Source code for pipeline.compare_models

"""Functions for comparing and visualizing model performance. Most of these functions rely on ATOM's model tracker and
datastore services, which are not part of the standard AMPL installation, but a few functions will work on collections of
models saved as local files.

import os
import sys
import pdb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import logging
import json
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile

from collections import OrderedDict
from atomsci.ddm.utils import datastore_functions as dsf
from atomsci.ddm.pipeline import model_tracker as trkr
import atomsci.ddm.pipeline.model_pipeline as mp
import atomsci.ddm.pipeline.parameter_parser as parse
import atomsci.ddm.pipeline.model_wrapper as mw
import atomsci.ddm.pipeline.featurization as feat
from atomsci.ddm.utils import file_utils as futils

logger = logging.getLogger('ATOM')
mlmt_supported = True
    from atomsci.clients import MLMTClient
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    logger.debug("Model tracker client not supported in your environment; can look at models in filesystem only.")
    mlmt_supported = False

matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=12)
matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=12)
matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize=12)

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s %(message)s')

nan = np.float32('nan')

[docs] def del_ignored_params(dictionary, ignored_params): """ Deletes ignored parameters from the dictionary if they exist Args: dictionary (dict): A dictionary with parameters ignored_parameters (list(str)): A list of keys potentially in the dictionary Returns: None """ for ip in ignored_params: if ip in dictionary: del dictionary[ip]
[docs] def get_collection_datasets(collection_name): """Returns a list of unique training datasets used for all models in a given collection. Args: collection_name (str): Name of model tracker collection to search for models. Returns: list: List of model training (dataset_key, bucket) tuples. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None dataset_set = set() mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() dset_dicts = mlmt_client.model.query_datasets(collection_name=collection_name, metrics_type='training').result() # Convert to a list of (dataset_key, bucket) tuples for dset_dict in dset_dicts: dataset_set.add((dset_dict['dataset_key'], dset_dict['bucket'])) return sorted(dataset_set)
[docs] def extract_collection_perf_metrics(collection_name, output_dir, pred_type='regression'): """Obtain list of training datasets with models in the given collection. Get performance metrics for models on each dataset and save them as CSV files in the given output directory. Args: collection_name (str): Name of model tracker collection to search for models. output_dir (str): Directory where tables of performance metrics will be written. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. Returns: None """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return datasets = get_collection_datasets(collection_name) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) for dset_key, bucket in datasets: dset_perf_df = get_training_perf_table(dset_key, bucket, collection_name, pred_type=pred_type) dset_perf_file = '%s/%s_%s_model_perf_metrics.csv' % (output_dir, os.path.basename(dset_key).replace('.csv', ''), collection_name) dset_perf_df.to_csv(dset_perf_file, index=False) print('Wrote file %s' % dset_perf_file)
[docs] def get_training_perf_table(dataset_key, bucket, collection_name, pred_type='regression', other_filters = {}): """Load performance metrics from model tracker for all models saved in the model tracker DB under a given collection that were trained against a particular dataset. Identify training parameters that vary between models, and generate plots of performance vs particular combinations of parameters. Args: dataset_key (str): Training dataset key. bucket (str): Training dataset bucket. collection_name (str): Name of model tracker collection to search for models. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. other_filters (dict): Other filter criteria to use in querying models. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of models and performance metrics. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None print("Finding models trained on %s dataset %s" % (bucket, dataset_key)) mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() query_params = { "match_metadata": { "training_dataset.bucket": bucket, "training_dataset.dataset_key": dataset_key, }, "match_metrics": { "metrics_type": "training", # match only training metrics "label": "best", }, } query_params['match_metadata'].update(other_filters) metadata_list = mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=collection_name, query_params=query_params, ).result() if metadata_list == []: print("No matching models returned") return else: print("Found %d matching models" % len(metadata_list)) model_uuid_list = [] model_type_list = [] max_epochs_list = [] learning_rate_list = [] dropouts_list = [] layer_sizes_list = [] featurizer_list = [] splitter_list = [] rf_estimators_list = [] rf_max_features_list = [] rf_max_depth_list = [] xgb_learning_rate_list = [] xgb_gamma_list = [] xgb_max_depth_list = [] xgb_colsample_bytree_list = [] xgb_subsample_list = [] xgb_n_estimators_list = [] xgb_min_child_weight_list = [] best_epoch_list = [] max_epochs_list = [] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = [] if pred_type == 'regression': metric_type = 'r2_score' else: metric_type = 'roc_auc_score' for metadata_dict in metadata_list: model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] #print("Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Get model metrics for this model metrics_dicts = metadata_dict['training_metrics'] #print("Got %d metrics dicts for model %s" % (len(metrics_dicts), model_uuid)) if len(metrics_dicts) < 3: print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) continue subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] model_type = model_params['model_type'] model_type_list.append(model_type) featurizer = model_params['featurizer'] featurizer_list.append(featurizer) split_params = metadata_dict['splitting_parameters'] splitter_list.append(split_params['splitter']) dataset_key = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_key'] if model_type == 'NN': nn_params = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] max_epochs_list.append(nn_params['max_epochs']) best_epoch_list.append(nn_params['best_epoch']) learning_rate_list.append(nn_params['learning_rate']) layer_sizes_list.append(','.join(['%d' % s for s in nn_params['layer_sizes']])) dropouts_list.append(','.join(['%.2f' % d for d in nn_params['dropouts']])) rf_estimators_list.append(nan) rf_max_features_list.append(nan) rf_max_depth_list.append(nan) xgb_learning_rate_list.append(nan) xgb_gamma_list.append(nan) xgb_max_depth_list.append(nan) xgb_colsample_bytree_list.append(nan) xgb_subsample_list.append(nan) xgb_n_estimators_list.append(nan) xgb_min_child_weight_list.append(nan) if model_type == 'RF': rf_params = metadata_dict['rf_specific'] rf_estimators_list.append(rf_params['rf_estimators']) rf_max_features_list.append(rf_params['rf_max_features']) rf_max_depth_list.append(rf_params['rf_max_depth']) max_epochs_list.append(nan) best_epoch_list.append(nan) learning_rate_list.append(nan) layer_sizes_list.append(nan) dropouts_list.append(nan) xgb_learning_rate_list.append(nan) xgb_gamma_list.append(nan) xgb_max_depth_list.append(nan) xgb_colsample_bytree_list.append(nan) xgb_subsample_list.append(nan) xgb_n_estimators_list.append(nan) xgb_min_child_weight_list.append(nan) if model_type == 'xgboost': xgb_params = metadata_dict['xgb_specific'] rf_estimators_list.append(nan) rf_max_features_list.append(nan) rf_max_depth_list.append(nan) max_epochs_list.append(nan) best_epoch_list.append(nan) learning_rate_list.append(nan) layer_sizes_list.append(nan) dropouts_list.append(nan) xgb_learning_rate_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_learning_rate"]) xgb_gamma_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_gamma"]) xgb_max_depth_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_max_depth"]) xgb_colsample_bytree_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_colsample_bytree"]) xgb_subsample_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_subsample"]) xgb_n_estimators_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_n_estimators"]) xgb_min_child_weight_list.append(xgb_params["xgb_min_child_weight"]) for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset].append(subset_metrics[subset][metric_type]) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(dict( model_uuid=model_uuid_list, model_type=model_type_list, dataset_key=dataset_key, featurizer=featurizer_list, splitter=splitter_list, max_epochs=max_epochs_list, best_epoch=best_epoch_list, learning_rate=learning_rate_list, layer_sizes=layer_sizes_list, dropouts=dropouts_list, rf_estimators=rf_estimators_list, rf_max_features=rf_max_features_list, rf_max_depth=rf_max_depth_list, xgb_learning_rate = xgb_learning_rate_list, xgb_gamma = xgb_gamma_list, xgb_max_depth = xgb_max_depth_list, xgb_colsample_bytree = xgb_colsample_bytree_list, xgb_subsample = xgb_subsample_list, xgb_n_estimators = xgb_n_estimators_list, xgb_min_child_weight = xgb_min_child_weight_list)) for subset in subsets: metric_col = '%s_%s' % (metric_type, subset) perf_df[metric_col] = score_dict[subset] sort_metric = '%s_valid' % metric_type perf_df = perf_df.sort_values(sort_metric, ascending=False) return perf_df
