Source code for pipeline.model_pipeline

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Contains class ModelPipeline, which loads in a dataset, splits it, trains a model, and generates predictions and output
metrics for that model. Works for a variety of featurizers, splitters and other parameters on a generic dataset

import json
import logging
import os
import io
import sys
import time
import uuid
import tempfile
import tarfile
import deepchem as dc
import numpy as np
import time
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
import pdb
import copy

from atomsci.ddm.utils import datastore_functions as dsf
import atomsci.ddm.utils.model_version_utils as mu
import atomsci.ddm.utils.file_utils as futils

from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import model_datasets as model_datasets
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import model_wrapper as model_wrapper
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import featurization as feat
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import parameter_parser as parse
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import model_tracker as trkr
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import transformations as trans

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s %(message)s')

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[docs] def calc_AD_kmean_dist(train_dset, pred_dset, k, train_dset_pair_distance=None, dist_metric="euclidean"): """calculate the probability of the prediction dataset fall in the the domain of traning set. Use Euclidean distance of the K nearest neighbours. train_dset and pred_dset should be in 2D numpy array format where each row is a compound. """ if train_dset_pair_distance is None: # calculate the pairwise distance of training set train_dset_pair_distance = pairwise_distances(X=train_dset, metric=dist_metric) train_kmean_dis = [] for i in range(len(train_dset_pair_distance)): kn_idx = np.argpartition(train_dset_pair_distance[i], k+1) dis = np.mean(train_dset_pair_distance[i][kn_idx[:k+1]]) train_kmean_dis.append(dis) train_dset_distribution = # pairwise distance between train and pred set pred_size = len(pred_dset) train_pred_dis = pairwise_distances(X=pred_dset, Y=train_dset, metric=dist_metric) pred_kmean_dis_score = np.zeros(pred_size) for i in range(pred_size): pred_km_dis = np.mean(np.sort(train_pred_dis[i])[:k]) train_dset_std = train_dset_distribution[1] if train_dset_distribution[1] != 0 else 1e-6 pred_kmean_dis_score[i] = max(1e-6, (pred_km_dis - train_dset_distribution[0]) / train_dset_std) return pred_kmean_dis_score
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[docs] def calc_AD_kmean_local_density(train_dset, pred_dset, k, train_dset_pair_distance=None, dist_metric="euclidean"): """Evaluate the AD of pred data by comparing the distance betweenthe unseen object and its k nearest neighbors in the training set to the distance between these k nearest neighbors and their k nearest neighbors in the training set. Return the distance ratio. Greater than 1 means the pred data is far from the domain.""" if train_dset_pair_distance is None: # calculate the pair-wise distance of training set train_dset_pair_distance = pairwise_distances(X=train_dset, metric=dist_metric) # pairwise distance between train and pred set pred_size = len(pred_dset) train_pred_dis = pairwise_distances(X=pred_dset, Y=train_dset, metric=dist_metric) pred_kmean_dis_local_density = np.zeros(pred_size) for i in range(pred_size): # find the index of k nearest neighbour of each prediction data kn_idx = np.argpartition(train_pred_dis[i], k) pred_km_dis = np.mean(train_pred_dis[i][kn_idx[:k]]) # find the neighbours of each neighbour and calculate the distance neighbor_dis = [] for nei_ix in kn_idx[:k]: nei_kn_idx = np.argpartition(train_dset_pair_distance[nei_ix], k) neighbor_dis.append(np.mean(train_dset_pair_distance[nei_ix][nei_kn_idx[:k]])) ave_nei_dis = np.mean(neighbor_dis) if ave_nei_dis == 0: ave_nei_dis = 1e-6 pred_kmean_dis_local_density[i] = pred_km_dis / ave_nei_dis return pred_kmean_dis_local_density
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[docs] def build_tarball_name(dataset_name, model_uuid, result_dir=''): """format for building model tarball names Creates the file name for a model tarball from dataset key and model_uuid with optional result_dir. Args: dataset_name (str): The dataset_name used to train this model model_uuid (str): The model_uuid assigned to this model result_dir (str): Optional directory for this model Returns: The path or filename of the tarball for this model """ model_tarball_path = os.path.join(str(result_dir), "{}_model_{}.tar.gz".format(dataset_name, model_uuid)) return model_tarball_path
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[docs] def build_dataset_name(dataset_key): """Return the dataset_name when given a dataset_key. Assumes that the dataset_name is a path and ends with an extension Args: dataset_key (str): A dataset_key Returns: The dataset_name which is the base name stripped of extensions """ return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dataset_key))[0]
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[docs] class ModelPipeline: """Contains methods to load in a dataset, split and featurize the data, fit a model to the train dataset, generate predictions for an input dataset, and generate performance metrics for these predictions. Attributes: Set in __init__: params (argparse.Namespace): The argparse.Namespace parameter object log (log): The logger run_mode (str): A flag determine the mode of model pipeline (eg. training or prediction) params.dataset_name (argparse.Namespace): The dataset_name parameter of the dataset ds_client (ac.DatastoreClient): the datastore api token to interact with the datastore perf_dict (dict): The performance dictionary output_dir (str): The parent path of the model directory mlmt_client: The mlmt service client metric_type (str): Defines the type of metric (e.g. roc_auc_score, r2_score) set in train_model or run_predictions: run_mode (str): The mode to run the pipeline, set to training featurziation (Featurization object): The featurization argument or the featurizatioin created from the input parameters model_wrapper (ModelWrapper objct): A model wrapper created from the parameters and featurization object. set in create_model_metadata: model_metadata (dict): The model metadata dictionary that stores the model metrics and metadata Set in load_featurize_data data (ModelDataset object): A data object that featurizes and splits the dataset """ def __init__(self, params, ds_client=None, mlmt_client=None): """Initializes ModelPipeline object. Args: params (Namespace object): contains all parameter information. ds_client: datastore client. mlmt_client: model tracker client. Side effects: Sets the following ModelPipeline attributes: params (argparse.Namespace): The argparse.Namespace parameter object log (log): The logger run_mode (str): A flag determine the mode of model pipeline (eg. training or prediction) params.dataset_name (argparse.Namespace): The dataset_name parameter of the dataset ds_client (ac.DatastoreClient): the datastore api token to interact with the datastore perf_dict (dict): The performance dictionary output_dir (str): The parent path of the model directory. mlmt_client: The mlmt service metric_type (str): Defines the type of metric (e.g. roc_auc_score, r2_score) """ self.params = params self.log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') self.run_mode = 'training' # default, can be overridden later self.start_time = time.time() # Default dataset_name parameter from dataset_key if params.dataset_name is None: self.params.dataset_name = build_dataset_name(self.params.dataset_key) self.ds_client = None if params.datastore: if ds_client is None: self.ds_client = dsf.config_client() else: self.ds_client = ds_client # Check consistency of task parameters if type(params.response_cols) == str: params.response_cols = [params.response_cols] if params.num_model_tasks != len(params.response_cols): raise ValueError("num_model_tasks parameter is inconsistent with response_cols") if self.params.model_uuid is None: self.params.model_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if self.params.save_results: self.mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() self.perf_dict = {} if self.params.prediction_type == 'regression': if self.params.num_model_tasks > 1: self.metric_type = 'mean-r2_score' else: self.metric_type = 'r2_score' else: if self.params.num_model_tasks > 1: self.metric_type = 'mean-roc_auc_score' else: self.metric_type = 'roc_auc_score' if self.params.output_dir is None: self.params.output_dir = os.path.join(self.params.result_dir, self.params.dataset_name, '%s_%s_%s_%s' % ( self.params.model_type, self.params.featurizer, self.params.splitter, self.params.prediction_type), self.params.model_uuid) if not os.path.isdir(self.params.