Source code for pipeline.perf_plots

"""Plotting routines for visualizing performance of regression and classification models"""

import os

import matplotlib

import sys
import tempfile
import tarfile
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import umap
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from atomsci.ddm.utils import file_utils as futils
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import perf_data as perf
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import predict_from_model as pfm'ggplot')
matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=12)
matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=12)
matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize=12)

[docs] def plot_pred_vs_actual(MP, epoch_label='best', threshold=None, error_bars=False, pdf_dir=None): """Plot predicted vs actual values from a trained regression model for each split subset (train, valid, and test). Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. epoch_label (str): Label for training epoch to draw predicted values from. Currently 'best' is the only allowed value. threshold (float): Threshold activity value to mark on plot with dashed lines. error_bars (bool): If true and if uncertainty estimates are included in the model predictions, draw error bars at +- 1 SD from the predicted y values. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plots to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ params = MP.params # For now restrict this to regression models. # TODO: Implement a version of plot_pred_vs_actual for classification models. if params.prediction_type != 'regression': MP.log.error("plot_pred_vs_actual is currently for regression models only.") return wrapper = MP.model_wrapper if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_%s_%s_%s_pred_vs_actual.pdf' % (params.dataset_name, params.model_type, params.featurizer, params.splitter)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) if MP.run_mode == 'training': subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] else: subsets = ['full'] dataset_name = splitter = MP.params.splitter model_type = MP.params.model_type featurizer = MP.params.featurizer tasks = MP.params.response_cols for subset in subsets: perf_data = wrapper.get_perf_data(subset, epoch_label) pred_results = perf_data.get_prediction_results() y_actual = perf_data.get_real_values() ids, y_pred, y_std = perf_data.get_pred_values() r2 = pred_results['r2_score'] if perf_data.num_tasks > 1: r2_scores = pred_results['task_r2_scores'] else: r2_scores = [r2] if MP.params.model_type != "hybrid": for t in range(MP.params.num_model_tasks): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12.0,12.0)) title = '%s\n%s split %s model on %s features\n%s subset predicted vs actual %s, R^2 = %.3f' % ( dataset_name, splitter, model_type, featurizer, subset, tasks[t], r2_scores[t]) # Force axes to have same scale ymin = min(min(y_actual[:,t]), min(y_pred[:,t])) ymax = max(max(y_actual[:,t]), max(y_pred[:,t])) ax.set_xlim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if error_bars and y_std is not None: # Draw error bars ax.errorbar(y_actual[:,t], y_pred[:,t], y_std[:,t], c='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.4, linestyle='') else: plt.scatter(y_actual[:,t], y_pred[:,t], s=9, c='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.4) ax.set_xlabel('Observed value') ax.set_ylabel('Predicted value') # Draw an identity line ax.plot([ymin,ymax], [ymin,ymax], c='forestgreen', linestyle='--') if threshold is not None: plt.axvline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') plt.axhline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 10}) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(20.0,10.0)) title = '%s\n%s split %s model on %s features\n%s subset predicted vs actual %s, R^2 = %.3f' % ( dataset_name, splitter, model_type, featurizer, subset, "Ki/XC50", r2_scores[0]) pos_ki = np.where(np.isnan(y_actual[:, 1]))[0] pos_bind = np.where(~np.isnan(y_actual[:, 1]))[0] y_pred_ki = y_pred[pos_ki, 0] y_real_ki = y_actual[pos_ki, 0] y_pred_bind = y_pred[pos_bind, 0] y_real_bind = y_actual[pos_bind, 0] ki_ymin = min(min(y_real_ki), min(y_pred_ki)) - 0.5 ki_ymax = max(max(y_real_ki), max(y_pred_ki)) + 0.5 ax[0].set_xlim(ki_ymin, ki_ymax) ax[0].set_ylim(ki_ymin, ki_ymax) ax[0].scatter(y_real_ki, y_pred_ki, s=9, c='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.4) ax[0].set_xlabel('Observed