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def extract_model_and_feature_parameters(metadata_dict): """Given a config file, extract model and featurizer parameters. Looks for parameter names that end in *_specific. e.g. nn_specific, auto_featurizer_specific Args: model_metadict (dict): Dictionary containing NON-FLATTENED metadata for an AMPL model Returns: dictionary containing featurizer and model parameters. Most contain the following keys. ['max_epochs', 'best_epoch', 'learning_rate', 'layer_sizes', 'dropouts', 'rf_estimators', 'rf_max_features', 'rf_max_depth', 'xgb_gamma', 'xgb_learning_rate', 'xgb_max_depth', 'xgb_colsample_bytree', 'xgb_subsample', 'xgb_n_estimators', 'xgb_min_child_weight', 'featurizer_parameters_dict', 'model_parameters_dict'] """ model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] model_type = model_params['model_type'] required = ['max_epochs', 'best_epoch', 'learning_rate', 'layer_sizes', 'dropouts', 'rf_estimators', 'rf_max_features', 'rf_max_depth', 'xgb_gamma', 'xgb_learning_rate', 'xgb_max_depth', 'xgb_colsample_bytree', 'xgb_subsample', 'xgb_n_estimators', 'xgb_min_child_weight' ] model_info = {} model_info['model_uuid'] = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] if model_type == 'NN': nn_params = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] model_info['max_epochs'] = nn_params['max_epochs'] model_info['best_epoch'] = nn_params['best_epoch'] model_info['learning_rate'] = nn_params['learning_rate'] model_info['layer_sizes'] = ','.join(['%d' % s for s in nn_params['layer_sizes']]) model_info['dropouts'] = ','.join(['%.2f' % d for d in nn_params['dropouts']]) elif model_type == 'RF': rf_params = metadata_dict['rf_specific'] model_info['rf_estimators'] = rf_params['rf_estimators'] model_info['rf_max_features'] = rf_params['rf_max_features'] model_info['rf_max_depth'] = rf_params['rf_max_depth'] elif model_type == 'xgboost': xgb_params = metadata_dict['xgb_specific'] model_info['xgb_gamma'] = xgb_params['xgb_gamma'] model_info['xgb_learning_rate'] = xgb_params['xgb_learning_rate'] model_info['xgb_max_depth'] = xgb_params['xgb_max_depth'] model_info['xgb_colsample_bytree'] = xgb_params['xgb_colsample_bytree'] model_info['xgb_subsample'] = xgb_params['xgb_subsample'] model_info['xgb_n_estimators'] = xgb_params['xgb_n_estimators'] model_info['xgb_min_child_weight'] = xgb_params['xgb_min_child_weight'] for r in required: if r not in model_info: # all fields must be filled in model_info[r] = nan # the new way of extracting model parameters is to simply save them in json if 'nn_specific' in metadata_dict: model_metadata = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] # include learning rate, max_epochs, and best_epoch for convenience model_info['max_epochs'] = model_metadata.get('max_epochs', np.nan) model_info['best_epoch'] = model_metadata.get('best_epoch', np.nan) learning_rate_col = [c for c in model_metadata.keys() if c.endswith('learning_rate')] if len(learning_rate_col) == 1: model_info['learning_rate'] = model_metadata[learning_rate_col[0]] # delete several parameters that aren't normally saved ignored_params = ['batch_size','bias_init_consts','optimizer_type', 'weight_decay_penalty','weight_decay_penalty_type','weight_init_stddevs'] del_ignored_params(model_metadata, ignored_params) elif 'rf_specific' in metadata_dict: model_metadata = metadata_dict['rf_specific'] elif 'xgb_specific' in metadata_dict: model_metadata = metadata_dict['xgb_specific'] else: # no model parameters found model_metadata = {} model_info['model_parameters_dict'] = json.dumps(model_metadata) if 'ecfp_specific' in metadata_dict: feat_metadata = metadata_dict['ecfp_specific'] elif 'auto_featurizer_specific' in metadata_dict: feat_metadata = metadata_dict['auto_featurizer_specific'] elif 'autoencoder_specific' in metadata_dict: feat_metadata = metadata_dict['autoencoder_specific'] else: # no model parameters found feat_metadata = {} model_info['feat_parameters_dict'] = json.dumps(feat_metadata) return model_info
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_best_perf_table(metric_type, col_name=None, result_dir=None, model_uuid=None, metadata_dict=None, PK_pipe=False): """Extract parameters and training run performance metrics for a single model. The model may be specified either by a metadata dictionary, a model_uuid or a result directory; in the model_uuid case, the function queries the model tracker DB for the model metadata. For models saved in the filesystem, can query the performance data from the original result directory, but not from a saved tarball. Args: metric_type (str): Performance metric to include in result dictionary. col_name (str): Collection name containing model, if model is specified by model_uuid. result_dir (str): result directory of the model, if Model tracker is not supported and metadata_dict not provided. model_uuid (str): UUID of model to query, if metadata_dict is not provided. metadata_dict (dict): Full metadata dictionary for a model, including training metrics and dataset metadata. PK_pipe (bool): If True, include some additional parameters in the result dictionary specific to PK models. Returns: model_info (dict): Dictionary of parameter or metric name - value pairs. Todo: Add support for models saved as local tarball files. """ if not mlmt_supported and not result_dir: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only, 'result_dir' needs to be provided.") return None elif mlmt_supported and col_name: mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() if metadata_dict is None: if model_uuid is None: print("Have to specify either metadata_dict or model_uuid") return query_params = { "match_metadata": { "model_uuid": model_uuid, }, "match_metrics": { "metrics_type": "training", # match only training metrics "label": "best", }, } metadata_list = list(mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=col_name, query_params=query_params ).result()) if len(metadata_list) == 0: print("No matching models returned") return None metadata_dict = metadata_list[0] elif result_dir: model_dir = "" for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): if model_uuid in dirnames: model_dir = os.path.join(dirpath, model_uuid) break if model_dir: with open(os.path.join(model_dir, 'model_metadata.json')) as f: metadata_dict = json.load(f) else: print(f"model_uuid ({model_uuid}) not exist in {result_dir}.") return None model_info = {} model_info['model_uuid'] = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] model_info['collection_name'] = col_name # Get model metrics for this model metrics_dicts = [d for d in metadata_dict['training_metrics'] if d['label'] == 'best'] if len(metrics_dicts) != 3: print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) return None model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] model_info['model_type'] = model_params['model_type'] model_info['featurizer'] = model_params['featurizer'] split_params = metadata_dict['splitting_parameters'] model_info['splitter'] = split_params['splitter'] if 'split_uuid' in split_params: model_info['split_uuid'] = split_params['split_uuid'] model_info['dataset_key'] = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_key'] model_info['bucket'] = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['bucket'] dset_meta = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_metadata'] if PK_pipe: model_info['assay_name'] = dset_meta.get('assay_category', 'NA') model_info['response_col'] = dset_meta.get('response_cols', dset_meta.get('response_col', 'NA')) try: model_info['descriptor_type'] = metadata_dict['descriptor_specific']['descriptor_type'] except KeyError: model_info['descriptor_type'] = 'NA' try: model_info['num_samples'] = dset_meta['num_row'] except: # KSM: Commented out because original dataset may no longer be accessible. #tmp_df = dsf.retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(model_info['dataset_key'], model_info['bucket']) #model_info['num_samples'] = tmp_df.shape[0] model_info['num_samples'] = nan # add model and feature params # model_uuid appears in model_feature_params and will overwrite the one in model_info # it's the same uuid, so it should be ok model_feature_params = extract_model_and_feature_parameters(metadata_dict) model_info.update(model_feature_params) for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: subset = metrics_dict['subset'] metric_col = '%s_%s' % (metric_type, subset) model_info[metric_col] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'][metric_type] if (model_params['prediction_type'] == 'regression') and (metric_type != 'rms_score'): metric_col = 'rms_score_%s' % subset model_info[metric_col] = metrics_dict['prediction_results']['rms_score'] return model_info
