train_valid_test', 'k_fold_cv'], default='train_valid_test', help='Choice of splitting type between "k_fold_cv" for k fold cross validation and "train_valid_test" for a ' 'normal train/valid/test split. If split_test_frac or split_valid_frac are not set, "train_valid_test" ' 'sets are split according to the splitting type default.') parser.add_argument( '--split_test_frac', dest='split_test_frac', type=float, default=0.1, help='Fraction of data to put in held-out test set for train_valid_test split strategy.' ' TODO: Behavior of split_test_frac is dependent on split_valid_frac and DeepChem') parser.add_argument( '--split_uuid', dest='split_uuid', default=None, help='UUID for csv file containing train, validation, and test split information. Specific to LLNL datastore') parser.add_argument( '--split_valid_frac', dest='split_valid_frac', type=float, default=0.1, help='Fraction of data to put in the validation set for train_valid_test split strategy.' ' TODO: Behavior of split_valid_frac is dependent on split_test_frac and DeepChem') parser.add_argument( '--splitter', '-s', dest='splitter', default='scaffold', type=str, help='Type of splitter to use: index, random, scaffold, butina, ave_min, temporal, fingerprint, multitaskscaffold or stratified.' ' Used to set the subclass. Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search' ' (e.g. \'scaffold\',\'random\')') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_num_super_scaffolds', default=40, type=int, help='This specifies the number of genes in a chromosome for the genetic algorithm. Scaffolds bins are often' ' very small and only contain 1 compound. Scaffolds are therefore combined into super scaffolds to' ' the number of genes and also reduce complexity and runtime.') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_num_generations', default=20, type=int, help='The number of generations the genetic algorithm will run.') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_num_pop', default=100, type=int, help='Size of population per generation in the genetic algorithm.') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_train_test_dist_weight', default=1.0, type=float, help='How much weight to give the tanimoto distance between training and test partitions.') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_train_valid_dist_weight', default=1.0, type=float, help='How much weight to give the tanimoto distance between training and valid partitions.') parser.add_argument( '--mtss_split_fraction_weight', default=1.0, type=float, help='How much weight to give adherence to requested subset franctions.') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: transformers parser.add_argument( '--feature_transform_type', dest='feature_transform_type', choices=['normalization', 'umap'], default='normalization', help='type of transformation for the features') parser.add_argument( '--response_transform_type', dest='response_transform_type', default='normalization', help='type of normalization for the response column TODO: Not currently implemented') parser.add_argument( '--weight_transform_type', dest='weight_transform_type', choices=['balancing'], default=None, help='type of normalization for the weights') parser.add_argument( '--transformer_bucket', dest='transformer_bucket', default=None, help='Datastore bucket where the transformer is stored. Specific to LLNL datastore system.') parser.add_argument( '--transformer_key', dest='transformer_key', type=str, default=None, help='Path to a saved transformer (stored as tuple, e.g. (transform_features, transform_respose)). ' 'Specific to LLNL datastore system.') parser.add_argument( '--transformer_oid', dest='transformer_oid', default=None, help='Dataset oid of the transformer saved in the datastore. Specific to LLNL datastore system. ' 'TODO: May be redundant with transformer_key') parser.add_argument( '--transformers', dest='transformers', action='store_false', help='Boolean switch for using transformation on regression output. Default is True') parser.set_defaults(transformers=True) # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: UMAP parser.add_argument( '--umap_dim', dest='umap_dim', required=False, default='10', help='Dimension of projected feature space, if UMAP transformation is requested. Can be input as a comma ' 'separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'2,6,10\').') parser.add_argument( '--umap_metric', dest='umap_metric', required=False, default='euclidean', help='Distance metric used, if UMAP transformation is requested. Can be input as a comma separated list ' 'for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'euclidean\',\'cityblock\')') parser.add_argument( '--umap_min_dist', dest='umap_min_dist', required=False, default='0.05', help='Minimum distance used in UMAP projection, if UMAP transformation is requested. Can be input as a ' 'comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'0.01,0.02,0.05\')') parser.add_argument( '--umap_neighbors', dest='umap_neighbors', required=False, default='20', help='Number of nearest neighbors used in UMAP projection, if