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.params.output_dir, exist_ok=True) self.output_dir = self.params.output_dir if self.params.model_tarball_path is None: self.params.model_tarball_path = build_tarball_name(self.params.dataset_name, self.params.model_uuid, self.params.result_dir) # ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def load_featurize_data(self, params=None): """Loads the dataset from the datastore or the file system and featurizes it. If we are training a new model, split the dataset into training, validation and test sets. The data is also split into training, validation, and test sets and saved to the filesystem or datastore. Assumes a ModelWrapper object has already been created. Args: params (Namespace): Optional set of parameters to be used for featurization; by default this function uses the parameters used when the pipeline was created. Side effects: Sets the following attributes of the ModelPipeline data (ModelDataset object): A data object that featurizes and splits the dataset data.dataset(dc.DiskDataset): The transformed, featurized, and split dataset """ if params is None: params = self.params = model_datasets.create_model_dataset(params, self.featurization, self.ds_client) if self.run_mode == 'training': # Ignore prevoiusly split if in production mode if params.production: # if in production mode, make a new split do not load'Training in production mode. Ignoring ' 'previous split and creating production split. ' 'Production split will not be saved.') elif not (params.previously_split and if == 'classification': # We now create transformers after splitting, to allow for the case where the transformer # is fitted to the training data only. The transformers are then applied to the training, # validation and test sets separately. if not params.split_only: self.model_wrapper.create_transformers( else: self.run_mode = '' if self.run_mode == 'training': for i, (train, valid) in enumerate( train = self.model_wrapper.transform_dataset(train) valid = self.model_wrapper.transform_dataset(valid)[i] = (train, valid) = self.model_wrapper.transform_dataset(
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[docs] def create_model_metadata(self): """Initializes a data structure describing the current model, to be saved in the model zoo. This should include everything necessary to reproduce a model run. Side effects: Sets self.model_metadata (dictionary): A dictionary of the model metadata required to recreate the model. Also contains metadata about the generating dataset. """ if self.params.datastore: dataset_metadata = dsf.get_keyval(dataset_key=self.params.dataset_key, bucket=self.params.bucket) else: dataset_metadata = {} if 'dataset_hash' not in self.params: self.params.dataset_hash=None train_dset_data = dict( datastore=self.params.datastore, dataset_key=self.params.dataset_key, bucket=self.params.bucket,, dataset_hash=self.params.dataset_hash, id_col=self.params.id_col, smiles_col=self.params.smiles_col, response_cols=self.params.response_cols, feature_transform_type=self.params.feature_transform_type, response_transform_type=self.params.response_transform_type, external_export_parameters=dict( result_dir=self.params.result_dir), dataset_metadata=dataset_metadata, production=self.params.production ) model_params = dict( model_bucket=self.params.model_bucket, system=self.params.system, model_type=self.params.model_type, featurizer=self.params.featurizer, prediction_type=self.params.prediction_type, model_choice_score_type=self.params.model_choice_score_type, num_model_tasks=self.params.num_model_tasks, class_number=self.params.class_number, transformers=self.params.transformers, transformer_key=self.params.transformer_key, transformer_bucket=self.params.transformer_bucket, transformer_oid=self.params.transformer_oid, uncertainty=self.params.uncertainty, time_generated=time.time(), save_results=self.params.save_results, hyperparam_uuid=self.params.hyperparam_uuid, ampl_version=mu.get_ampl_version() ) splitting_metadata = model_metadata = dict( model_uuid=self.params.model_uuid, time_built=time.time(), model_parameters=model_params, training_dataset=train_dset_data, splitting_parameters=splitting_metadata ) model_spec_metadata = self.model_wrapper.get_model_specific_metadata() for key, data in model_spec_metadata.items(): model_metadata[key] = data feature_specific_metadata = for key, data in feature_specific_metadata.items(): model_metadata[key] = data for key, data in trans.get_transformer_specific_metadata(self.params).items(): model_metadata[key] = data self.model_metadata = model_metadata
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[docs] def save_model_metadata(self, retries=5, sleep_sec=60): """Saves the data needed to reload the model in the model tracker DB or in a local tarball file. Inserts the model metadata into the model tracker DB, if self.params.save_results is True. Otherwise, saves the model metadata to a local .json file. Generates a gzipped tar archive containing the metadata file, the transformer parameters and the model checkpoint files, and saves it in the datastore or the filesystem according to the value of save_results. Args: retries (int): Number of times to retry saving to model tracker DB. sleep_sec (int): Number of seconds to sleep between retries, if saving to model tracker DB. Side effects: Saves the model metadata and parameters into the model tracker DB or a local tarball file. """ # Dump the model parameters and metadata to a JSON file out_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'model_metadata.json') with open(out_file, 'w') as out: json.dump(self.model_metadata, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) out.write("\n") if self.params.save_results: # Model tracker saves the model state and metadata in the datastore as well as saving the metadata # in the model zoo. retry = True i = 0 while retry: if i < retries: # TODO: Try to distinguish unrecoverable exceptions (e.g., model tracker is down) from ones for # which retrying is worthwhile. try: trkr.save_model(self, collection_name=self.params.collection_name) # Best model needs to be reloaded for predictions, so does not work to remove best_model_dir retry = False except: raise #self.log.warning("Need to sleep and retry saving model") #time.sleep(sleep_sec) #i += 1 else: retry = False else: # If not using the model tracker, save the model state and metadata in a tarball in the filesystem trkr.save_model_tarball(self.output_dir, self.params.model_tarball_path) self.model_wrapper._clean_up_excess_files(self.model_wrapper.model_dir)
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[docs] def create_prediction_metadata(self, prediction_results): """Initializes a data structure to hold performance metrics from a model run on a new dataset, to be stored in the model tracker DB. Note that this isn't used for the training run metadata; the training_metrics section is created by the train_model() function. Returns: prediction_metadata (dict): A dictionary of the metadata for a model run on a new dataset. """ if self.params.datastore: dataset_metadata = dsf.get_keyval(dataset_key=self.params.dataset_key, bucket=self.params.bucket) else: dataset_metadata = {} prediction_metadata = dict( metrics_type='prediction', model_uuid=self.params.model_uuid, time_run=time.time(), dataset_key=self.params.dataset_key, bucket=self.params.bucket,, id_col=self.params.id_col, smiles_col=self.params.smiles_col, response_cols=self.params.response_cols, prediction_results=prediction_results, dataset_metadata=dataset_metadata ) return prediction_metadata