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_best_models_info(col_names=None, bucket='public', pred_type="regression", result_dir=None, PK_pipeline=False, output_dir='/usr/local/data', shortlist_key=None, input_dset_keys=None, save_results=False, subset='valid', metric_type=None, selection_type='max', other_filters={}): """Tabulate parameters and performance metrics for the best models, according to a given metric, trained against each specified dataset. Args: col_names (list of str): List of model tracker collections to search. bucket (str): Datastore bucket for training datasets. pred_type (str): Type of models (regression or classification). result_dir (list of str): Result directories of the models, if model tracker is not supported. PK_pipeline (bool): Are we being called from PK pipeline? output_dir (str): Directory to write output table to. shortlist_key (str): Datastore key for table of datasets to query models for. input_dset_keys (str or list of str): List of datastore keys for datasets to query models for. Either shortlist_key or input_dset_keys must be specified, but not both. save_results (bool): If True, write the table of results to a CSV file. subset (str): Input dataset subset ('train', 'valid', or 'test') for which metrics are used to select best models. metric_type (str): Type of performance metric (r2_score, roc_auc_score, etc.) to use to select best models. selection_type (str): Score criterion ('max' or 'min') to use to select best models. other_filters (dict): Additional selection criteria to include in model query. Returns: top_models_df (DataFrame): Table of parameters and metrics for best models for each dataset. """ if not mlmt_supported and not result_dir: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only, 'result_dir' needs to be provided.") return None top_models_info = [] sort_order = {'max': -1, 'min': 1} sort_ascending = {'max': False, 'min': True} if metric_type is None: if pred_type == 'regression': metric_type = 'r2_score' else: metric_type = 'roc_auc_score' if other_filters is None: other_filters = {} # define dset_keys if input_dset_keys is not None and shortlist_key is not None: raise ValueError("You can specify either shortlist_key or input_dset_keys but not both.") elif input_dset_keys is not None and shortlist_key is None: if type(input_dset_keys) == str: dset_keys = [input_dset_keys] else: dset_keys = input_dset_keys elif input_dset_keys is None and shortlist_key is None: raise ValueError('Must specify either input_dset_keys or shortlist_key') else: dset_keys = dsf.retrieve_dataset_by_datasetkey(shortlist_key, bucket) if dset_keys is None: # define dset_keys, col_names and buckets from shortlist file shortlist = pd.read_csv(shortlist_key) if 'dataset_key' in shortlist.columns: dset_keys = shortlist['dataset_key'].unique() elif 'task_name' in shortlist.columns: dset_keys = shortlist['task_name'].unique() else: dset_keys = shortlist.values if 'collection' in shortlist.columns: col_names = shortlist['collection'].unique() if 'bucket' in shortlist.columns: bucket = shortlist['bucket'].unique() if mlmt_supported and col_names is not None: mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() if type(col_names) == str: col_names = [col_names] if type(bucket) == str: bucket=[bucket] # Get the best model over all collections for each dataset for dset_key in dset_keys: dset_key = dset_key.strip() dset_model_info = [] for col_name in col_names: for buck in bucket: try: query_params = { "match_metadata": { "training_dataset.dataset_key": dset_key, "training_dataset.bucket": buck, }, "match_metrics": { "metrics_type": "training", # match only training metrics "label": "best", "subset": subset, "$sort": [{"prediction_results.%s" % metric_type : sort_order[selection_type]}] }, } query_params['match_metadata'].update(other_filters) try: print('Querying collection %s for models trained on dataset %s, %s' % (col_name, buck, dset_key)) metadata_list = list(mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=col_name, query_params=query_params, limit=1 ).result()) except Exception as e: print("Error returned when querying the best model for dataset %s in collection %s" % (dset_key, col_name)) print(e) continue if len(metadata_list) == 0: print("No models returned for dataset %s in collection %s" % (dset_key, col_name)) continue print('Query returned %d models' % len(metadata_list)) model = metadata_list[0] model_info = get_best_perf_table(metric_type, col_name, metadata_dict=model, PK_pipe=PK_pipeline) if model_info is not None: res_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([model_info]) dset_model_info.append(res_df) except Exception as e: print(e) continue metric_col = '%s_%s' % (metric_type, subset) if len(dset_model_info) > 0: dset_model_df = pd.concat(dset_model_info, ignore_index=True).sort_values( by=metric_col, ascending=sort_ascending[selection_type]) top_models_info.append(dset_model_df.head(1)) print('Adding data for bucket %s, dset_key %s' % (dset_model_df.bucket.values[0], dset_model_df.dataset_key.values[0])) elif result_dir: metric_col = '%s_%s' % (subset, metric_type) for rd in result_dir: temp_perf_df = get_filesystem_perf_results(result_dir = rd, pred_type = pred_type).sort_values( by=metric_col, ascending=sort_ascending[selection_type]) top_models_info.append(temp_perf_df.head(1)) print(f"Adding data from '{rd}' ") if len(top_models_info) == 0: print("No metadata found") return None top_models_df = pd.concat(top_models_info, ignore_index=True) if save_results: os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) if shortlist_key is not None: # Not including shortlist key right now because some are weirdly formed and have .csv in the middle top_models_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'best_models_metadata.csv'), index=False) else: for dset_key in input_dset_keys: # TODO: This doesn't make sense; why output multiple copies of the same table? shortened_key = dset_key.rstrip('.csv') top_models_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'best_models_metadata_%s.csv' % shortened_key), index=False) return top_models_df
# TODO: This function looks like work in progress, should we delete it? ''' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_best_grouped_models_info(collection='pilot_fixed', pred_type='regression', top_n=1, subset='test'): """Get results for models in the given collection.""" if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return res_dir = '/usr/local/data/%s_perf' % collection plt_dir = '%s/Plots' % res_dir os.makedirs(plt_dir, exist_ok=True) res_files = os.listdir(res_dir) suffix = '_%s_model_perf_metrics.csv' % collection if pred_type == 'regression': metric_type = 'r2_score' else: metric_type = 'roc_auc_score' for res_file in res_files: try: if not res_file.endswith(suffix): continue res_path = os.path.join(res_dir, res_file) res_df = pd.read_csv(res_path, index_col=False) res_df['combo'] = ['%s/%s' % (m,f) for m, f in zip(res_df.model_type.values, res_df.featurizer.values)] dset_name = res_file.replace(suffix, '') datasets.append(dset_name) res_df['dataset'] = dset_name print(dset_name) res_df = res_df.sort_values('{0}_{1}'.format(metric_type, subset), ascending=False) res_df['model_type/feat'] = ['%s/%s' % (m,f) for m, f in zip(res_df.model_type.values, res_df.featurizer.values)] res_df = res_df.sort_values('{0}_{1}'.format(metric_type, subset), ascending=False) grouped_df = res_df.groupby('model_type/feat').apply( lambda t: t.head(top_n) ).reset_index(drop=True) top_grouped_models.append(grouped_df) top_combo = res_df['model_type/feat'].values[0] top_combo_dsets.append(top_combo + dset_name.lstrip('ATOM_GSK_dskey')) top_score = res_df['{0}_{1}'.format(metric_type, subset)].values[0] top_model_feat.append(top_combo) top_scores.append(top_score) num_samples.append(res_df['Dataset Size'][0]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_umap_nn_model_perf_table(dataset_key, bucket, collection_name, pred_type='regression'): """Load performance metrics from model tracker for all NN models with the given prediction_type saved in the model tracker DB under a given collection that were trained against a particular dataset. Show parameter settings for UMAP transformer for models where they are available. Args: dataset_key (str): Dataset key for training dataset. bucket (str): Dataset bucket for training dataset. collection_name (str): Name of model tracker collection to search for models. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of model performance metrics. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None query_params = { "match_metadata": { "training_dataset.bucket": bucket, "training_dataset.dataset_key": dataset_key, "model_parameters.model_type" : "NN", "model_parameters.prediction_type" : pred_type }, "match_metrics": { "metrics_type": "training", # match only training metrics "label": "best", }, } query_params['match_metadata'].update(other_filters) print("Finding models trained on %s dataset %s" % (bucket, dataset_key)) mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() metadata_list = mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=collection_name, query_params=query_params, ).result() if metadata_list == []: print("No matching models returned") return else: print("Found %d matching models" % len(metadata_list)) model_uuid_list = [] learning_rate_list = [] dropouts_list = [] layer_sizes_list = [] featurizer_list = [] best_epoch_list = [] max_epochs_list = [] feature_transform_type_list = [] umap_dim_list = [] umap_targ_wt_list = [] umap_neighbors_list = [] umap_min_dist_list = [] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] if pred_type == 'regression': sort_metric = 'r2_score' metrics = ['r2_score', 'rms_score', 'mae_score'] else: sort_metric = 'roc_auc_score' metrics = ['roc_auc_score', 'prc_auc_score', 'matthews_cc', 'kappa', 'confusion_matrix'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric] = [] for metadata_dict in metadata_list: model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] #print("Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Get model metrics for this model metrics_dicts = metadata_dict['training_metrics'] #print("Got %d metrics dicts for model %s" % (len(metrics_dicts), model_uuid)) if len(metrics_dicts) < 3: print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) continue if len(metrics_dicts) > 3: raise Exception('Got more than one set of best