UMAP transformation is requested. Can be input ' 'as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'10,20,30\')') parser.add_argument( '--umap_targ_wt', dest='umap_targ_wt', required=False, default='0.0', help='Weight given to training set response values in UMAP projection, if UMAP transformation is requested.' ' Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'0.0,0.1,0.2\')') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: XGBoost parser.add_argument( '--xgb_colsample_bytree', dest='xgb_colsample_bytree', default='1.0', help='Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. Can be input as a comma separated list for' ' hyperparameter search (e.g. \'0.8,0.9,1.0\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_gamma', dest='xgb_gamma', default='0.0', help='Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. Can be input' ' as a comma separated list for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'0.0,0.1,0.2\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_learning_rate', dest='xgb_learning_rate', default='0.1', help='Boosting learning rate (xgb\'s \"eta\"). Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter' ' search (e.g. \'0.1,0.01,0.001\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_max_depth', dest='xgb_max_depth', default='6', help='Maximum tree depth for base learners. Can be input as a comma separated list for hyperparameter' ' search (e.g. \'4,5,6\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_min_child_weight', dest='xgb_min_child_weight', default='1.0', help='Minimum sum of instance weight(hessian) needed in a child. Can be input as a comma separated list' ' for hyperparameter search (e.g. \'1.0,1.1,1.2\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_n_estimators', dest='xgb_n_estimators', default='100', help='Number of estimators to use in xgboost models. Can be input as a comma separated list for ' 'hyperparameter search (e.g. \'100,200,300\')') parser.add_argument( '--xgb_subsample', dest='xgb_subsample', default='1.0', help='Subsample ratio of the training instance. Can be input as a comma separated list for ' 'hyperparameter search (e.g. \'0.8,0.9,1.0\')') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_saving_parameters parser.add_argument( '--collection_name', dest='collection_name', required=False, default='model_tracker', help='MongoDB collection where models will be saved. Specific to LLNL model tracker system.') parser.add_argument( '--data_owner', dest='data_owner', default='gsk', help='Option for setting group permissions for created files. Options specific to LLNL system. Options' ': [\'username\', \'data_owner_group\', \'gsk\', \'public\']') parser.add_argument( '--data_owner_group', dest='data_owner_group', default='gsk_craa', help='When data_owner is set to data_owner_group, this is the option for custom group name of created files. ' 'Specific to LLNL model_tracker system.') parser.add_argument( '--model_bucket', dest='model_bucket', type=str, default=None, help='Bucket in the datastore for the model. Specific to LLNL model tracker system.') # TODO: Model_dataset_oid is used as metadata and used in # TODO: Model_dataset_oid is probably over-written or unused. parser.add_argument( '--model_dataset_oid', dest='model_dataset_oid', default=None, help='OID of the model dataset inserted into the datastore') parser.add_argument( '--model_filter', dest='model_filter', default=None, help='Path to the model filter configuration file. Is loaded and stored as a dictionary. ' 'Specific to LLNL model tracker system.') parser.add_argument( '--model_uuid', dest='model_uuid', type=str, default=None, help='UUID generated after model creation (pythonic_ID). Specific for LLNL model tracker system') output_dir_default = None parser.add_argument( '--output_dir', dest='output_dir', required=False, default=output_dir_default, help='File location where the model output will be saved. Defauts to <result_dir>/. ' 'TODO: redundant, should be removed in a later build.') parser.add_argument( '--result_dir', '-r', dest='result_dir', default=None, required=False, help='Parent of directory where result files will be written') parser.add_argument( '--model_tarball_path', dest='model_tarball_path', default=None, help='Filesystem path where model tarball will be written') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_metadata parser.add_argument( '--system', dest='system', default='twintron-blue', choices=['LC', 'twintron-blue'], help='System you are running on, LC or twintron-blue. Specific to LLNL system') # ********************************************************************************************************** # miscellaneous_parameters parser.add_argument( '--config_file', dest='config_file', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='Full path to the optional configuration file. The configuration file is a set of parameters' ' in .json file format. TODO: Does not send a warning if set concurrently with other parameters.') parser.add_argument( '--num_model_tasks', dest='num_model_tasks', type=int, required=False, help='DEPRECATED