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[docs] def get_metrics(self): """Retrieve the model performance metrics from any previous training and prediction runs from the model tracker """ if self.params.save_results: return list(trkr.get_metrics(self, collection_name=self.params.collection_name)) metrics = self.mlmt_client.get_model_metrics(collection_name=self.params.collection_name, model_uuid=self.params.model_uuid).result() return metrics else: # TODO: Eventually, may want to allow reading metrics from the JSON files saved by # save_metrics(), in order to support installations without the model tracker. self.log.warning("ModelPipeline.get_metrics() requires params.save_results = True") return None
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[docs] def save_metrics(self, model_metrics, prefix=None, retries=5, sleep_sec=60): """Saves the given model_metrics dictionary to a JSON file on disk, and also to the model tracker database if we're using it. If writing to disk, outputs to a JSON file <prefix>_model_metrics.json in the current output directory. Args: model_metrics (dict or list): Either a dictionary containing the model performance metrics, or a list of dictionaries with metrics for each training label and subset. prefix (str): An optional prefix to include in the JSON filename retries (int): Number of retries to save to model tracker DB, if save_results is True. sleep_sec (int): Number of seconds to sleep between retries. Side effects: Saves the model_metrics dictionary to the model tracker database, or writes out a .json file """ # First save the metrics to disk if prefix is None: out_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'model_metrics.json') else: out_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '%s_model_metrics.json' % prefix) with open(out_file, 'w') as out: json.dump(model_metrics, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) out.write("\n") if self.params.save_results: if type(model_metrics) != list: model_metrics = [model_metrics] for metrics in model_metrics: retry = True i = 0 while retry: if i < retries: try: self.mlmt_client.save_metrics(collection_name=self.params.collection_name, model_uuid=metrics['model_uuid'], model_metrics=metrics) retry = False except: raise # TODO: uncomment when debugged # TODO: Need to distinguish between "temporary" exceptions that justify # retries and longer-term exceptions indicating that the model tracker server # is down. #self.log.warning("Need to sleep and retry saving metrics") #time.sleep(sleep_sec) #i += 1 else: retry = False
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[docs] def split_dataset(self, featurization=None): """Load, featurize and split the dataset according to the current model parameter settings, but don't actually train a model. Returns the split_uuid for the dataset split. Args: featurization (Featurization object): An optional featurization object. Returns: split_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the dataset split. """ self.run_mode = 'training' self.params.split_only = True self.params.previously_split = False if featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(self.params) self.featurization = featurization self.load_featurize_data() return
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[docs] def train_model(self, featurization=None): """Build model described by self.params on the training dataset described by self.params. Generate predictions for the training, validation, and test datasets, and save the predictions and performance metrics in the model results DB or in a JSON file. Args: featurization (Featurization object): An optional featurization object for creating models on a prefeaturized dataset Side effects: Sets the following attributes of the ModelPipeline object run_mode (str): The mode to run the pipeline, set to training featurization (Featurization object): The featurization argument or the featurization created from the input parameters model_wrapper (ModelWrapper objct): A model wrapper created from the parameters and featurization object. model_metadata (dict): The model metadata dictionary that stores the model metrics and metadata """ self.run_mode = 'training' if self.params.model_type == "hybrid": if self.params.featurizer in ["graphconv"]: raise Exception("Hybrid model doesn't support GraphConv featurizer now.") if len(self.params.response_cols) < 2: raise Exception("The dataset of a hybrid model should have two response columns, one for activities, one for concentrations.") if featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(self.params) self.featurization = featurization ## create model wrapper if not split_only if not self.params.split_only: self.model_wrapper = model_wrapper.create_model_wrapper(self.params, self.featurization, self.ds_client) self.model_wrapper.setup_model_dirs() self.load_featurize_data() ## return if split only if self.params.split_only: return self.model_wrapper.train(self) # Create the metadata for the trained model self.create_model_metadata() # Save the performance metrics for each training data subset, for the best epoch training_metrics = [] for label in ['best']: for subset in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: training_dict = dict( metrics_type='training', label=label, subset=subset) training_dict['prediction_results'] = self.model_wrapper.get_pred_results(subset, label) training_metrics.append(training_dict) # Save the model metrics separately for training_dict in training_metrics: training_dict['model_uuid'] = self.params.model_uuid training_dict['time_run'] = time.time() training_dict['input_dataset'] = self.model_metadata['training_dataset'] self.save_metrics(training_metrics) # Save the model metadata in the model tracker or the filesystem self.model_metadata['training_metrics'] = training_metrics self.save_model_metadata() self.orig_params = self.params
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[docs] def run_predictions(self, featurization=None): """Instantiate a previously trained model, and use it to run predictions on a new dataset. Generate predictions for a specified dataset, and save the predictions and performance metrics in the model results DB or in a JSON file. Args: featurization (Featurization Object): An optional featurization object for creating the model wrappr Side effects: Sets the following attributes of ModelPipeline: run_mode (str): The mode to run the pipeline, set to prediction featurization (Featurization object): The featurization argument or the featurization created from the input parameters model_wrapper (ModelWrapper object): A model wrapper created from the parameters and featurization object. """ self.run_mode = 'prediction' if featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(self.params) self.featurization = featurization # Load the dataset to run predictions on and featurize it self.load_featurize_data() # Run predictions on the full dataset pred_results = self.model_wrapper.get_full_dataset_pred_results( # Map the predictions, and metrics if requested, to the dictionary format used by # the model tracker prediction_metadata = self.create_prediction_metadata(pred_results) # Get the metrics from previous prediction runs, if any, and append the new results to them # in the model tracker DB model_metrics = dict( model_uuid=self.params.model_uuid, metrics_type='prediction' ) model_metrics.update(prediction_metadata) self.save_metrics(model_metrics, 'prediction_%s' % self.params.dataset_name)
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[docs] def calc_train_dset_pair_dis(self, metric="euclidean"): """Calculate the pairwise distance for training set compound feature vectors, needed for AD calculation.""" self.featurization = self.model_wrapper.featurization self.load_featurize_data() if len( > 1: # combine train and valid set for k-fold cv models train_data = np.concatenate(([0][0].X,[0][1].X)) else: train_data =[0][0].X self.train_pair_dis = pairwise_distances(X=train_data, metric=metric) self.train_pair_dis_metric = metric