value') ax[0].set_ylabel('Predicted value') ax[0].plot([ki_ymin,ki_ymax], [ki_ymin,ki_ymax], c='forestgreen', linestyle='--') if threshold is not None: ax[0].axvline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') ax[0].axhline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') ax[0].set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 10}) title = '%s\n%s split %s model on %s features\n%s subset predicted vs actual %s, R^2 = %.3f' % ( dataset_name, splitter, model_type, featurizer, subset, "Binding/Inhibition", r2_scores[1]) bind_ymin = min(min(y_real_bind), min(y_pred_bind)) - 0.1 bind_ymax = max(max(y_real_bind), max(y_pred_bind)) + 0.1 ax[1].set_xlim(bind_ymin, bind_ymax) ax[1].set_ylim(bind_ymin, bind_ymax) ax[1].scatter(y_real_bind, y_pred_bind, s=9, c='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.4) ax[1].set_xlabel('Observed value') ax[1].set_ylabel('Predicted value') ax[1].plot([bind_ymin,bind_ymax], [bind_ymin,bind_ymax], c='forestgreen', linestyle='--') if threshold is not None: ax[1].axvline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') ax[1].axhline(threshold, color='r', linestyle='--') ax[1].set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 10}) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)
[docs] def plot_pred_vs_actual_from_df(pred_df, actual_col='avg_pIC50_actual', pred_col='avg_pIC50_pred', label='Prediction of Test Set', ax=None): """Plot predicted vs actual values from a trained regression model for a given dataframe. Args: pred_df (Pandas.DataFrame): A dataframe containing predicted and actual values for each compound. actual_col (str): Column with actual values. pred_col (str): Column with predicted values. label (str): Descriptive label for the plot. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Optional, an axes object to plot onto. If None, one is created. Returns: g (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The axes object with data. """ g=sns.scatterplot(x='avg_pIC50_actual', y='avg_pIC50_pred', data=pred_df, ax=ax) lims = [ pred_df[[actual_col,pred_col]].min().min(), # min of both axes pred_df[[actual_col,pred_col]].max().max(), # max of both axes ] margin=(lims[1]-lims[0])*0.05 lims=[lims[0]-margin,lims[1]+margin] g.plot(lims, lims, 'r-', alpha=0.75, zorder=0) # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') g.set_aspect('equal') g.set_xlim(lims) g.set_ylim(lims) g.set_title(label) return g
[docs] def plot_pred_vs_actual_from_file(model_path): """Plot predicted vs actual values from a trained regression model from a model tarball. Args: model_path (str): Path to an AMPL model tar.gz file. Returns: None Effects: A matplotlib figure is displayed with subplots for each response column and train/valid/test subsets. """ # reload model reload_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with, mode='r:gz') as tar: futils.safe_extract(tar, path=reload_dir) # reload metadata with open(os.path.join(reload_dir, 'model_metadata.json')) as f: config=json.loads( # load (featurized) data dataset_dict=config['training_dataset'] dataset_key=dataset_dict['dataset_key'] is_featurized=False AD_method=None if config['model_parameters']['featurizer'] in ['descriptors','computed_descriptors']: desc=config['descriptor_specific']['descriptor_type'] dataset_key=dataset_key.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1) dataset_key=os.path.join(dataset_key[0], 'scaled_descriptors', dataset_key[1].replace('.csv',f'_with_{desc}_descriptors.csv')) is_featurized=True if config['model_parameters']['featurizer'] != 'graphconv': AD_method='z_score' df=pd.read_csv(dataset_key) # reload split file dataset_key=dataset_dict['dataset_key'] split_dict=config['splitting_parameters'] split_file=dataset_key.replace('.csv',f"_{split_dict['split_strategy']}_{split_dict['splitter']}_{split_dict['split_uuid']}.csv") split=pd.read_csv(split_file) split=split.rename(columns={'cmpd_id':dataset_dict['id_col']}) # merge df=df.merge(split, how='left') # get other values response_cols=dataset_dict['response_cols'] # run predictions pred_df=pfm.predict_from_model_file(model_path, df, id_col=dataset_dict['id_col'], smiles_col=dataset_dict['smiles_col'], response_col=response_cols, is_featurized=is_featurized, AD_method=AD_method, dont_standardize=True) # plot