AND IGNORED. This argument is now infered from the response_cols.' ' Number of tasks to run for. 1 means a singletask model, > 1 means a multitask model') # ********************************************************************************************************** # hyperparameters parser.add_argument( '--dropout_list', dest='dropout_list', required=False, default=None, help='Comma-separated list of dropout rates for permutation of NN layers (e.g. \'0.0,0.4,0.6\'). Used within' 'permutate_NNlayer_combo_params to return combinations from layer_nums, node_nums, dropout_list and ' 'max_final_layer_size. dropout_list is used to set the allowable permutations of dropouts. For ' 'hyperparameters only.') parser.add_argument( '--hyperparam', dest='hyperparam', required=False, action='store_true', help='Boolean flag to indicate whether we are running the hyperparameter search script') parser.set_defaults(hyperparam=False) parser.add_argument( '--hyperparam_uuid', dest='hyperparam_uuid', required=False, default=None, help='UUID of hyperparam search run model was generated in. Not applicable for single-run jobs') parser.add_argument( '--layer_nums', dest='layer_nums', required=False, default=None, help='Comma-separated list of number of layers for permutation of NN layers. (e.g. \'2,3,4\'). Used within' ' permutate_NNlayer_combo_params to return combinations from layer_nums, node_nums, dropout_list and ' 'max_final_layer_size. layer_nums is used to set the allowable lengths of layer_sizes. For ' 'hyperparameters only.') parser.add_argument( '--lc_account', dest='lc_account', required=False, default='baasic', help='SLURM account to charge hyperparameter batch runs to.' 'This will be replaced by the slurm_account option. If lc_account and slurm_account are both set, slurm_account will be used.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--max_final_layer_size', dest='max_final_layer_size', required=False, default=32, help='The max number of nodes in the last layer within layer_sizes and dropouts in hyperparameter search; ' 'max_final_layer_size = min(node_nums) if min(node_nums) > max_final_layer_size. (e.g. \'16,32\'). ' 'Used within permutate_NNlayer_combo_params to return combinations from layer_nums, node_nums, ' 'dropout_list and max_final_layer_size. ') parser.add_argument( '--max_jobs', dest='max_jobs', type=int, default=80, help='Max number of jobs to be in the queue at one time for an LC machine') parser.add_argument( '--node_nums', dest='node_nums', required=False, default=None, help='Comma-separated list of number of nodes per layer for permutation of NN layers. (e.g. \'4,8,16\'). ' 'Used within permutate_NNlayer_combo_params to return combinations from layer_nums, node_nums, ' 'dropout_list and max_final_layer_size. node_num is used to set the node values within layer_sizes. ' 'For hyperparameters only.') parser.add_argument( '--nn_size_scale_factor', dest='nn_size_scale_factor', type=float, default=1.0, help='Scaling factor for constraining network size based on number of parameters in the network for ' 'hyperparam search') parser.add_argument( '--python_path', dest='python_path', required=False, # default to the version of python used to run this script default=sys.executable, help='Path to desired python version') parser.add_argument( '--rerun', dest= 'rerun', required=False, action='store_false', help='If False, check model tracker to see if a model with that particular param combination has ' 'already been built') parser.set_defaults(rerun=True) parser.add_argument( '--script_dir', dest='script_dir', required=False, # use location of this file to generate script dir default=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '../..')), help='Path where pipeline file you want to run hyperparam search from is located') parser.add_argument( '--search_type', dest='search_type', required=False, default='grid', help='Type of hyperparameter search to do. Options = [grid, random, geometric, and user_specified]') parser.add_argument( '--split_only', dest='split_only', required=False, action='store_true', help='Boolean flag to indicate whether we want to just split the datasets when running the hyperparameter ' 'search script') parser.set_defaults(split_only=False) parser.add_argument( '--shortlist_key', '-sl', dest='shortlist_key', required=False, default=None, help='CSV file of assays of interest for hyperparameter search') parser.add_argument('--use_shortlist', dest='use_shortlist', action='store_true', help='Boolean flag for use a list of assays in the hyperparam search') parser.set_defaults(use_shortlist=False) parser.add_argument( '--slurm_account', dest='slurm_account', required=False, default=None, help='SLURM account to charge hyperparameter batch runs to.' 'This will replace the lc_account option. If lc_account and slurm_account are both set, slurm_account will be used.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--slurm_export', dest='slurm_export', required=False, default='ALL', help='SLURM environment variables propagated for hyperparameter search batch jobs.