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[docs] def predict_on_dataframe(self, dset_df, is_featurized=False, contains_responses=False, AD_method=None, k=5, dist_metric="euclidean"): """DEPRECATED Call predict_full_dataset instead. """ self.log.warning("predict_on_dataframe is deprecated. Please call predict_full_dataset instead.") result_df = self.predict_full_dataset(dset_df, is_featurized=is_featurized, contains_responses=contains_responses, AD_method=AD_method, k=k, dist_metric=dist_metric) # Inside predict_full_dataset, prediction columns are generated using something like: # for i, colname in enumerate(self.params.response_cols): # result_df['%s_pred'%colname] = preds[:,i,0] # predict_on_dataframe was only meant to handle single task models and so output # columns were not prefixed with the response_col. Thus we need to remove the prefix # for backwards compatibility if len(self.params.response_cols)==1: # currently the only columns that could have a response_col prefix suffixes = ['pred', 'std', 'actual', 'prob'] rename_map = {} colname = self.params.response_cols[0] for suff in suffixes: for c in result_df.columns: if c.startswith('%s_%s'%(colname, suff)): rename_map[c] = c[len(colname+'_'):] # chop off response_col_ prefix # rename columns for backwards compatibility result_df.rename(columns=rename_map, inplace=True) return result_df
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[docs] def predict_on_smiles(self, smiles, verbose=False, AD_method=None, k=5, dist_metric="euclidean"): """Compute predicted responses from a pretrained model on a set of compounds given as a list of SMILES strings. Args: smiles (list): A list containting valid SMILES strings verbose (boolean): A switch for disabling informational messages AD_method (str or None): Method to use to compute applicability domain (AD) index; may be 'z_score', 'local_density' or None (the default). With the default value, AD indices will not be calculated. k (int): Number of nearest neighbors of each training data point used to evaluate the AD index. dist_metric (str): Metric used to compute distances between feature vectors for AD index calculation. Valid values are 'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'jaccard', and 'manhattan'. If binary features such as fingerprints are used in model, 'jaccard' (equivalent to Tanimoto distance) may be a better choice than the other metrics which operate on continuous features. Returns: res (DataFrame): Data frame indexed by compound IDs containing a column of SMILES strings, with additional columns containing the predicted values for each response variable. If the model was trained to predict uncertainties, the returned data frame will also include standard deviation columns (named <response_col>_std) for each response variable. The result data frame may not include all the compounds in the input dataset, because the featurizer may not be able to featurize all of them. """ if not verbose: os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '1' logger = logging.getLogger('ATOM') logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) sys.stdout = io.StringIO() import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if len(self.params.response_cols) > 1: raise Exception('Currently only single task models supported') else: task = self.params.response_cols[0] df = pd.DataFrame({'compound_id': np.linspace(0, len(smiles) - 1, len(smiles), dtype=int), self.params.smiles_col: smiles, task: np.zeros(len(smiles))}) res = self.predict_on_dataframe(df, AD_method=AD_method, k=k, dist_metric=dist_metric) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ return res
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[docs] def predict_full_dataset(self, dset_df, is_featurized=False, contains_responses=False, dset_params=None, AD_method=None, k=5, dist_metric="euclidean", max_train_records_for_AD=1000): """Compute predicted responses from a pretrained model on a set of compounds listed in a data frame. The data frame should contain, at minimum, a column of compound IDs; if SMILES strings are needed to compute features, they should be provided as well. Feature columns may be provided as well. If response columns are included in the input, they will be included in the output as well to facilitate performance metric calculations. This function is similar to predict_on_dataframe, except that it supports multitask models, and includes class probabilities in the output for classifier models. Args: dset_df (DataFrame): A data frame containing compound IDs (if the compounds are to be featurized using descriptors) and/or SMILES strings (if the compounds are to be featurized using ECFP fingerprints or graph convolution) and/or precomputed features. The column names for the compound ID and SMILES columns should match id_col and smiles_col, respectively, in the model parameters. is_featurized (bool): True if dset_df contains precomputed feature columns. If so, dset_df must contain *all* of the feature columns defined by the featurizer that was used when the model was trained. contains_responses (bool): True if dataframe contains response values dset_params (Namespace): Parameters used to interpret dataset, including id_col, smiles_col, and optionally, response_cols. If not provided, id_col, smiles_col and response_cols are assumed to be same as in the pretrained model. AD_method (str or None): Method to use to compute applicability domain (AD) index; may be 'z_score', 'local_density' or None (the default). With the default value, AD indices will not be calculated. k (int): Number of nearest neighbors of each training data point used to evaluate the AD index. dist_metric (str): Metric used to compute distances between feature vectors for AD index calculation. Valid values are 'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'jaccard', and 'manhattan'. If binary features such as fingerprints are used in model, 'jaccard' (equivalent to Tanimoto distance) may be a better choice than the other metrics which operate on continuous features. max_train_records_for_AD (int): Maximum number of training data rows to use for AD calculation. Note that the AD calculation time scales as the square of the number of training records used. If the training dataset is larger than `max_train_records_for_AD`, a random sample of rows with this size is used instead for the AD calculations. Returns: result_df (DataFrame): Data frame indexed by compound IDs containing a column of SMILES strings, with additional columns containing the predicted values for each response variable. If the model was trained to predict uncertainties, the returned data frame will also include standard deviation columns (named <response_col>_std) for each response variable. The result data frame may not include all the compounds in the input dataset, because the featurizer may not be able to featurize all of them. """ self.run_mode = 'prediction' self.featurization = self.model_wrapper.featurization # Change the dataset ID, SMILES and response columns to match the ones in the current model dset_df = dset_df.copy() if dset_params is not None: coldict = { dset_params.id_col: self.params.id_col, dset_params.smiles_col: self.params.smiles_col} if contains_responses and (set(dset_params.response_cols) != set(self.params.response_cols)): for i, col in enumerate(dset_params.response_cols): coldict[col] = self.params.response_cols[i] dset_df = dset_df.rename(columns=coldict) # assign unique ids to each row old_ids = dset_df[self.params.id_col].values new_ids = [str(i) for i in range(len(dset_df))] id_map = dict([(i, id) for i, id in zip(new_ids, old_ids)]) dset_df[self.params.id_col] = new_ids = model_datasets.create_minimal_dataset(self.params, self.featurization, contains_responses) if not # Shouldn't happen raise Exception("response_cols missing from model params") # Get features for each compound and construct a DeepChem Dataset from them, is_featurized) # Transform the features and responses if needed = self.model_wrapper.transform_dataset( # Note that at this point, the dataset may contain fewer rows than the input. Typically this happens because # of invalid SMILES strings. Remove any rows from the input dataframe corresponding to SMILES strings that were # dropped. dset_df = dset_df[dset_df[self.params.id_col].isin(] # Get the predictions and standard