sns.set_context('notebook') fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(response_cols),3,sharey=True,sharex=True,figsize=(10*len(response_cols),30)) if len(response_cols)>1: for i,resp in enumerate(response_cols): for j, subs in enumerate(['train','valid','test']): tmp=pred_df[pred_df.subset==subs] plot_pred_vs_actual_from_df(tmp, actual_col=f'{resp}_actual', pred_col=f'{resp}_pred', label=f'{resp} {subs}', ax=ax[i,j]) else: resp=response_cols[0] for j, subs in enumerate(['train','valid','test']): tmp=pred_df[pred_df.subset==subs] plot_pred_vs_actual_from_df(tmp, actual_col=f'{resp}_actual', pred_col=f'{resp}_pred', label=subs, ax=ax[j])
# fig.suptitle(f'Predicted vs Actual values for {resp} model', y=1.05) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_perf_vs_epoch(MP, pdf_dir=None): """Plot the current NN model's standard performance metric (r2_score or roc_auc_score) vs epoch number for the training, validation and test subsets. If the model was trained with k-fold CV, plot shading for the validation set out to += 1 SD from the mean score metric values, and plot the training and test set metrics from the final model retraining rather than the cross-validation phase. Make a second plot showing the validation set model choice score used for ranking training epochs and other hyperparameters against epoch number. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plots to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ wrapper = MP.model_wrapper if 'train_epoch_perfs' not in wrapper.__dict__: raise ValueError("plot_perf_vs_epoch() can only be called for NN models") num_epochs = wrapper.num_epochs_trained best_epoch = wrapper.best_epoch num_folds = len( if num_folds > 1: subset_perf = dict(training = wrapper.train_epoch_perfs[:best_epoch+1], validation = wrapper.valid_epoch_perfs[:num_epochs], test = wrapper.test_epoch_perfs[:best_epoch+1]) subset_std = dict(training = wrapper.train_epoch_perf_stds[:best_epoch+1], validation = wrapper.valid_epoch_perf_stds[:num_epochs], test = wrapper.test_epoch_perf_stds[:best_epoch+1]) else: subset_perf = dict(training = wrapper.train_epoch_perfs[:num_epochs], validation = wrapper.valid_epoch_perfs[:num_epochs], test = wrapper.test_epoch_perfs[:num_epochs]) subset_std = dict(training = wrapper.train_epoch_perf_stds[:num_epochs], validation = wrapper.valid_epoch_perf_stds[:num_epochs], test = wrapper.test_epoch_perf_stds[:num_epochs]) model_scores = wrapper.model_choice_scores[:num_epochs] model_score_type = MP.params.model_choice_score_type if MP.params.prediction_type == 'regression': perf_label = 'R-squared' else: perf_label = 'ROC AUC' if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_perf_vs_epoch.pdf' % os.path.basename(MP.params.output_dir)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) subset_colors = dict(training='blue', validation='forestgreen', test='red') subset_shades = dict(training='deepskyblue', validation='lightgreen', test='hotpink') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) title = '%s dataset\n%s vs epoch for %s %s model on %s features with %s split\nBest validation set performance at epoch %d' % ( MP.params.dataset_name, perf_label, MP.params.model_type, MP.params.prediction_type, MP.params.featurizer, MP.params.splitter, best_epoch) for subset in ['training', 'validation', 'test']: epoch = list(range(len(subset_perf[subset]))) ax.plot(epoch, subset_perf[subset], color=subset_colors[subset], label=subset) # Add shading to show variance across folds during cross-validation if (num_folds > 1) and (subset == 'validation'): ax.fill_between(epoch, subset_perf[subset] + subset_std[subset], subset_perf[subset] - subset_std[subset], alpha=0.3, facecolor=subset_shades[subset], linewidth=0) plt.axvline(best_epoch, color='forestgreen', linestyle='--') ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') ax.set_ylabel(perf_label) ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 12}) legend = ax.legend(loc='lower right') if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) # Now plot the score used for choosing the best epoch and model params fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) title = '%s dataset\n%s vs epoch for %s %s model on %s features with %s split\nBest validation set performance at epoch %d' % ( MP.params.dataset_name, model_score_type, MP.params.model_type, MP.params.prediction_type, MP.params.featurizer, MP.params.splitter, best_epoch) epoch = list(range(num_epochs)) ax.plot(epoch, model_scores, color=subset_colors['validation']) plt.axvline(best_epoch, color='red', linestyle='--') ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') if model_score_type in perf.loss_funcs: score_label = "negative %s" % model_score_type else: score_label = model_score_type ax.set_ylabel(score_label) ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 12}) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_perf_curve_data(MP, epoch_label, curve_type='ROC'): """Common code for ROC and precision-recall curves. Returns true classes and active class probabilities for each training/test data subset. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. epoch_label (str): Label for training epoch to draw predicted values from. Currently 'best' is the only allowed value. threshold (float): Threshold activity value to mark on plot with dashed lines. error_bars (bool): If true and if uncertainty estimates are included in the model predictions, draw error bars at +- 1 SD from the predicted y values. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plots to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ if MP.params.prediction_type != 'classification': MP.log.error("Can only plot %s curve for classification models" % curve_type) return {} if MP.run_mode == 'training': subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] else: subsets = ['full'] wrapper = MP.model_wrapper curve_data = {} for subset in subsets: perf_data = wrapper.get_perf_data(subset, epoch_label) true_classes = perf_data.get_real_values() ids, pred_classes, class_probs, prob_stds = perf_data.get_pred_values() ntasks = class_probs.shape[1] nclasses = class_probs.shape[-1] if nclasses != 2: MP.log.error("%s curve plot is only supported for binary classifiers" % curve_type) return {} prob_active = class_probs[:,:,1] roc_aucs = [metrics.roc_auc_score(true_classes[:,i], prob_active[:,i], average='macro') for i in range(ntasks)] prc_aucs = [metrics.average_precision_score(true_classes[:,i], prob_active[:,i], average='macro') for i in range(ntasks)] curve_data[subset] = dict(true_classes=true_classes, prob_active=prob_active, roc_aucs=roc_aucs, prc_aucs=prc_aucs) return curve_data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_ROC_curve(MP, epoch_label='best', pdf_dir=None): """Plot ROC curves for a classification model. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. epoch_label (str): Label for training epoch to draw predicted values from. Currently 'best' is the only allowed value. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plots to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ params = MP.params curve_data = _get_perf_curve_data(MP, epoch_label, 'ROC') if len(curve_data) == 0: return if MP.run_mode == 'training': # Draw overlapping ROC curves for train, valid and test sets subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] else: subsets = ['full'] if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_%s_model_%s_features_%s_split_ROC_curves.pdf' % ( params.dataset_name, params.model_type, params.featurizer, params.splitter)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) subset_colors = dict(train='blue', valid='forestgreen', test='red', full='purple') # For multitask, do a separate figure for each task ntasks = curve_data[subsets[0]]['prob_active'].shape[1] for i in range(ntasks): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) title = '%s dataset\nROC curve for %s %s classifier on %s features with %s split' % ( params.dataset_name, params.response_cols[i], params.model_type, params.featurizer, params.splitter) for subset in subsets: fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(curve_data[subset]['true_classes'][:,i], curve_data[subset]['prob_active'][:,i]) roc_auc = curve_data[subset]['roc_aucs'][i] ax.step(fpr, tpr, color=subset_colors[subset], label="%s: AUC = %.3f" % (subset, roc_auc)) ax.set_xlabel('False positive rate') ax.set_ylabel('True positive rate') ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 12}) legend = ax.legend(loc='lower right') if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)
[docs] def plot_prec_recall_curve(MP, epoch_label='best', pdf_dir=None): """Plot precision-recall curves for a classification model. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. epoch_label (str): Label for training epoch to draw predicted values from. Currently 'best' is the only allowed value. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plots to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ params = MP.params curve_data = _get_perf_curve_data(MP, epoch_label, 'precision-recall') if len(curve_data) == 0: return if MP.run_mode == 'training': # Draw overlapping PR curves for train, valid and test sets subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] else: subsets = ['full'] if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_%s_model_%s_features_%s_split_PRC_curves.pdf' % ( params.dataset_name, params.model_type, params.featurizer, params.splitter)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) subset_colors = dict(train='blue', valid='forestgreen', test='red', full='purple') # For multitask, do a separate figure for each task ntasks = curve_data[subsets[0]]['prob_active'].shape[1] for i in range(ntasks): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) title = '%s dataset\nPrecision-recall curve for %s %s classifier on %s features with %s split' % ( params.dataset_name, params.response_cols[i], params.model_type, params.featurizer, params.splitter) for subset in subsets: precision, recall, thresholds = metrics.precision_recall_curve(curve_data[subset]['true_classes'][:,i], curve_data[subset]['prob_active'][:,i]) prc_auc = curve_data[subset]['prc_aucs'][i] ax.step(recall, precision, color=subset_colors[subset], label="%s: AUC = %.3f" % (subset, prc_auc)) ax.set_xlabel('Recall') ax.set_ylabel('Precision') ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 12}) legend = ax.legend(loc='lower right') if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)
[docs] def plot_umap_feature_projections(MP, ndim=2, num_neighbors=20, min_dist=0.1, fit_to_train=True, dist_metric='euclidean', dist_metric_kwds={}, target_weight=0, random_seed=17, pdf_dir=None): """Projects features of a model's input dataset using UMAP to 2D or 3D coordinates and draws a scatterplot. Shape-codes plot markers to indicate whether the associated compound was in the training, validation or test set. For classification models, also uses the marker shape to indicate whether the compound's class was correctly predicted, and uses color to indicate whether the true class was active or inactive. For regression models, uses the marker color to indicate the discrepancy between the predicted and actual values. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. ndim (int): Number of dimensions (2 or 3) to project features into. num_neighbors (int): Number of nearest neighbors used by UMAP for manifold approximation. Larger values give a more global view of the data, while smaller values preserve more local detail. min_dist (float): Parameter used by UMAP to set minimum distance between projected points. fit_to_train (bool): If true (the default), fit the UMAP projection to the training set feature vectors only. Otherwise, fit it to the entire dataset. dist_metric (str): Name of metric to use for initial distance matrix computation. Check UMAP documentation for supported values. The metric should be appropriate for the type of features used in the model (fingerprints or descriptors); note that `jaccard` is equivalent to Tanimoto distance for ECFP fingerprints. dist_metric_kwds (dict): Additional key-value pairs used to parameterize dist_metric; see the UMAP documentation. In particular, dist_metric_kwds['p'] specifies the power/exponent for the Minkowski metric. target_weight (float): Weighting factor determining balance between activities and feature values in determining topology of projected points. A weight of zero prioritizes the feature vectors; weight = 1 prioritizes the activity values, so that compounds with the same activity tend to be clustered together. random_seed (int): Seed for random number generator. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plot to a PDF file in the given directory. Returns: None """ if (ndim != 2) and (ndim != 3): MP.log.error('Only 2D and 3D visualizations are supported by plot_umap_feature_projections()') return params = MP.params if params.featurizer == 'graphconv': MP.log.error('plot_umap_feature_projections() does not support GraphConv models.') return split_strategy = params.split_strategy if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_%s_model_%s_split_umap_%s_%dd_projection.pdf' % ( params.dataset_name, params.model_type, params.splitter, params.featurizer, ndim)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) dataset = ncmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] ntasks = dataset.y.shape[1] nfeat = dataset.X.shape[1] cmpd_ids = {} features = {} # TODO: Need an option to pass in a training (or combined training & validation) dataset, in addition # to a dataset on which we ran predictions with the same model, to display as training and test data. if split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] train_dset, valid_dset =[0] features['train'] = train_dset.X cmpd_ids['train'] = train_dset.ids else: # For k-fold split, every compound in combined training & validation set is in the validation # set for 1 fold and in the training set for the k-1 others. subsets = ['valid', 'test'] features['train'] = np.empty((0,nfeat)) cmpd_ids['train'] = [] valid_dset = features['valid'] = valid_dset.X cmpd_ids['valid'] = valid_dset.ids test_dset = features['test'] = test_dset.X cmpd_ids['test'] = test_dset.ids all_features = np.concatenate([features[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=0) if fit_to_train: if split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': fit_features = features['train'] else: fit_features = features['valid'] else: fit_features = all_features epoch_label = 'best' pred_vals = {} real_vals = {} for subset in subsets: perf_data = MP.model_wrapper.get_perf_data(subset, epoch_label) y_actual = perf_data.get_real_values() if MP.params.prediction_type == 'classification': ids, y_pred, class_probs, y_std = perf_data.get_pred_values() else: ids, y_pred, y_std = perf_data.get_pred_values() # Have to get predictions and real values in same order as in dataset subset pred_dict = dict([(id, y_pred[i,:]) for i, id in enumerate(ids)]) real_dict = dict([(id, y_actual[i,:]) for i, id in enumerate(ids)]) pred_vals[subset] = np.concatenate([pred_dict[id] for id in cmpd_ids[subset]], axis=0) real_vals[subset] = np.concatenate([real_dict[id] for id in cmpd_ids[subset]], axis=0) all_actual = np.concatenate([real_vals[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=0).reshape((-1,ntasks)) if fit_to_train: if split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': fit_actual = real_vals['train'].reshape((-1,ntasks)) else: fit_actual = real_vals['valid'].reshape((-1,ntasks)) else: fit_actual = all_actual preds = np.concatenate([pred_vals[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=0).reshape((-1,ntasks)) compound_ids = np.concatenate([cmpd_ids[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=None) if MP.params.prediction_type == 'classification': target_metric = 'categorical' else: target_metric = 'euclidean' for i in range(ntasks): mapper = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=num_neighbors, n_components=ndim, metric=dist_metric, target_metric=target_metric, metric_kwds=dist_metric_kwds, target_weight=target_weight, random_state=random_seed) # Ideally, the mapper should be fit to the training data only, and then applied to the validation and test sets, y=fit_actual[:,i]) proj = mapper.transform(all_features) proj_cols = ['umap_X', 'umap_Y'] if ndim == 3: proj_cols.append('umap_Z') proj_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(proj, columns=proj_cols) proj_df['compound_id'] = compound_ids proj_df['actual'] = all_actual[:,i] dset_subset = ['training']*len(cmpd_ids['train']) + ['valid']*len(cmpd_ids['valid']) + ['test']*len(cmpd_ids['test']) if dist_metric == 'minkowski': metric_name = 'minkowski(%.2f)' % dist_metric_kwds['p'] else: metric_name = dist_metric fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) title = '%s dataset\n%s features projected to %dD with %s metric\n%d neighbors, min_dist = %.3f' % ( params.dataset_name, params.featurizer, ndim, metric_name, num_neighbors, min_dist) if MP.params.prediction_type == 'classification': is_correct = (all_actual[:,i] == preds[:,i]).astype(np.int32) result = [('incorrect', 'correct')[i] for i in is_correct] # Mark predictions as correct or incorrect; check that class representations are the same. proj_df['subset'] = ['%s/%s' % vals for vals in zip(dset_subset,result)] green_red_pal = {0 : 'forestgreen', 1 : 'red'} marker_map = {'training/correct' : 