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--slurm_nodes', dest='slurm_nodes', required=False, default=1, help='Number of nodes for hyperparameter search batch jobs.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--slurm_options', dest='slurm_options', required=False, default=None, help='Additional SLURM options for hyperparameter search batch jobs.' 'Example: \'--option1=value1 --option2=value2\'' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--slurm_partition', dest='slurm_partition', required=False, default='pbatch', help='SLURM partition to run hyperparameter batch jobs on.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') parser.add_argument( '--slurm_time_limit', dest='slurm_time_limit', required=False, default=1440, help='Time limit in minutes for hyperparameter search batch jobs.' 'If set to None then this parameter will not be used.') # HyperOptSearch specific parameters # NN model parser.add_argument( '--lr', dest='lr', required=False, default=None, help='learing rate shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --lr=uniform|0.00001,0.001') parser.add_argument( '--ls', dest='ls', required=False, default=None, help='layer sizes shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --ls=choice|2|8,16,32,64,128,256,512') parser.add_argument( '--ls_ratio', dest='ls_ratio', required=False, default=None, help='layer size ratios (layer size / previous layer size) shown in HyperOpt domain format, the number of layers is not needed here, taken from ls, e.g. --ls_ratio=uniform|0.1,0.9') parser.add_argument( '--dp', dest='dp', required=False, default=None, help='dropouts shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --dp=uniform|3|0,0.4') # RF model parser.add_argument( '--rfe', dest='rfe', required=False, default=None, help='rf_estimators shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --rfe=uniformint|64,512') parser.add_argument( '--rfd', dest='rfd', required=False, default=None, help='rf_max_depth shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --rfd=uniformint|64,512') parser.add_argument( '--rff', dest='rff', required=False, default=None, help='rf_max_features shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --rff=uniformint|64,512') # XGBoost model parser.add_argument( '--xgbg', dest='xgbg', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_gamma shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbg=uniform|0,0.4') parser.add_argument( '--xgbl', dest='xgbl', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_learning_rate shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbl=loguniform|-6.9,-2.3') parser.add_argument( '--xgbd', dest='xgbd', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_max_depth shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbd=uniformint|3,10') parser.add_argument( '--xgbc', dest='xgbc', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_colsample_bytree shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbc=uniform|0.1,1.0') parser.add_argument( '--xgbs', dest='xgbs', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_subsample shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbs=uniform|0.1,1.0') parser.add_argument( '--xgbn', dest='xgbn', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_n_estimators shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbn=choice|200,500,1000') parser.add_argument( '--xgbw', dest='xgbw', required=False, default=None, help='xgb_min_child_weight shown in HyperOpt domain format, e.g. --xgbw=uniform|1.0,1.2') # checkpoint parser.add_argument( '--hp_checkpoint_save', dest='hp_checkpoint_save', required=False, default=None, help='binary file to save a checkpoint of the HPO trial project, which can be use to continue the HPO serach later. e.g. --hp_checkpoint_save=/path/to/file/checkpoint.pkl') parser.add_argument( '--hp_checkpoint_load', dest='hp_checkpoint_load', required=False, default=None, help='binary file to load a checkpoint of a previous HPO trial project, to continue the HPO serach. e.g. --hp_checkpoint_load=/path/to/file/checkpoint.pkl') # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: model type specific for k, model in model_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=model, prefix=k) aaa.add_to_parser(parser) # ********************************************************************************************************** # model_building_parameters: featurizer arguments type specific for k, feat in featurizer_wl.items(): aaa = AutoArgumentAdder(func=feat, prefix=k) aaa.add_to_parser(parser) return parser