epoch metrics for model %s' % model_uuid) subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] model_type = model_params['model_type'] if model_type != 'NN': continue featurizer = model_params['featurizer'] featurizer_list.append(featurizer) feature_transform_type = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['feature_transform_type'] feature_transform_type_list.append(feature_transform_type) nn_params = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] max_epochs_list.append(nn_params['max_epochs']) best_epoch_list.append(nn_params['best_epoch']) learning_rate_list.append(nn_params['learning_rate']) layer_sizes_list.append(','.join(['%d' % s for s in nn_params['layer_sizes']])) dropouts_list.append(','.join(['%.2f' % d for d in nn_params['dropouts']])) for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric].append(subset_metrics[subset][metric]) if 'umap_specific' in metadata_dict: umap_params = metadata_dict['umap_specific'] umap_dim_list.append(umap_params['umap_dim']) umap_targ_wt_list.append(umap_params['umap_targ_wt']) umap_neighbors_list.append(umap_params['umap_neighbors']) umap_min_dist_list.append(umap_params['umap_min_dist']) else: umap_dim_list.append(nan) umap_targ_wt_list.append(nan) umap_neighbors_list.append(nan) umap_min_dist_list.append(nan) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(dict( model_uuid=model_uuid_list, learning_rate=learning_rate_list, dropouts=dropouts_list, layer_sizes=layer_sizes_list, featurizer=featurizer_list, best_epoch=best_epoch_list, max_epochs=max_epochs_list, feature_transform_type=feature_transform_type_list, umap_dim=umap_dim_list, umap_targ_wt=umap_targ_wt_list, umap_neighbors=umap_neighbors_list, umap_min_dist=umap_min_dist_list )) for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: metric_col = '%s_%s' % (metric, subset) perf_df[metric_col] = score_dict[subset][metric] sort_by = '%s_valid' % sort_metric perf_df = perf_df.sort_values(sort_by, ascending=False) return perf_df ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_tarball_perf_table(model_tarball, pred_type='classification'): """Retrieve model metadata and performance metrics for a model saved as a tarball (.tar.gz) file. Args: model_tarball (str): Path of model tarball file, named as model.tar.gz. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of model. Returns: tuple (pd.DataFrame, dict): Table of performance metrics and a dictionary of model metadata. """ tarf_content =, "r") metadata_file = tarf_content.getmember("./model_metadata.json") ext_metadata = tarf_content.extractfile(metadata_file) meta_json = json.load(ext_metadata) ext_metadata.close() subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] if pred_type == 'regression': metrics = ['r2_score', 'rms_score', 'mae_score'] else: metrics = ['roc_auc_score', 'prc_auc_score', 'precision', 'recall_score', 'accuracy_score', 'npv', 'matthews_cc', 'kappa', 'cross_entropy', 'confusion_matrix'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric] = [0,0] for emet in meta_json["training_metrics"]: label = emet["label"] score_ix = 0 if label == "best" else 1 subset = emet["subset"] for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric][score_ix] = emet["prediction_results"][metric] perf_df = pd.DataFrame() for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: metric_col = '%s_%s' % (subset, metric) perf_df[metric_col] = score_dict[subset][metric] return perf_df, meta_json
[docs] def get_filesystem_perf_results(result_dir, pred_type='classification'): """Retrieve metadata and performance metrics for models stored in the filesystem from a hyperparameter search run. Args: result_dir (str): Root directory for results from a hyperparameter search training run. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of metadata fields and performance metrics. """ ampl_version_list = [] model_uuid_list = [] model_type_list = [] featurizer_list = [] dataset_key_list = [] splitter_list = [] split_strategy_list = [] model_score_type_list = [] feature_transform_type_list = [] # model type specific lists param_list = [] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] if pred_type == 'regression': metrics = ['r2_score', 'rms_score', 'mae_score', 'num_compounds'] else: metrics = ['roc_auc_score', 'prc_auc_score', 'precision', 'recall_score', 'num_compounds', 'accuracy_score', 'bal_accuracy', 'npv', 'matthews_cc', 'kappa', 'cross_entropy', 'confusion_matrix'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric] = [] score_dict['valid']['model_choice_score'] = [] # Navigate the results directory tree model_list = [] metrics_list = [] tar_list = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): # collect all tars for later tar_list = tar_list + [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tar.gz')] if ('model_metadata.json' in filenames) and ('model_metrics.json' in filenames): # print(dirpath) meta_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metadata.json') try: with open(meta_path, 'r') as meta_fp: meta_dict = json.load(meta_fp) if meta_dict['model_parameters']['prediction_type']==pred_type: model_list.append(meta_dict) metrics_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metrics.json') with open(metrics_path, 'r') as metrics_fp: metrics_dicts = json.load(metrics_fp) metrics_list.append(metrics_dicts) except: print(f"Can't access model {dirpath}") print("Found data for %d models under %s" % (len(model_list), result_dir)) # build dictonary of tarball names tar_dict = {os.path.basename(tf):tf for tf in tar_list} path_list = [] for metadata_dict, metrics_dicts in zip(model_list, metrics_list): model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] dataset_key = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_key'] dataset_name = mp.build_tarball_name(mp.build_dataset_name(dataset_key), model_uuid) if dataset_name in tar_dict: path_list.append(tar_dict[dataset_name]) else: # unable to find saved tar file path_list.append('') # Get list of training run metrics for this model if len(metrics_dicts) < 3: print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) continue subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: if metrics_dict['label'] == 'best': subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] ampl_version = model_params['ampl_version'] ampl_version_list.append(ampl_version) model_type = model_params['model_type'] model_type_list.append(model_type) model_score_type = model_params['model_choice_score_type'] model_score_type_list.append(model_score_type) featurizer = model_params['featurizer'] #mix ecfp, graphconv, moe, mordred, rdkit for concise representation if featurizer in ["computed_descriptors", "descriptors"]: featurizer = metadata_dict["descriptor_specific"]["descriptor_type"] featurizer_list.append(featurizer) split_params = metadata_dict['splitting_parameters'] splitter_list.append(split_params['splitter']) split_strategy_list.append(split_params['split_strategy']) dataset_key_list.append(metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_key']) feature_transform_type = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['feature_transform_type'] feature_transform_type_list.append(feature_transform_type) param_list.append(extract_model_and_feature_parameters(metadata_dict)) for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: try: score_dict[subset][metric].append(subset_metrics[subset][metric]) except: score_dict[subset][metric].append(np.nan) score_dict['valid']['model_choice_score'].append(subset_metrics['valid']['model_choice_score']) param_df = pd.DataFrame(param_list) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(dict( model_uuid=model_uuid_list, model_path = path_list, ampl_version=ampl_version_list, model_type=model_type_list, dataset_key=dataset_key_list, features=featurizer_list, splitter=splitter_list, split_strategy=split_strategy_list, model_score_type=model_score_type_list, feature_transform_type=feature_transform_type_list)) perf_df['model_choice_score'] = score_dict['valid']['model_choice_score'] for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: metric_col = 'best_%s_%s' % (subset, metric) perf_df[metric_col] = score_dict[subset][metric] perf_df = perf_df.merge(param_df, on='model_uuid', how='inner') sort_by = 'model_choice_score' perf_df = perf_df.sort_values(sort_by, ascending=False) logger.warn('Warning: column names have been changed to align with get_multitask_perf_from_tracker(): featurizer is now features and <subset>_<metric> has been changed to best_<subset>_<metric>.') return perf_df
[docs] def get_filesystem_models(result_dir, pred_type): """Identify all models in result_dir and create perf_result table with 'tarball_path' column containing a path to each tarball. """ perf_df = get_filesystem_perf_results(result_dir, pred_type) if pred_type == 'regression': metric = 'valid_r2_score' else: metric = 'valid_roc_auc_score' #best_df = perf_df.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=False).drop_duplicates(subset='dataset_key').copy() perf_df['dataset_names'] = perf_df['dataset_key'].apply(lambda f: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]) perf_df['tarball_names'] = perf_df.apply(lambda x: '%s_model_%s.tar.gz' % (x['dataset_names'], x['model_uuid']), axis=1) tarball_names = set(perf_df['tarball_names'].values) all_filenames = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): for fn in filenames: if fn in tarball_names: all_filenames.append((fn, os.path.join(dirpath, fn))) found_files_df = pd.DataFrame({'tarball_names':[f[0] for f in all_filenames], 'tarball_paths':[f[1] for f in all_filenames]}) perf_df = perf_df.merge(found_files_df, on='tarball_names', how='outer') return perf_df