deviations, if calculated, as numpy arrays preds, stds = self.model_wrapper.generate_predictions( result_df = pd.DataFrame({self.params.id_col:, self.params.smiles_col:[self.params.smiles_col].values}) if self.params.model_type != "hybrid": if contains_responses: for i, colname in enumerate(self.params.response_cols): result_df["%s_actual" % colname] =[:,i] for i, colname in enumerate(self.params.response_cols): if self.params.prediction_type == 'regression': result_df["%s_pred" % colname] = preds[:,i,0] else: class_probs = preds[:,i,:] nclass = preds.shape[2] if nclass == 2: result_df["%s_prob" % colname] = class_probs[:,1] else: for k in range(nclass): result_df["%s_prob_%d" % (colname, k)] = class_probs[:,k] result_df["%s_pred" % colname] = np.argmax(class_probs, axis=1) if self.params.uncertainty and self.params.prediction_type == 'regression': for i, colname in enumerate(self.params.response_cols): std_colname = '%s_std' % colname result_df[std_colname] = stds[:,i,0] else: # hybrid model should handled differently if contains_responses: result_df["actual_activity"] =[:, 0] result_df["concentration"] =[:, 1] result_df["pred"] = preds[:, 0] if AD_method is not None: # Calculate applicability domain index if self.featurization.feat_type == "graphconv": # For graphconv models, compute embeddings and treat them as features pred_data = self.predict_embedding(dset_df, dset_params=dset_params) else: pred_data = copy.deepcopy( try: if not hasattr(self, 'featurized_train_data'): self.log.debug("Featurizing training data for AD calculation.") self.run_mode = 'training' # If training data is too big to compute distances in a reasonable time, use a sample of the data train_data_params = copy.deepcopy(self.orig_params) train_data_params.max_dataset_rows = max_train_records_for_AD self.load_featurize_data(params=train_data_params) self.run_mode = 'prediction' if len( > 1: # combine train and valid set for k-fold CV models train_X = np.concatenate(([0][0].X,[0][1].X)) else: train_X =[0][0].X if self.featurization.feat_type == "graphconv": self.log.debug("Computing training data embeddings for AD calculation.") train_dset = self.featurized_train_data = self.model_wrapper.generate_embeddings(train_dset) else: self.featurized_train_data = train_X if not hasattr(self, "train_pair_dis") or not hasattr(self, "train_pair_dis_metric") or self.train_pair_dis_metric != dist_metric: self.train_pair_dis = pairwise_distances(X=self.featurized_train_data, metric=dist_metric) self.train_pair_dis_metric = dist_metric self.log.debug("Calculating AD index.") if AD_method == "local_density": result_df["AD_index"] = calc_AD_kmean_local_density(self.featurized_train_data, pred_data, k, train_dset_pair_distance=self.train_pair_dis, dist_metric=dist_metric) else: result_df["AD_index"] = calc_AD_kmean_dist(self.featurized_train_data, pred_data, k, train_dset_pair_distance=self.train_pair_dis, dist_metric=dist_metric) except: self.log.warning("AD index calculation failed") # xxx re-raise for debugging raise # insert any missing ids missing_ids = list(set(new_ids).difference(result_df[self.params.id_col])) if len(missing_ids) > 0: missing_df = pd.DataFrame({self.params.id_col: missing_ids}) result_df = pd.concat([result_df, missing_df], ignore_index=True) # sort in ascending order, recovering the original order, keeping in mind that string representations # of ints don't sort in the same order as the corresponding ints. result_df['original_sort_order'] = [int(s) for s in result_df[self.params.id_col].values] result_df.sort_values(by='original_sort_order', ascending=True, inplace=True) result_df = result_df.drop(columns=['original_sort_order']) # map back to original id values result_df[self.params.id_col] = result_df[self.params.id_col].map(id_map) return result_df
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def predict_embedding(self, dset_df, dset_params=None): """Compute embeddings from a pretrained model on a set of compounds listed in a data frame. The data frame should contain, at minimum, a column of compound IDs and a column of SMILES strings. """ self.run_mode = 'prediction' self.featurization = self.model_wrapper.featurization # Change the dataset ID, SMILES and response columns to match the ones in the current model dset_df = dset_df.copy() if dset_params is not None: coldict = { dset_params.id_col: self.params.id_col, dset_params.smiles_col: self.params.smiles_col} dset_df = dset_df.rename(columns=coldict) = model_datasets.create_minimal_dataset(self.params, self.featurization), is_featurized=False) # Not sure the following is necessary = self.model_wrapper.transform_dataset( # Get the embeddings as a numpy array embeddings = self.model_wrapper.generate_embeddings( # Truncate the embeddings array to the length of the input dataset. The array returned by the DeepChem # predict_embedding function is padded to multiples of the batch size. embeddings = embeddings[:len(dset_df),:] return embeddings
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def run_models(params, shared_featurization=None, generator=False): """Query the model tracker for models matching the criteria in params.model_filter. Run predictions with each model using the dataset specified by the remaining parameters. Args: params (Namespace): Parsed parameters shared_featurization (Featurization): Object to map compounds to features, shared across models. User is responsible for ensuring that shared_featurization is compatible with all matching models. generator (bool): True if run as a generator """ mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() ds_client = dsf.config_client() log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') exclude_fields = [ "training_metrics", "time_built", "training_dataset.dataset_metadata" ] query_params = { 'match_metadata': params.model_filter } metadata_iter = mlmt_client.get_models( collection_name=params.collection_name, query_params=query_params, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, count=True ) model_count = next(metadata_iter) if not model_count: log.error("No matching models returned") return for metadata_dict in metadata_iter: model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid']"Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_params = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) # Override selected model training data parameters with parameters for current dataset model_params.model_uuid = model_uuid model_params.collection_name = params.collection_name model_params.datastore = True model_params.save_results = True model_params.dataset_key = params.dataset_key model_params.bucket = params.bucket model_params.dataset_oid = params.dataset_oid model_params.system = params.system model_params.id_col = params.id_col model_params.smiles_col = params.smiles_col model_params.result_dir = params.result_dir model_params.model_filter = params.model_filter # Create a separate output_dir under model_params.result_dir for each model. For lack of a better idea, use the model UUID # to name the output dir, to ensure uniqueness. model_params.output_dir = os.path.join(params.result_dir, model_uuid) # Allow descriptor featurizer to use a different descriptor table than was used for the training data. # This could be needed e.g. when a model was trained with GSK compounds and tested with ChEMBL data. model_params.descriptor_key = params.descriptor_key model_params.descriptor_bucket = params.descriptor_bucket model_params.descriptor_oid = params.descriptor_oid # If there is no shared featurization object, create one for this model if shared_featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(model_params) else: featurization = shared_featurization # Create a ModelPipeline object pipeline = ModelPipeline(model_params, ds_client, mlmt_client) # Create the ModelWrapper object. pipeline.model_wrapper = model_wrapper.create_model_wrapper(pipeline.params, featurization, pipeline.ds_client) # Get the tarball containing the saved model from the datastore, and extract it into model_dir. model_dataset_oid = metadata_dict['model_parameters']['model_dataset_oid'] # TODO: Should we catch exceptions from retrieve_dataset_by_dataset_oid, or let them propagate? model_dir = dsf.retrieve_dataset_by_dataset_oid(model_dataset_oid, client=ds_client, return_metadata=False, nrows=None, print_metadata=False, sep=False, tarpath=pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir)"Extracted model tarball to %s" % model_dir) # If that worked, reload the saved model training state pipeline.model_wrapper.reload_model(pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir) # Run predictions on the specified dataset pipeline.run_predictions(featurization) # Return the pipeline to the calling function, if run as a generator if generator: yield pipeline