[docs] def postprocess_args(parsed_args): """Postprocessing for the parsed arguments. Replaces any string in null_options with a NoneType Replaces any string that matches replace_with_space with whitespace. Parses arguments in convert_to_float_list into a list of floats, if the hyperparams option is True. E.g. parsed_args.dropouts = "0.001,0.001 0.002,0.002 0.03,003" -> parsed_args.dropouts = [[0.001,0.001], [0.002,0.002], [0.03,003]] Parses arguments in convert_to_int_list into a list of ints, if the hyperparams options is True. E.g. parsed_args.layer_sizes = "10,100 20,200 30,300" -> parsed_args.layer_sizes = [[10,100], [20,200], [30,300]] Parameters in keep_as_list are kept as lists, even if there is a single item in the list. Parameters in convert_to_str_list are converted to a list of strings. E.g. parsed_args.model_type = "NN,RF" -> parsed_args.model_type = ['NN','RF']. If there is a single item in the list (no commas), the repsonse is kept as a StringType, unless it is in response_cols, which is passed as a list Setting conditional options for descriptor_key. Set uncertainty to False when using XGBoost because GBoost does not support uncertainty Args: parsed_args (argparse.Namespace): Raw parsed arguments. Returns: parsed_args (argparse.Namespace): a argparse.Namespace object containing properly processed arguments. Raises: Exception: layer_sizes, dropouts, weight_init_stddevs and bias_init_consts arguments must be the same length Exception: parameters within not_a_list_outside_of_hyperparams are not accepted as a list if hyperparams is False """ replace_with_space = "@" null_options = ['null','Null','none','None','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan','NAN','NONE','NULL','NA'] for keys,vals in parsed_args.__dict__.items(): if vals in null_options: parsed_args.__dict__[keys] = None if "@" in str(vals): parsed_args.__dict__[keys] = vals.replace(replace_with_space," ") #postprocessing to add in the model_filter dictionary for the model zoo. if parsed_args.model_filter is not None: #TODO: Use model_wrapper to allow for other formats? with open(parsed_args.model_filter) as f: config = json.loads( parsed_args.model_filter = flatten_dict(config, {}) # Default the model_bucket and transformer_bucket params to be the same as the training dataset bucket if parsed_args.model_bucket is None: parsed_args.model_bucket = parsed_args.bucket if parsed_args.transformer_bucket is None: parsed_args.transformer_bucket = parsed_args.bucket # Check that split_valid_frac+split_test_frac leaves room for a training set if parsed_args.split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': if parsed_args.split_valid_frac + parsed_args.split_test_frac >= 1.0: raise Exception("Split fractions for validation and test sets leave no room for training set.") elif parsed_args.split_strategy == 'k_fold_cv': if parsed_args.split_test_frac >= 1.0: raise Exception("Split fraction for test set leaves no room for training and validation data.") # Set conditional defaults for model_choice_score_type based on prediction_type if parsed_args.model_choice_score_type is None: if parsed_args.prediction_type == 'classification': parsed_args.model_choice_score_type = 'roc_auc' else: parsed_args.model_choice_score_type = 'r2' # Convert arguments passed as comma-separated values into lists if parsed_args.hyperparam: for item in convert_to_str_list: if parsed_args.__dict__[item] is not None: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = [x.strip() for x in parsed_args.__dict__[item].split(',')] if len(parsed_args.__dict__[item]) == 1 and item !='response_cols': parsed_args.__dict__[item] = parsed_args.__dict__[item][0] for item in convert_to_numeric_list: if parsed_args.__dict__[item] is not None: # splits a list of space separated strings e.g. [--dropouts 0.001,0.001 0.002,0.002] # e.g. [--dropouts 0.001,0.001 0.002,0.002] -> [[0.001,0.001],[0.002,0.002]] current_value = parsed_args.__dict__[item].split(' ') newlist = [] for vals in current_value: temp_split = vals.split(',') if item in convert_to_int_list: newlist.append([int(x.strip()) for x in temp_split]) else: newlist.append([float(x.strip()) for x in temp_split]) # Once a new list of lists is generated, pass to parsed_args if len(newlist) == 1 and item not in ["layer_sizes", "dropouts", "bias_init_consts", "weight_init_stddevs"]: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = newlist[0] #newlist is a list of lists, need to extract down to the lowest layer, as necessary if len(newlist[0]) == 1 and item not in keep_as_list: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = parsed_args.__dict__[item][0] else: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = newlist else: for item in convert_to_numeric_list: if parsed_args.__dict__[item] is not None: current_value = parsed_args.__dict__[item].split(',') if item in convert_to_int_list: newlist = [int(x.strip()) for x in current_value] else: newlist = [float(x.strip()) for x in current_value] # Once a new list of lists is generated, pass to parsed_args if len(newlist) == 1 and item not in keep_as_list: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = newlist[0] else: parsed_args.__dict__[item] = newlist if item in not_a_list_outside_of_hyperparams and isinstance(parsed_args.__dict__[item], list): raise Exception("%s is not accepted as a list if hyperparams is False" %item) for item in not_a_str_list_outside_of_hyperparams: if parsed_args.__dict__[item] is not None: if ',' in parsed_args.__dict__[item] or ' ' in parsed_args.__dict__[item]: raise Exception("%s cannot contain a comma or whitespace when hyperparams is False" %item) if parsed_args.