[docs] def copy_best_filesystem_models(result_dir, dest_dir, pred_type, force_update=False): """Identify the best models for each dataset within a result directory tree (e.g. from a hyperparameter search). Copy the associated model tarballs to a destination directory. Args: result_dir (str): Path to model training result directory. dest_dir (str): Path of directory wherre model tarballs will be copied to. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to copy force_update (bool): If true, overwrite tarball files that already exist in dest_dir. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of performance metrics for best models. """ perf_df = get_filesystem_perf_results(result_dir, pred_type) if pred_type == 'regression': metric = 'valid_r2_score' else: metric = 'valid_roc_auc_score' best_df = perf_df.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=False).drop_duplicates(subset='dataset_key').copy() dataset_names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] for f in best_df.dataset_key.values] model_uuids = best_df.model_uuid.values tarball_names = ['%s_model_%s.tar.gz' % (dset_name, model_uuid) for dset_name, model_uuid in zip(dataset_names, model_uuids)] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): for fn in filenames: if (fn in tarball_names) and (force_update or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest_dir, fn))): shutil.copy2(os.path.join(dirpath, fn), dest_dir) print('Copied %s' % fn) return best_df
[docs] def get_summary_perf_tables(collection_names=None, filter_dict={}, result_dir=None, prediction_type='regression', verbose=False): """Load model parameters and performance metrics from model tracker for all models saved in the model tracker DB under the given collection names (or result directory if Model tracker is not available) with the given prediction type. Tabulate the parameters and metrics including: dataset (assay name, target, parameter, key, bucket) dataset size (train/valid/test/total) number of training folds model type (NN or RF) featurizer transformation type metrics: r2_score, mae_score and rms_score for regression, or ROC AUC for classification Args: collection_names (list): Names of model tracker collections to search for models. filter_dict (dict): Additional filter criteria to use in model query. result_dir (str or list): Directories to search for models; must be provided if the model tracker DB is not available. prediction_type (str): Type of models (classification or regression) to query. verbose (bool): If true, print status messages as collections are processed. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of model metadata fields and performance metrics. """ if not mlmt_supported and not result_dir: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only, 'result_dir' is needed.") return None collection_list = [] ampl_version_list=[] model_uuid_list = [] time_built_list = [] model_type_list = [] dataset_key_list = [] bucket_list = [] param_list = [] featurizer_list = [] desc_type_list = [] transform_list = [] dset_size_list = [] splitter_list = [] split_strategy_list = [] split_uuid_list = [] umap_dim_list = [] umap_targ_wt_list = [] umap_neighbors_list = [] umap_min_dist_list = [] split_uuid_list=[] model_feat_param_list = [] if prediction_type == 'regression': score_types = ['r2_score', 'mae_score', 'rms_score'] else: # TODO: add more classification metrics later score_types = ['roc_auc_score', 'prc_auc_score', 'accuracy_score', 'bal_accuracy', 'precision', 'recall_score', 'npv', 'matthews_cc', 'kappa'] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] score_dict = {} ncmpd_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for score_type in score_types: score_dict[subset][score_type] = [] ncmpd_dict[subset] = [] metadata_list_dict = {} if mlmt_supported and collection_names: mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() filter_dict['model_parameters.prediction_type'] = prediction_type for collection_name in collection_names: print("Finding models in collection %s" % collection_name) query_params = { "match_metadata": filter_dict, "match_metrics": { "metrics_type": "training", # match only training metrics "label": "best", }, } metadata_list = mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=collection_name, query_params=query_params, ).result() metadata_list_dict[collection_name] = metadata_list elif result_dir: if isinstance(result_dir, str): result_dir = [result_dir] for rd in result_dir: if rd not in metadata_list_dict: metadata_list_dict[rd] = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(rd): if "model_metadata.json" in filenames: with open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metadata.json')) as f: metadata_dict = json.load(f) metadata_list_dict[rd].append(metadata_dict) for ss in metadata_list_dict: for i, metadata_dict in enumerate(metadata_list_dict[ss]): if (i % 10 == 0) and verbose: print('Processing collection %s model %d' % (ss, i)) # Check that model has metrics before we go on if not 'training_metrics' in metadata_dict: continue collection_list.append(ss) model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) time_built = metadata_dict['time_built'] time_built_list.append(time_built) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] ampl_version = model_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0') ampl_version_list.append(ampl_version) model_type = model_params['model_type'] model_type_list.append(model_type) featurizer = model_params['featurizer'] featurizer_list.append(featurizer) if 'descriptor_specific' in metadata_dict: desc_type = metadata_dict['descriptor_specific']['descriptor_type'] elif featurizer in ['graphconv', 'ecfp']: desc_type = featurizer else: desc_type = '' desc_type_list.append(desc_type) dataset_key = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_key'] bucket = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['bucket'] dataset_key_list.append(dataset_key) bucket_list.append(bucket) dset_metadata = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['dataset_metadata'] param = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['response_cols'][0] param_list.append(param) transform_type = metadata_dict['training_dataset']['feature_transform_type'] transform_list.append(transform_type) split_params = metadata_dict['splitting_parameters'] splitter_list.append(split_params['splitter']) split_uuid_list.append(split_params.get('split_uuid', '')) split_strategy = split_params['split_strategy'] split_strategy_list.append(split_strategy) if 'umap_specific' in metadata_dict: umap_params = metadata_dict['umap_specific'] umap_dim_list.append(umap_params['umap_dim']) umap_targ_wt_list.append(umap_params['umap_targ_wt']) umap_neighbors_list.append(umap_params['umap_neighbors']) umap_min_dist_list.append(umap_params['umap_min_dist']) else: umap_dim_list.append(nan) umap_targ_wt_list.append(nan) umap_neighbors_list.append(nan) umap_min_dist_list.append(nan) model_feat_param_list.append(extract_model_and_feature_parameters(metadata_dict)) # Get model metrics for this model metrics_dicts = metadata_dict['training_metrics'] #print("Got %d metrics dicts for model %s" % (len(metrics_dicts), model_uuid)) subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: if metrics_dict['label'] == 'best': subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] if split_strategy == 'k_fold_cv': dset_size = subset_metrics['train']['num_compounds'] + subset_metrics['test']['num_compounds'] else: dset_size = subset_metrics['train']['num_compounds'] + subset_metrics['valid']['num_compounds'] + subset_metrics['test']['num_compounds'] for subset in subsets: subset_size = subset_metrics[subset]['num_compounds'] for score_type in score_types: try: score = subset_metrics[subset][score_type] except KeyError: score = float('nan') score_dict[subset][score_type].append(score) ncmpd_dict[subset].append(subset_size) dset_size_list.append(dset_size) col_dict = dict( collection=collection_list, ampl_version=ampl_version_list, model_uuid=model_uuid_list, time_built=time_built_list, model_type=model_type_list, featurizer=featurizer_list, features=desc_type_list, transformer=transform_list, splitter=splitter_list, split_strategy=split_strategy_list, split_uuid=split_uuid_list, umap_dim=umap_dim_list, umap_targ_wt=umap_targ_wt_list, umap_neighbors=umap_neighbors_list, umap_min_dist=umap_min_dist_list, dataset_bucket=bucket_list, dataset_key=dataset_key_list, dataset_size=dset_size_list, parameter=param_list ) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(col_dict) param_df = pd.DataFrame(model_feat_param_list) perf_df = perf_df.merge(param_df, on='model_uuid', how='inner') for subset in subsets: ncmpds_col = '%s_size' % subset perf_df[ncmpds_col] = ncmpd_dict[subset] for score_type in score_types: metric_col = '%s_%s' % (subset, score_type) perf_df[metric_col] = score_dict[subset][score_type] return perf_df