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def regenerate_results(result_dir, params=None, metadata_dict=None, shared_featurization=None, system='twintron-blue'): """Query the model tracker for models matching the criteria in params.model_filter. Run predictions with each model using the dataset specified by the remaining parameters. Args: result_dir (str): Parent of directory where result files will be written params (Namespace): Parsed parameters metadata_dict (dict): Model metadata shared_featurization (Featurization): Object to map compounds to features, shared across models. User is responsible for ensuring that shared_featurization is compatible with all matching models. system (str): System name Returns: result_dict (dict): Results from predictions """ mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() ds_client = dsf.config_client() log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') if metadata_dict is None: if params is None: log.error("Must either provide params or metadata_dict") return metadata_dict = trkr.get_metadata_by_uuid(params.model_uuid, collection_name=params.collection_name) if metadata_dict is None: log.error("No matching models returned") return # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_params = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) model_params.model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] model_params.datastore = True dset_df = model_datasets.create_split_dataset_from_metadata(model_params, ds_client) test_df = dset_df[dset_df.subset == 'test'] model_uuid = model_params.model_uuid"Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) model_params.result_dir = result_dir # Create a separate output_dir under model_params.result_dir for each model. For lack of a better idea, use the model UUID # to name the output dir, to ensure uniqueness. model_params.output_dir = os.path.join(model_params.result_dir, model_uuid) # Allow descriptor featurizer to use a different descriptor table than was used for the training data. # This could be needed e.g. when a model was trained with GSK compounds and tested with ChEMBL data, or # when running a model that was trained on LC on a non-LC system. model_params.system = system # Create a ModelPipeline object pipeline = ModelPipeline(model_params, ds_client, mlmt_client) # If there is no shared featurization object, create one for this model if shared_featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(model_params) else: featurization = shared_featurization"Featurization = %s" % str(featurization)) # Create the ModelWrapper object. pipeline.model_wrapper = model_wrapper.create_model_wrapper(pipeline.params, featurization, pipeline.ds_client) # Get the tarball containing the saved model from the datastore, and extract it into model_dir (old format) # or output_dir (new format) according to the format of the tarball contents. extract_dir = trkr.extract_datastore_model_tarball(model_uuid, model_params.model_bucket, model_params.output_dir, pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir) # If that worked, reload the saved model training state pipeline.model_wrapper.reload_model(pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir) # Run predictions on the specified dataset result_dict = pipeline.predict_on_dataframe(test_df, contains_responses=True) result_dict['model_type'] = model_params.model_type result_dict['featurizer'] = model_params.featurizer result_dict['splitter'] = model_params.splitter if 'descriptor_type' in model_params: result_dict['descriptor_type'] = model_params.descriptor_type return result_dict
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def create_prediction_pipeline(params, model_uuid, collection_name=None, featurization=None, alt_bucket='CRADA'): """Create a ModelPipeline object to be used for running blind predictions on datasets where the ground truth is not known, given a pretrained model in the model tracker database. Args: params (Namespace or dict): A parsed parameters namespace, containing parameters describing how input datasets should be processed. If a dictionary is passed, it will be parsed to fill in default values and convert it to a Namespace object. model_uuid (str): The UUID of a trained model. collection_name (str): The collection where the model is stored in the model tracker DB. featurization (Featurization): An optional featurization object to be used for featurizing the input data. If none is provided, one will be created based on the stored model parameters. alt_bucket (str): Alternative bucket to search for model tarball and transformer files, if original bucket no longer exists. Returns: pipeline (ModelPipeline): A pipeline object to be used for making predictions. """ mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() ds_client = dsf.config_client() if collection_name is None: collection_name = trkr.get_model_collection_by_uuid(model_uuid, mlmt_client) if type(params) == dict: params = parse.wrapper(params) metadata_dict = trkr.get_metadata_by_uuid(model_uuid, collection_name=collection_name) if not metadata_dict: raise Exception("No model found with UUID %s in collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name)) print("Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) model_ampl_version = metadata_dict['model_parameters']['ampl_version'] # check the model version to make sure it's compatible with the running ampl version mu.check_version_compatible(model_ampl_version) # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_params = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) orig_params = copy.deepcopy(model_params) # Override selected model training data parameters with parameters for current dataset model_params.model_uuid = model_uuid model_params.save_results = True model_params.id_col = params.id_col model_params.smiles_col = params.smiles_col model_params.result_dir = params.result_dir model_params.system = params.system # Check that buckets where model tarball and transformers were saved still exist. If not, try alt_bucket. model_bucket_meta = ds_client.ds_buckets.get_buckets(buckets=[model_params.model_bucket]).result() if len(model_bucket_meta) == 0: model_params.model_bucket = alt_bucket if (model_params.transformer_bucket != model_params.model_bucket): trans_bucket_meta = ds_client.ds_buckets.get_buckets(buckets=[model_params.transformer_bucket]).result() if len(trans_bucket_meta) == 0: model_params.transformer_bucket = alt_bucket else: if len(model_bucket_meta) == 0: model_params.transformer_bucket = alt_bucket # Create a separate output_dir under model_params.result_dir for each model. For lack of a better idea, use the model UUID # to name the output dir, to ensure uniqueness. model_params.output_dir = os.path.join(params.result_dir, model_uuid) # Allow using computed_descriptors featurizer for a model trained with the descriptors featurizer, and vice versa if (model_params.featurizer == 'descriptors' and params.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors') or ( model_params.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors' and params.featurizer == 'descriptors'): model_params.featurizer = params.featurizer # Allow descriptor featurizer to use a different descriptor table than was used for the training data. # This could be needed e.g. when a model was trained with GSK compounds and tested with ChEMBL data. model_params.descriptor_key = params.descriptor_key model_params.descriptor_bucket = params.descriptor_bucket model_params.descriptor_oid = params.descriptor_oid # If the caller didn't provide a featurization object, create one for this model if featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(model_params) # Create a ModelPipeline object pipeline = ModelPipeline(model_params, ds_client, mlmt_client) pipeline.orig_params = orig_params # Create the ModelWrapper object. pipeline.model_wrapper = model_wrapper.create_model_wrapper(pipeline.params, featurization, pipeline.ds_client) if params.verbose: pipeline.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: pipeline.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Get the tarball containing the saved model from the datastore, and extract it into model_dir or output_dir, # depending on what style of tarball it is (old or new respectively) extract_dir = trkr.extract_datastore_model_tarball(model_uuid, model_params.model_bucket, model_params.output_dir, pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir) if extract_dir == model_params.output_dir: # Model came from new style tarball pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir = os.path.join(model_params.output_dir, 'best_model') # Reload the saved model training state pipeline.model_wrapper.reload_model(pipeline.model_wrapper.model_dir) return pipeline