__dict__['response_cols'] is not None: current_value = parsed_args.__dict__['response_cols'].split(',') parsed_args.__dict__['response_cols'] = current_value # Checks that the layer sizes, dropouts, weight_init_stddevs, and bias_init_consts are the same length # if they are non-default if parsed_args.layer_sizes is not None: nlayers = len(parsed_args.layer_sizes) if ((parsed_args.dropouts is not None and len(parsed_args.dropouts) != nlayers) or (parsed_args.weight_init_stddevs is not None and len(parsed_args.weight_init_stddevs) != nlayers) or (parsed_args.bias_init_consts is not None and len(parsed_args.bias_init_consts) != nlayers)): raise Exception("layer_sizes, dropouts, weight_init_stddevs and bias_init_consts arguments must be the " "same length") # Converts dataset_key to an aboslute path make_dataset_key_absolute(parsed_args) # generate dataset hash key if the file exists try: if os.path.exists(parsed_args.dataset_key): parsed_args.dataset_hash = cu.create_checksum(parsed_args.dataset_key) log.debug("Created a dataset hash '%s' from dataset_key '%s'", parsed_args.dataset_hash, parsed_args.dataset_key) except Exception: pass # continue if it doesn't have a 'dataset_key' # Turn off uncertainty of XGBoost is the model type if parsed_args.model_type == 'xgboost': parsed_args.uncertainty = False # set num_model_tasks to equal len(response_cols) # this ignores the current value of num_model_tasks if not parsed_args.num_model_tasks is None: print("num_model_tasks is deprecated and its value is ignored.") if parsed_args.response_cols is None or type(parsed_args.response_cols) == str: parsed_args.num_model_tasks = 1 elif type(parsed_args.response_cols) == list: parsed_args.num_model_tasks = len(parsed_args.response_cols) else: raise Exception(f'Unexpected type for response_cols {type(parsed_args.response_cols)}') # Make sure that there is a many to one mapping between SMILES and compound ids # this can raise 3 exceptions. OneToOneException, NANCompoundID, or NANSMILES # we should not proceed in any of these cases. if vars(parsed_args).get('dataset_key') and os.path.exists(parsed_args.dataset_key): _ = mto.many_to_one(fn=parsed_args.dataset_key, smiles_col=parsed_args.smiles_col, id_col=parsed_args.id_col) return parsed_args
[docs] def make_dataset_key_absolute(parsed_args): """Converts dataset_key to an aboslute path Args: params (argparse.Namespace): Raw parsed arguments. """ # check to see if dataset_key is a relative path # if so, make it relative to current working directory # update to allow for datastore if not parsed_args.datastore: if (not parsed_args.dataset_key is None) and (not os.path.isabs(parsed_args.dataset_key)): parsed_args.dataset_key = os.path.abspath(parsed_args.dataset_key) return parsed_args
[docs] def prune_defaults(params, keep_params={}): """Removes parameters that are not in keep_params or in get_defaults Args: params (argparse.Namespace): Raw parsed arguments. keep_params (list): List of parameters to keep Returns: new_dict (dict): Pruned argument dictionary """ parser = get_parser() new_dict = dict() if isinstance(params, argparse.Namespace): inner_dict = params.__dict__ else: inner_dict = params for key, value in inner_dict.items(): if key in keep_params or parser.get_default(key) not in [value, str(value)]: new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
[docs] def remove_unrecognized_arguments(params, hyperparam=False): """Removes arguments not recognized by argument parser Can be used to clean inputs to wrapper function or model_pipeline. Used heavily in hyperparam_search_wrapper Args: params (Namespace or dict): params to filter Returns: dict of parameters """ if not type(params) == dict: params = vars(params) #dictionary comprehension that retains only the keys that are in the accepted list of parameters default = list_defaults(hyperparam) # add all auto arguments because they sometimes use dest and are ommitted from the vars call keep = set(list(vars(default).keys())).union(all_auto_arguments()) newdict = {k: params[k] for k in keep if k in params} # Writes a warning for any arguments that are not in the default list of parameters extra_keys = [x for x in list(params.keys()) if x not in newdict.keys()] if len(extra_keys)>0: log.warning(str(extra_keys) + " are not part of the accepted list of parameters and will be ignored") return newdict
[docs] def main(argument): """Entry point when script is run from a shell""" if argument[0] in ['--help', '-h']: params = parse_command_line(argument) else: params = wrapper(argument) print(params) return params
#*********************************************************************************************************** if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) > 1: """Entry point when script is run from a shell. Raises an error if there are duplicate arguments""" just_args = [x for x in sys.argv if "--" in x] duplicates = set([x for x in just_args if just_args.count(x) > 1]) if len(duplicates) > 0: raise ValueError(str(duplicates) + " appears several times. ") main(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(0)