[docs] def get_summary_metadata_table(uuids, collections=None): """Tabulate metadata fields and performance metrics for a set of models identified by specific model_uuids. Args: uuids (list): List of model UUIDs to query. collections (list or str): Names of collections in model tracker DB to get models from. If collections is a string, it must identify one collection to search for all models. If a list, it must be of the same length as `uuids`. If not provided, all collections will be searched. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of metadata fields and performance metrics for models. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None if isinstance(uuids,str): uuids = [uuids] if isinstance(collections,str): collections = [collections] * len(uuids) mlist = [] mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() for idx,uuid in enumerate(uuids): if collections is not None: collection_name = collections[idx] else: collection_name = trkr.get_model_collection_by_uuid(uuid) model_meta = trkr.get_full_metadata_by_uuid(uuid, collection_name=collection_name) mdl_params = model_meta['model_parameters'] data_params = model_meta['training_dataset'] # Get model metrics for this model metrics = pd.DataFrame(model_meta['training_metrics']) metrics = metrics[metrics['label']=='best'] train_metrics = metrics[metrics['subset']=='train']['prediction_results'].values[0] valid_metrics = metrics[metrics['subset']=='valid']['prediction_results'].values[0] test_metrics = metrics[metrics['subset']=='test']['prediction_results'].values[0] # Try to name the model something intelligible in the table name = 'NA' if 'target' in data_params['dataset_metadata']: name = data_params['dataset_metadata']['target'] if (name == 'NA') & ('assay_endpoint' in data_params['dataset_metadata']): name = data_params['dataset_metadata']['assay_endpoint'] if (name == 'NA') & ('response_col' in data_params['dataset_metadata']): name = data_params['dataset_metadata']['response_col'] if name != 'NA': if 'param' in data_params['dataset_metadata'].keys(): name = name + ' ' + data_params['dataset_metadata']['param'] else: name = 'unknown' transform = 'None' if 'transformation' in data_params['dataset_metadata'].keys(): transform = data_params['dataset_metadata']['transformation'] if mdl_params['featurizer'] == 'computed_descriptors': featurizer = model_meta['descriptor_specific']['descriptor_type'] else: featurizer = mdl_params['featurizer'] try: split_uuid = model_meta['splitting_parameters']['split_uuid'] except: split_uuid = 'Not Available' if mdl_params['prediction_type'] == 'regression': if mdl_params['model_type'] == 'NN': nn_params = model_meta['nn_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'r^2 (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['r2_score'], valid_metrics['r2_score'], test_metrics['r2_score']), 'MAE (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['mae_score'], valid_metrics['mae_score'], test_metrics['mae_score']), 'RMSE(Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['rms_score'], valid_metrics['rms_score'], test_metrics['rms_score']), 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Layer Sizes': nn_params['layer_sizes'], 'Optimizer': nn_params['optimizer_type'], 'Learning Rate': nn_params['learning_rate'], 'Dropouts': nn_params['dropouts'], 'Best Epoch (Max)': '%i (%i)' % (nn_params['best_epoch'],nn_params['max_epochs']), 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} elif mdl_params['model_type'] == 'RF': rf_params = model_meta['rf_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'Max Depth': rf_params['rf_max_depth'], 'Max Features': rf_params['rf_max_depth'], 'RF Estimators': rf_params['rf_estimators'], 'r^2 (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['r2_score'], valid_metrics['r2_score'], test_metrics['r2_score']), 'MAE (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['mae_score'], valid_metrics['mae_score'], test_metrics['mae_score']), 'RMSE(Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['rms_score'], valid_metrics['rms_score'], test_metrics['rms_score']), 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} elif mdl_params['model_type'] == 'xgboost': xgb_params = model_meta['xgb_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'XGB learning rate': xgb_params['xgb_learning_rate'], 'Gamma': xgb_params['xgb_gamma'], 'XGB max depth': xgb_params['xgb_max_depth'], 'Column sample fraction': xgb_params['xgb_colsample_bytree'], 'Row subsample fraction': xgb_params['xgb_subsample'], 'Number of estimators': xgb_params['xgb_n_estimators'], 'Minimum child weight': xgb_params['xgb_min_child_weight'], 'r^2 (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['r2_score'], valid_metrics['r2_score'], test_metrics['r2_score']), 'MAE (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['mae_score'], valid_metrics['mae_score'], test_metrics['mae_score']), 'RMSE(Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['rms_score'], valid_metrics['rms_score'], test_metrics['rms_score']), 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} else: architecture = 'unknown' elif mdl_params['prediction_type'] == 'classification': if mdl_params['model_type'] == 'NN': nn_params = model_meta['nn_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'ROC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['roc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['roc_auc_score'], test_metrics['roc_auc_score']), 'PRC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['prc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['prc_auc_score'], test_metrics['prc_auc_score']), 'Balanced accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan), valid_metrics.get('bal_accuracy',np.nan), test_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan)), 'Accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['accuracy_score'], valid_metrics['accuracy_score'], test_metrics['accuracy_score']), 'Precision (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['precision'], valid_metrics['precision'], test_metrics['precision']), 'Recall (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['recall_score'], valid_metrics['recall_score'], test_metrics['recall_score']), 'NPV (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['npv'], valid_metrics['npv'], test_metrics['npv']), 'Kappa (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['kappa'], valid_metrics['kappa'], test_metrics['kappa']), 'Matthews CC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['matthews_cc'], valid_metrics['matthews_cc'], test_metrics['matthews_cc']), 'Cross entropy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['cross_entropy'], valid_metrics['cross_entropy'], test_metrics['cross_entropy']), 'Confusion matrices (Train/Valid/Test)': f"{str(train_metrics['confusion_matrix'])}/{str(valid_metrics['confusion_matrix'])}/{str(test_metrics['confusion_matrix'])}", 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Layer Sizes': nn_params['layer_sizes'], 'Optimizer': nn_params['optimizer_type'], 'Learning Rate': nn_params['learning_rate'], 'Dropouts': nn_params['dropouts'], 'Best Epoch (Max)': '%i (%i)' % (nn_params['best_epoch'],nn_params['max_epochs']), 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} elif mdl_params['model_type'] == 'RF': rf_params = model_meta['rf_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'Max Depth': rf_params['rf_max_depth'], 'Max Features': rf_params['rf_max_depth'], 'RF Estimators': rf_params['rf_estimators'], 'ROC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['roc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['roc_auc_score'], test_metrics['roc_auc_score']), 'PRC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['prc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['prc_auc_score'], test_metrics['prc_auc_score']), 'Balanced accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan), valid_metrics.get('bal_accuracy',np.nan), test_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan)), 'Accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['accuracy_score'], valid_metrics['accuracy_score'], test_metrics['accuracy_score']), 'Precision (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['precision'], valid_metrics['precision'], test_metrics['precision']), 'Recall (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['recall_score'], valid_metrics['recall_score'], test_metrics['recall_score']), 'NPV (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['npv'], valid_metrics['npv'], test_metrics['npv']), 'Kappa (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['kappa'], valid_metrics['kappa'], test_metrics['kappa']), 'Matthews CC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['matthews_cc'], valid_metrics['matthews_cc'], test_metrics['matthews_cc']), 'Cross entropy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['cross_entropy'], valid_metrics['cross_entropy'], test_metrics['cross_entropy']), 'Confusion matrices (Train/Valid/Test)': f"{train_metrics['confusion_matrix']}/{valid_metrics['confusion_matrix']}/{test_metrics['confusion_matrix']}", 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} elif mdl_params['model_type'] == 'xgboost': xgb_params = model_meta['xgb_specific'] minfo = {'Name': name, 'Transformation': transform, 'AMPL version used:': mdl_params.get('ampl_version', 'probably 1.0.0'), 'Model Type (Featurizer)': '%s (%s)' % (mdl_params['model_type'],featurizer), 'XGB learning rate': xgb_params['xgb_learning_rate'], 'Gamma': xgb_params['xgb_gamma'], 'XGB max depth': xgb_params['xgb_max_depth'], 'Column sample fraction': xgb_params['xgb_colsample_bytree'], 'Row subsample fraction': xgb_params['xgb_subsample'], 'Number of estimators': xgb_params['xgb_n_estimators'], 'Minimum child weight': xgb_params['xgb_min_child_weight'], 'ROC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['roc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['roc_auc_score'], test_metrics['roc_auc_score']), 'PRC AUC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['prc_auc_score'], valid_metrics['prc_auc_score'], test_metrics['prc_auc_score']), 'Balanced accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan), valid_metrics.get('bal_accuracy',np.nan), test_metrics.get('bal_accuracy', np.nan)), 