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def create_prediction_pipeline_from_file(params, reload_dir, model_path=None, model_type='best_model', featurization=None, verbose=True): """Create a ModelPipeline object to be used for running blind predictions on datasets, given a pretrained model stored in the filesystem. The model may be stored either as a gzipped tar archive or as a directory. Args: params (Namespace): A parsed parameters namespace, containing parameters describing how input datasets should be processed. reload_dir (str): The path to the parent directory containing the various model subdirectories (e.g.: '/home/cdsw/model/delaney-processed/delaney-processed/pxc50_NN_graphconv_scaffold_regression/'). If reload_dir is None, then model_path must be specified. If both are specified, then the tar archive given by model_path will be unpacked into reload_dir, possibly overwriting existing files in that directory. model_path (str): Path to a gzipped tar archive containing the saved model metadata and parameters. If specified, the tar archive is unpacked into reload_dir if that directory is given, or to a temporary directory otherwise. model_type (str): Name of the subdirectory in reload_dir or in the tar archive where the trained model state parameters should be loaded from. featurization (Featurization): An optional featurization object to be used for featurizing the input data. If none is provided, one will be created based on the stored model parameters. Returns: pipeline (ModelPipeline): A pipeline object to be used for making predictions. """ log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') # Unpack the model tar archive if one is specified if model_path is not None: # if mismatch, it will raise an exception matched = mu.check_version_compatible(model_path) if reload_dir is None: # Create a temporary directory reload_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: os.makedirs(reload_dir, exist_ok=True) with, mode='r:gz') as tar: futils.safe_extract(tar, path=reload_dir) elif reload_dir is None: raise ValueError("Either reload_dir or model_path must be specified.") # Opens the model_metadata.json file containing the reloaded model parameters config_file_path = os.path.join(reload_dir, 'model_metadata.json') with open(config_file_path) as f: config = json.loads( # Set the transformer_key parameter to point to the transformer pickle file we just extracted try: has_transformers = config['model_parameters']['transformers'] if has_transformers: config['model_parameters']['transformer_key'] = "%s/transformers.pkl" % reload_dir except KeyError: pass # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_params = parse.wrapper(config) orig_params = copy.deepcopy(model_params) # Override selected model training data parameters with parameters for current dataset model_params.save_results = False model_params.output_dir = reload_dir if params is not None: model_params.id_col = params.id_col model_params.smiles_col = params.smiles_col model_params.result_dir = params.result_dir model_params.system = params.system verbose = params.verbose # Allow using computed_descriptors featurizer for a model trained with the descriptors featurizer, and vice versa if (model_params.featurizer == 'descriptors' and params.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors') or ( model_params.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors' and params.featurizer == 'descriptors'): model_params.featurizer = params.featurizer # Allow descriptor featurizer to use a different descriptor table than was used for the training data. # This could be needed e.g. when a model was trained with GSK compounds and tested with ChEMBL data. model_params.descriptor_key = params.descriptor_key model_params.descriptor_bucket = params.descriptor_bucket model_params.descriptor_oid = params.descriptor_oid # If the caller didn't provide a featurization object, create one for this model if featurization is None: featurization = feat.create_featurization(model_params)"Featurization = %s" % str(featurization)) # Create a ModelPipeline object pipeline = ModelPipeline(model_params) pipeline.orig_params = orig_params # Create the ModelWrapper object. pipeline.model_wrapper = model_wrapper.create_model_wrapper(pipeline.params, featurization) if verbose: pipeline.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: pipeline.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Reload the saved model training state model_dir = os.path.join(reload_dir, model_type) # If that worked, reload the saved model training state pipeline.model_wrapper.reload_model(model_dir) return pipeline
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def load_from_tracker(model_uuid, collection_name=None, client=None, verbose=False, alt_bucket='CRADA'): """DEPRECATED. Use the function create_prediction_pipeline() directly, or use the higher-level function predict_from_model.predict_from_tracker_model(). Create a ModelPipeline object using the metadata in the model tracker. Args: model_uuid (str): The UUID of a trained model. collection_name (str): The collection where the model is stored in the model tracker DB. client : Ignored, for backward compatibility only verbose (bool): A switch for disabling informational messages alt_bucket (str): Alternative bucket to search for model tarball and transformer files, if original bucket no longer exists. Returns: tuple of: pipeline (ModelPipeline): A pipeline object to be used for making predictions. pparams (Namespace): Parsed parameter namespace from the requested model. """ logger = logging.getLogger('ATOM') if not verbose: os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '1' logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) sys.stdout = io.StringIO() import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if collection_name is None: collection_name = trkr.get_model_collection_by_uuid(model_uuid) metadata_dict = trkr.get_metadata_by_uuid(model_uuid, collection_name=collection_name) if not metadata_dict: raise Exception("No model found with UUID %s in collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name))"Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model pparams = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) # pparams.uncertainty = False pparams.verbose = verbose pparams.result_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Redirect the untaring of the model to a temporary directory model = create_prediction_pipeline(pparams, model_uuid, collection_name, alt_bucket=alt_bucket) # model.params.uncertainty = False if not verbose: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ return (model, pparams)