'o', 'training/incorrect' : 's', 'valid/correct' : '^', 'valid/incorrect' : 'v', 'test/correct' : 'P', 'test/incorrect' : '*'} size_map = {'training/correct' : 49, 'training/incorrect' : 64, 'valid/correct' : 81, 'valid/incorrect' : 125, 'test/correct' : 125, 'test/incorrect' : 225} if ndim == 2: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sns.scatterplot(x='umap_X', y='umap_Y', hue='actual', palette=green_red_pal, style='subset', markers=marker_map, style_order=['training/correct', 'training/incorrect', 'valid/correct', 'valid/incorrect', 'test/correct', 'test/incorrect' ], size='subset', sizes=size_map, data=proj_df, ax=ax) elif ndim == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') colors = [green_red_pal[a] for a in proj_df.actual.values] markers = [marker_map[subset] for subset in proj_df.subset.values] #ax.scatter(proj_df.umap_X.values, proj_df.umap_Y.values, proj_df.umap_Z.values, c=colors, m=markers, s=49) ax.scatter(proj_df.umap_X.values, proj_df.umap_Y.values, proj_df.umap_Z.values, c=colors, s=49) else: # regression model proj_df['subset'] = dset_subset proj_df['error'] = preds[:,i] - all_actual[:,i] marker_map = {'training' : 'o', 'valid' : 'v', 'test' : 'P'} ncol = 12 blue_red_pal = sns.blend_palette(['red', 'green', 'blue'], 12, as_cmap=True) if ndim == 2: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #sns.scatterplot(x='umap_X', y='umap_Y', hue='error', sns.scatterplot(x='umap_X', y='umap_Y', hue='error', palette=blue_red_pal, size='actual', sizes=(49,144), alpha=0.95, style='subset', markers=marker_map, style_order=['training', 'valid', 'test'], data=proj_df, ax=ax) elif ndim == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Map errors to palette indices errs = proj_df.error.values.astype(np.int32) ind = 1 + errs - min(errs) ind[ind >= ncol] = ncol-1 colors = [blue_red_pal[i] for i in ind] markers = [marker_map[subset] for subset in proj_df.subset.values] ax.scatter(proj_df.umap_X.values, proj_df.umap_Y.values, proj_df.umap_Z.values, c=colors, m=markers, s=49) ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 10}) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)
[docs] def plot_umap_train_set_neighbors(MP, num_neighbors=20, min_dist=0.1, dist_metric='euclidean', dist_metric_kwds={}, random_seed=17, pdf_dir=None): """Project features of whole dataset to 2 dimensions, without regard to response values. Plot training & validation set or training and test set compounds, color- and symbol-coded according to actual classification and split set. The plot does not take predicted values into account at all. Does not work with regression data. Args: MP (`ModelPipeline`): Pipeline object for a model that was trained in the current Python session. num_neighbors (int): Number of nearest neighbors used by UMAP for manifold approximation. Larger values give a more global view of the data, while smaller values preserve more local detail. min_dist (float): Parameter used by UMAP to set minimum distance between projected points. dist_metric (str): Name of metric to use for initial distance matrix computation. Check UMAP documentation for supported values. The metric should be appropriate for the type of features used in the model (fingerprints or descriptors); note that `jaccard` is equivalent to Tanimoto distance for ECFP fingerprints. dist_metric_kwds (dict): Additional key-value pairs used to parameterize dist_metric; see the UMAP documentation. In particular, dist_metric_kwds['p'] specifies the power/exponent for the Minkowski metric. random_seed (int): Seed for random number generator. pdf_dir (str): If given, output the plot to a PDF file in the given directory. """ ndim = 2 params = MP.params if params.prediction_type != 'classification': MP.log.error("plot_umap_train_set_neighbors() doesn't work with regression data") return if params.featurizer == 'graphconv': MP.log.error('plot_umap_train_set_neighbors() does not support GraphConv models.') return split_strategy = params.split_strategy if pdf_dir is not None: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_dir, '%s_%s_model_%s_split_umap_%s_%dd_projection.pdf' % ( params.dataset_name, params.model_type, params.splitter, params.featurizer, ndim)) pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) dataset = ncmpds = dataset.y.shape[0] ntasks = dataset.y.shape[1] nfeat = dataset.X.shape[1] cmpd_ids = {} features = {} # TODO: Need an option to pass in a training (or combined training & validation) dataset, in addition # to a dataset on which we ran predictions with the same model, to display as training and test data. if split_strategy == 'train_valid_test': subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] train_dset, valid_dset =[0] features['train'] = train_dset.X cmpd_ids['train'] = train_dset.ids else: # For k-fold split, every compound in combined training & validation set is in the validation # set for 1 fold and in the training set for the k-1 others. subsets = ['valid', 'test'] features['train'] = np.empty((0,nfeat)) cmpd_ids['train'] = [] valid_dset = features['valid'] = valid_dset.X cmpd_ids['valid'] = valid_dset.ids test_dset = features['test'] = test_dset.X cmpd_ids['test'] = test_dset.ids all_features = np.concatenate([features[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=0) epoch_label = 'best' pred_vals = {} real_vals = {} for subset in subsets: perf_data = MP.model_wrapper.get_perf_data(subset, epoch_label) y_actual = perf_data.get_real_values() ids, y_pred, class_probs, y_std = perf_data.get_pred_values() # Have to get predictions and real values in same order as in dataset subset real_dict = dict([(id, y_actual[i,:]) for i, id in enumerate(ids)]) real_vals[subset] = np.concatenate([real_dict[id] for id in cmpd_ids[subset]], axis=0) all_actual = np.concatenate([real_vals[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=0).reshape((-1,ntasks)) compound_ids = np.concatenate([cmpd_ids[subset] for subset in subsets], axis=None) for i in range(ntasks): mapper = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=num_neighbors, n_components=ndim, metric=dist_metric, metric_kwds=dist_metric_kwds, random_state=random_seed) proj = mapper.transform(all_features) proj_cols = ['umap_X', 'umap_Y'] proj_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(proj, columns=proj_cols) proj_df['compound_id'] = compound_ids proj_df['actual'] = all_actual[:,i] dset_subset = ['train']*len(cmpd_ids['train']) + ['valid']*len(cmpd_ids['valid']) + ['test']*len(cmpd_ids['test']) proj_df['dset_subset'] = dset_subset if dist_metric == 'minkowski': metric_name = 'minkowski(%.2f)' % dist_metric_kwds['p'] else: metric_name = dist_metric if params.featurizer == 'ecfp': feat_type = 'ECFP' elif params.featurizer == 'descriptors': feat_type = 'precomputed %s descriptor' % params.descriptor_type elif params.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors': feat_type = 'computed %s descriptor' % params.descriptor_type else: feat_type = params.featurizer classif = np.array(['inactive']*proj_df.shape[0]) classif[proj_df.actual == 1] = 'active' proj_df['classif'] = classif proj_df['subset'] = ['%s/%s' % vals for vals in zip(dset_subset,classif)] for subset in ['valid', 'test']: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,15)) proj_plt_df = proj_df[(proj_df.dset_subset == 'train') | (proj_df.dset_subset == subset)] if subset == 'valid': pal = {'train/active' : 'forestgreen', 'train/inactive' : 'red', 'valid/active' : 'blue', 'valid/inactive' : 'magenta'} marker_map = {'train/active' : 'o', 'train/inactive' : 's', 'valid/active' : '*', 'valid/inactive' : 'v'} size_map = {'train/active' : 64, 'train/inactive' : 49, 'valid/active' : 192, 'valid/inactive' : 81} style_order=['train/inactive', 'valid/inactive', 'train/active', 'valid/active' ] else: pal = {'train/active' : 'forestgreen', 'train/inactive' : 'red', 'test/active' : 'blue', 'test/inactive' : 'magenta'} marker_map = {'train/active' : 'o', 'train/inactive' : 's', 'test/active' : '*', 'test/inactive' : 'v'} size_map = {'train/active' : 64, 'train/inactive' : 49, 'test/active' : 192, 'test/inactive' : 81} style_order=['train/inactive', 'test/inactive', 'train/active', 'test/active' ] sns.scatterplot(x='umap_X', y='umap_Y', hue='subset', palette=pal, style='subset', markers=marker_map, style_order=style_order, size='subset', sizes=size_map, data=proj_plt_df, ax=ax) title = '%s dataset\n%s features projected to 2D with %s metric\nTraining and %s subsets from %s splitter' % ( params.dataset_name, feat_type, metric_name, subset, params.splitter) ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 10}) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.savefig(fig) if pdf_dir is not None: pdf.close()"Wrote plot to %s" % pdf_path)