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[docs] def ensemble_predict(model_uuids, collections, dset_df, labels=None, dset_params=None, splitters=None, mt_client=None, aggregate="mean", contains_responses=False): """Load a series of pretrained models and predict responses with each model; then aggregate the predicted responses into one prediction per compound. Args: model_uuids (iterable of str): Sequence of UUIDs of trained models. collections (str or iterable of str): The collection(s) where the models are stored in the model tracker DB. If a single string, the same collection is assumed to contain all the models. Otherwise, collections should be of the same length as model_uuids. dset_df (DataFrame): Dataset to perform predictions on. Should contain compound IDs and SMILES strings. May contain features. labels (iterable of str): Optional suffixes for model-specific prediction column names. If not provided, the columns are labeled 'pred_<uuid>' where <uuid> is the model UUID. dset_params (Namespace): Parameters used to interpret dataset, including id_col and smiles_col. If not provided, id_col and smiles_col are assumed to be same as in the pretrained model and the same for all models. mt_client: Ignored, for backward compatibility only. aggregate (str): Method to be used to combine predictions. Returns: pred_df (DataFrame): Table with predicted responses from each model, plus the ensemble prediction. """ # Get the singleton MLMTClient instance mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') pred_df = None if type(collections) == str: collections = [collections] * len(model_uuids) if labels is None: labels = model_uuids ok_labels = [] for i, (model_uuid, collection_name, label) in enumerate(zip(model_uuids, collections, labels)):"Loading model %s from collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name)) metadata_dict = trkr.get_metadata_by_uuid(model_uuid, collection_name=collection_name) if not metadata_dict: raise Exception("No model found with UUID %s in collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name))"Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_pparams = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) # Override selected parameters model_pparams.result_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if splitters is not None: if model_pparams.splitter != splitters[i]:"Replacing %s splitter in stored model with %s" % (model_pparams.splitter, splitters[i])) model_pparams.splitter = splitters[i] if dset_params is not None: model_pparams.id_col = dset_params.id_col model_pparams.smiles_col = dset_params.smiles_col if contains_responses: model_pparams.response_cols = dset_params.response_cols pipe = create_prediction_pipeline(model_pparams, model_uuid, collection_name) if pred_df is None: initial_cols = [model_pparams.id_col, model_pparams.smiles_col] if contains_responses: initial_cols.extend(model_pparams.response_cols) pred_df = dset_df[initial_cols].copy() if contains_responses: # Assume singletask model for now pred_df = pred_df.rename(columns={model_pparams.response_cols[0]: 'actual'}) pipe.run_mode = 'prediction' pipe.featurization = pipe.model_wrapper.featurization = model_datasets.create_minimal_dataset(pipe.params, pipe.featurization, contains_responses) if not # Shouldn't happen - response_cols should already be set in saved model parameters raise Exception("response_cols missing from model params") is_featurized = (len(set(pipe.featurization.get_feature_columns()) - set(dset_df.columns.values)) == 0), is_featurized) = pipe.model_wrapper.transform_dataset( # Create a temporary data frame to hold the compound IDs and predictions. The model may not # return predictions for all the requested compounds, so we have to outer join the predictions # to the existing data frame. result_df = pd.DataFrame({model_pparams.id_col:}) # Get the predictions and standard deviations, if calculated, as numpy arrays try: preds, stds = pipe.model_wrapper.generate_predictions( except ValueError: log.error("\n***** Prediction failed for model %s %s\n" % (label, model_uuid)) continue i = 0 if pipe.params.prediction_type == 'regression': result_df["pred_%s" % label] = preds[:, i, 0] else: # Assume binary classifier for now. We're going to aggregate the probabilities for class 1. result_df["pred_%s" % label] = preds[:, i, 1] if pipe.params.uncertainty and pipe.params.prediction_type == 'regression': std_colname = 'std_%s' % label result_df[std_colname] = stds[:, i, 0] pred_df = pred_df.merge(result_df, how='left', on=model_pparams.id_col) ok_labels.append(label) # Aggregate the ensemble of predictions pred_cols = ["pred_%s" % label for label in ok_labels] pred_vals = pred_df[pred_cols].values if aggregate == 'mean': agg_pred = np.nanmean(pred_vals, axis=1) elif aggregate == 'median': agg_pred = np.nanmedian(pred_vals, axis=1) elif aggregate == 'max': agg_pred = np.nanmax(pred_vals, axis=1) elif aggregate == 'min': agg_pred = np.nanmin(pred_vals, axis=1) elif aggregate == 'weighted': std_cols = ["std_%s" % label for label in ok_labels] std_vals = pred_df[std_cols].values if len(set(std_cols) - set(pred_df.columns.values)) > 0: raise Exception("Weighted ensemble needs uncertainties for all component models.") if np.any(std_vals == 0.0): raise Exception("Can't compute weighted ensemble because some standard deviations are zero") agg_pred = np.nansum(pred_vals / std_vals, axis=1) / np.nansum(1.0 / std_vals, axis=1) else: raise ValueError("Unknown aggregate value %s" % aggregate) if pipe.params.prediction_type == 'regression': pred_df["ensemble_pred"] = agg_pred else: pred_df["ensemble_class_prob"] = agg_pred pred_df["ensemble_pred"] = [int(p >= 0.5) for p in agg_pred]"Done with ensemble prediction") return pred_df
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def retrain_model(model_uuid, collection_name=None, result_dir=None, mt_client=None, verbose=True): """Obtain model parameters from the metadata in the model tracker, given the model_uuid, and train a new model using exactly the same parameters (except for result_dir). Returns the resulting ModelPipeline object. The pipeline object can then be used as input for performance plots and other analyses that can't be done using just the metrics stored in the model tracker; or to make predictions on new data. Args: model_uuid (str): The UUID of a trained model. collection_name (str): The collection where the model is stored in the model tracker DB. result_dir (str): The directory of model results when the model tracker is not available. mt_client : Ignored verbose (bool): A switch for disabling informational messages Returns: pipeline (ModelPipeline): A pipeline object containing data from the model training. """ log = logging.getLogger('ATOM') if not result_dir: mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker()"Loading model %s from collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name)) metadata_dict = trkr.get_metadata_by_uuid(model_uuid, collection_name=collection_name) if not metadata_dict: raise Exception("No model found with UUID %s in collection %s" % (model_uuid, collection_name)) else: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): if model_uuid in dirnames: model_dir = os.path.join(dirpath, model_uuid) break with open(os.path.join(model_dir, 'model_metadata.json')) as f: metadata_dict = json.load(f)"Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_pparams = parse.wrapper(metadata_dict) model_pparams.result_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # TODO: This is a hack; possibly the datastore parameter isn't being stored in the metadata? model_pparams.datastore = True if not result_dir else False pipe = ModelPipeline(model_pparams) pipe.train_model() return pipe
# ****************************************************************************************
[docs] def main(): """Entry point when script is run from a shell""" params = parse.wrapper(sys.argv[1:]) # model_filter parameter determines whether you are loading pretrained models and running # predictions on them, or training a new model if 'model_filter' in params.__dict__ and params.model_filter is not None: # DEPRECATED: This feature isn't used by anyone as far as I know; it will be removed in # the near future. run_models(params) elif params.split_only: params.verbose = False mp = ModelPipeline(params) split_uuid = mp.split_dataset() print(split_uuid) else: print("Running model pipeline") logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger('ATOM') if params.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) mp = ModelPipeline(params) mp.train_model() mp.log.warn("Dataset size: {}".format([0][0]))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) > 1: main() sys.exit(0)