'Accuracy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['accuracy_score'], valid_metrics['accuracy_score'], test_metrics['accuracy_score']), 'Precision (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['precision'], valid_metrics['precision'], test_metrics['precision']), 'Recall (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['recall_score'], valid_metrics['recall_score'], test_metrics['recall_score']), 'NPV (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['npv'], valid_metrics['npv'], test_metrics['npv']), 'Kappa (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['kappa'], valid_metrics['kappa'], test_metrics['kappa']), 'Matthews CC (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['matthews_cc'], valid_metrics['matthews_cc'], test_metrics['matthews_cc']), 'Cross entropy (Train/Valid/Test)': '%0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f' % (train_metrics['cross_entropy'], valid_metrics['cross_entropy'], test_metrics['cross_entropy']), 'Confusion matrices (Train/Valid/Test)': f"{train_metrics['confusion_matrix']}/{valid_metrics['confusion_matrix']}/{test_metrics['confusion_matrix']}", 'Data Size (Train/Valid/Test)': '%i/%i/%i' % (train_metrics["num_compounds"],valid_metrics["num_compounds"],test_metrics["num_compounds"]), 'Splitter': model_meta['splitting_parameters']['splitter'], 'Collection': collection_name, 'UUID': model_meta['model_uuid'], 'Split UUID': split_uuid, 'Dataset Key': data_params['dataset_key']} else: architecture = 'unknown' mlist.append(OrderedDict(minfo)) return pd.DataFrame(mlist).set_index('Name').transpose()
[docs] def get_training_datasets(collection_names): """Query the model tracker DB for all the unique dataset keys and buckets used to train models in the given collections. Args: collection_names (list): List of names of model tracker collections to search for models. Returns: dict: Dictionary mapping collection names to lists of (dataset_key, bucket) tuples for training sets. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None result_dict = {} mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() for collection_name in collection_names: dset_list = mlmt_client.model.get_training_datasets(collection_name=collection_name).result() result_dict[collection_name] = dset_list return result_dict
[docs] def get_dataset_models(collection_names, filter_dict={}): """Query the model tracker for all models saved in the model tracker DB under the given collection names. Returns a dictionary mapping (dataset_key,bucket) pairs to the list of (collection,model_uuid) pairs trained on the corresponding datasets. Args: collection_names (list): List of names of model tracker collections to search for models. filter_dict (dict): Additional filter criteria to use in model query. Returns: dict: Dictionary mapping training set (dataset_key, bucket) tuples to (collection, model_uuid) pairs. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None result_dict = {} coll_dset_dict = get_training_dict(collection_names) mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() for collection_name in collection_names: dset_list = coll_dset_dict[collection_name] for dset_dict in dset_list: query_filter = { 'training_dataset.bucket': dset_dict['bucket'], 'training_dataset.dataset_key': dset_dict['dataset_key'] } query_filter.update(filter_dict) query_params = { "match_metadata": query_filter } print('Querying models in collection %s for dataset %s, %s' % (collection_name, bucket, dset_key)) metadata_list = mlmt_client.model.query_model_metadata( collection_name=collection_name, query_params=query_params, include_fields=['model_uuid'] ).result() for i, metadata_dict in enumerate(metadata_list): if i % 50 == 0: print('Processing collection %s model %d' % (collection_name, i)) model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] result_dict.setdefault((dset_key,bucket), []).append((collection_name, model_uuid)) return result_dict
[docs] def get_multitask_perf_from_files(result_dir, pred_type='regression'): """Retrieve model metadata and performance metrics stored in the filesystem from a multitask hyperparameter search. Format the per-task performance metrics in a table with a row for each task and columns for each model/subset combination. Args: result_dir (str): Path to root result directory containing output from a hyperparameter search run. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of model metadata fields and performance metrics. """ model_uuid_list = [] learning_rate_list = [] dropouts_list = [] layer_sizes_list = [] best_epoch_list = [] max_epochs_list = [] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] if pred_type == 'regression': metrics = ['num_compounds', 'r2_score', 'task_r2_scores'] else: metrics = ['num_compounds', 'roc_auc_score', 'task_roc_auc_scores'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric] = [] # Navigate the results directory tree model_list = [] metrics_list = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): if ('model_metadata.json' in filenames) and ('model_metrics.json' in filenames): meta_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metadata.json') with open(meta_path, 'r') as meta_fp: meta_dict = json.load(meta_fp) model_list.append(meta_dict) metrics_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metrics.json') with open(metrics_path, 'r') as metrics_fp: metrics_dicts = json.load(metrics_fp) metrics_list.append(metrics_dicts) print("Found data for %d models under %s" % (len(model_list), result_dir)) for metadata_dict, metrics_dicts in zip(model_list, metrics_list): model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] #print("Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Get list of training run metrics for this model #print("Got %d metrics dicts for model %s" % (len(metrics_dicts), model_uuid)) if len(metrics_dicts) < 3: raise Exception("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) #print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) #continue subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: if metrics_dict['label'] == 'best': subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] dset_params = metadata_dict['training_dataset'] response_cols = dset_params['response_cols'] nn_params = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] max_epochs_list.append(nn_params['max_epochs']) best_epoch_list.append(nn_params['best_epoch']) learning_rate_list.append(nn_params['learning_rate']) layer_sizes_list.append(','.join(['%d' % s for s in nn_params['layer_sizes']])) dropouts_list.append(','.join(['%.2f' % d for d in nn_params['dropouts']])) for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric].append(subset_metrics[subset][metric]) # Format the data as a table with groups of 3 columns for each model num_models = len(model_uuid_list) if pred_type == 'regression': model_params = ['model_uuid', 'learning_rate', 'layer_sizes', 'dropouts', 'max_epochs', 'best_epoch', 'subset', 'num_compounds', 'mean_r2_score'] else: model_params = ['model_uuid', 'learning_rate', 'layer_sizes', 'dropouts', 'max_epochs', 'best_epoch', 'subset', 'num_compounds', 'mean_roc_auc_score'] param_list = model_params + response_cols perf_df = pd.DataFrame(dict(col_0=param_list)) colnum = 0 for i in range(num_models): for subset in subsets: vals = [] if subset == 'train': vals.append(model_uuid_list[i]) vals.append(learning_rate_list[i]) vals.append(layer_sizes_list[i]) vals.append(dropouts_list[i]) vals.append('%d' % max_epochs_list[i]) vals.append('%d' % best_epoch_list[i]) else: vals = vals + ['']*6 vals.append(subset) vals.append('%d' % score_dict[subset]['num_compounds'][i]) if pred_type == 'regression': vals.append('%.3f' % score_dict[subset]['r2_score'][i]) vals = vals + ['%.3f' % v for v in score_dict[subset]['task_r2_scores'][i]] else: vals.append('%.3f' % score_dict[subset]['roc_auc_score'][i]) vals = vals + ['%.3f' % v for v in score_dict[subset]['task_roc_auc_scores'][i]] colnum += 1 colname = 'col_%d' % colnum perf_df[colname] = vals return perf_df
[docs] def get_multitask_perf_from_files_new(result_dir, pred_type='regression'): """Retrieve model metadata and performance metrics stored in the filesystem from a multitask hyperparameter search. Format the per-task performance metrics in a table with a row for each task and columns for each model/subset combination. Args: result_dir (str): Path to root result directory containing output from a hyperparameter search run. pred_type (str): Prediction type ('classification' or 'regression') of models to query. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of model metadata fields and performance metrics. """ model_uuid_list = [] learning_rate_list = [] dropouts_list = [] layer_sizes_list = [] best_epoch_list = [] max_epochs_list = [] featurizer_list = [] subsets = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] if pred_type == 'regression': metrics = ['num_compounds', 'r2_score', 'task_r2_scores', 'task_rms_scores'] else: metrics = ['num_compounds', 'roc_auc_score', 'task_roc_auc_scores'] score_dict = {} for subset in subsets: score_dict[subset] = {} for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric] = [] # Navigate the results directory tree model_list = [] metrics_list = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_dir): if ('model_metadata.json' in filenames) and ('model_metrics.json' in filenames): try: meta_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metadata.json') with open(meta_path, 'r') as meta_fp: meta_dict = json.load(meta_fp) model_list.append(meta_dict) metrics_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'model_metrics.json') with open(metrics_path, 'r') as metrics_fp: metrics_dicts = json.load(metrics_fp) metrics_list.append(metrics_dicts) except: print(f'Cannot access model {dirpath}') print("Found data for %d models under %s" % (len(model_list), result_dir)) for metadata_dict, metrics_dicts in zip(model_list, metrics_list): model_uuid = metadata_dict['model_uuid'] #print("Got metadata for model UUID %s" % model_uuid) # Get list of training run metrics for this model #print("Got %d metrics dicts for model %s" % (len(metrics_dicts), model_uuid)) if len(metrics_dicts) < 3: raise Exception("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) #print("Got no or incomplete metrics for model %s, skipping..." % model_uuid) #continue subset_metrics = {} for metrics_dict in metrics_dicts: if metrics_dict['label'] == 'best': subset = metrics_dict['subset'] subset_metrics[subset] = metrics_dict['prediction_results'] model_uuid_list.append(model_uuid) model_params = metadata_dict['model_parameters'] dset_params = metadata_dict['training_dataset'] response_cols = dset_params['response_cols'] nn_params = metadata_dict['nn_specific'] max_epochs_list.append(nn_params['max_epochs']) best_epoch_list.append(nn_params['best_epoch']) learning_rate_list.append(nn_params['learning_rate']) layer_sizes_list.append(','.join(['%d' % s for s in nn_params['layer_sizes']])) dropouts_list.append(','.join(['%.2f' % d for d in nn_params['dropouts']])) featurizer_list.append(model_params["featurizer"]) for subset in subsets: for metric in metrics: score_dict[subset][metric].append(subset_metrics[subset][metric]) # Format the data as a table with groups of 3 columns for each model num_models = len(model_uuid_list) data = { "model_uuid": model_uuid_list, "learning_rate": learning_rate_list, "layer_sizes": layer_sizes_list, "dropouts": dropouts_list, "featurizer": featurizer_list } for i in range(num_models): for subset in subsets: for ix, task in enumerate(response_cols): if pred_type == "regression": colr2 = f"{subset}_{task}_r2" colrms = f"{subset}_{task}_rms" if colr2 not in data: data[colr2] = [] data[colrms] = [] data[colr2].append(score_dict[subset]["task_r2_scores"][i][ix]) data[colrms].append(score_dict[subset]["task_rms_scores"][i][ix]) else: colauc = f"{subset}_{task}_roc_auc" if colauc not in data: data[colauc] = [] data[colauc].append(score_dict[subset]["task_roc_auc_scores"][i][ix]) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(data) return perf_df
[docs] def get_multitask_perf_from_tracker(collection_name, response_cols=None, expand_responses=None, expand_subsets='test', exhaustive=False): """Retrieve full metadata and metrics from model tracker for all models in a collection and format them into a table, including per-task performance metrics for multitask models. Meant for multitask NN models, but works for single task models as well. By AKP. Works for model tracker as of 10/2020 Args: collection_name (str): Name of model tracker collection to search for models. response_cols (list, str or None): Names of tasks (response columns) to query performance results for. If None, checks to see if the entire collection has the same response cols. Otherwise, should be list of strings or a comma-separated string. asks for clarification. Note: make sure response cols are listed in same order as in metadata. Recommended: None first, then clarify. expand_responses (list, str or None): Names of tasks / response columns you want to include results for in the final dataframe. Useful if you have a lot of tasks and only want to look at the performance of a few of them. Must also be a list or comma separated string, and must be a subset of response_cols. If None, will expand all responses. expand_subsets (list, str or None): Dataset subsets ('train', 'valid' and/or 'test') to show metrics for. Again, must be list or comma separated string, or None to expand all. exhaustive (bool): If True, return large dataframe with all model tracker metadata minus any columns not in expand_responses. If False, return trimmed dataframe with most relevant columns. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of model metadata fields and performance metrics. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return None # check inputs are correct if collection_name.startswith('old_'): raise Exception("This function is not implemented for the old format of metadata.") if isinstance(response_cols, list): pass elif response_cols is None: pass elif isinstance(response_cols, str): response_cols=[x.strip() for x in response_cols.split(',')] else: raise Exception("Please input response cols as None, list or comma separated string.") if isinstance(expand_responses, list): pass elif expand_responses is None: pass elif isinstance(expand_responses, str): expand_responses=[x.strip() for x in expand_responses.split(',')] else: raise Exception("Please input expand response col(s) as list or comma separated string.") if isinstance(expand_subsets, list): pass elif expand_subsets is None: pass elif isinstance(expand_subsets, str): expand_subsets=[x.strip() for x in expand_subsets.split(',')] else: raise Exception("Please input subset(s) as list or comma separated string.") # get metadata if response_cols is not None: filter_dict={'training_dataset.response_cols': response_cols} else: filter_dict={} models = trkr.get_full_metadata(filter_dict, collection_name) if len(models)==0: raise Exception("No models found with these response cols in this collection. To get a list of possible response cols, pass response_cols=None.") models = pd.DataFrame.from_records(models) # expand model metadata - deal with NA descriptors / NA other fields alldat=models[['model_uuid', 'time_built']] models=models.drop(['model_uuid', 'time_built'], axis = 1) for column in models.columns: if column == 'training_metrics': continue nai=models[models[column].isna()].index nonas=models[~models[column].isna()] tempdf=pd.DataFrame.from_records(nonas[column].tolist(), index=nonas.index) tempdf=pd.concat([tempdf, pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=nai, columns=tempdf.columns)]) alldat=alldat.join(tempdf) # assign response cols if len(alldat.response_cols.astype(str).unique())==1: response_cols=alldat.response_cols[0] print("Response cols:", response_cols) else: raise Exception(f"There is more than one set of response cols in this collection. Please choose from these lists: {alldat.response_cols.unique()}") # expand training metrics - deal with NA's in columns metrics=pd.DataFrame.from_dict(models['training_metrics'].tolist()) allmet=alldat[['model_uuid']] for column in metrics.columns: nai=metrics[metrics[column].isna()].index nonas=metrics[~metrics[column].isna()] tempdf=pd.DataFrame.from_records(nonas[column].tolist(), index=nonas.index) tempdf=pd.concat([tempdf, pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=nai, columns=tempdf.columns)]) label=tempdf[f'label'][nonas.index[0]] metrics_type=tempdf[f'metrics_type'][nonas.index[0]] subset=tempdf[f'subset'][nonas.index[0]] nai=tempdf[tempdf[f'prediction_results'].isna()].index nonas=tempdf[~tempdf[f'prediction_results'].isna()] tempdf=pd.DataFrame.from_records(nonas[f'prediction_results'].tolist(), index=nonas.index) tempdf=pd.concat([tempdf, pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=nai, columns=tempdf.columns)]) tempdf=tempdf.add_prefix(f'{label}_{subset}_') allmet=allmet.join(tempdf, lsuffix='', rsuffix="_2") alldat=alldat.merge(allmet, on='model_uuid') # expand task level training metrics for subset(s) of interest - deal w/ NA values if expand_subsets is None: expand_subsets=['train', 'valid', 'test'] for sub in expand_subsets: listcols=alldat.columns[alldat.columns.str.contains("task")& alldat.columns.str.contains(sub)] for column in listcols: colnameslist=[] for task in response_cols: colnameslist.append(f'{column}_{task}') nai=alldat[alldat[column].isna()].index nonas=alldat[~alldat[column].isna()] if isinstance(nonas.loc[nonas.index[0],column], list): tempdf=pd.DataFrame.from_records(nonas[column].tolist(), index= nonas.index, columns=colnameslist) tempdf=pd.concat([tempdf, pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=nai, columns=tempdf.columns)]) alldat = alldat.join(tempdf) alldat=alldat.drop(columns=column) else: print(f"Warning: task-level metadata for {column} not in metadata.") # make features column alldat['features'] = alldat['featurizer'] if 'descriptor_type' in alldat.columns: alldat.loc[alldat.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors', 'features'] = alldat.loc[alldat.featurizer == 'computed_descriptors', 'descriptor_type'] # prune to only include expand_responses if expand_responses is not None: removecols= [x for x in response_cols if x not in expand_responses] for col in removecols: alldat=alldat.drop(columns=alldat.columns[alldat.columns.str.contains(col)]) # return or prune further and then return if exhaustive: return alldat else: alldat=alldat.drop(columns=alldat.columns[alldat.columns.str.contains('baseline')]) keepcols=['ampl_version','model_uuid', 'features', 'prediction_type', 'transformers', 'uncertainty', 'batch_size', 'bias_init_consts', 'dropouts', 'layer_sizes', 'learning_rate', 'max_epochs', 'optimizer_type', 'weight_decay_penalty', 'weight_decay_penalty_type', 'weight_init_stddevs', 'splitter', 'split_uuid', 'split_test_frac', 'split_valid_frac', 'smiles_col', 'id_col', 'feature_transform_type', 'response_cols', 'response_transform_type', 'num_model_tasks', 'rf_estimators', 'rf_max_depth', 'rf_max_features', 'xgb_gamma', 'xgb_learning_rate', 'xgb_max_depth', 'xgb_colsample_bytree', 'xgb_subsample', 'xgb_n_estimators', 'xgb_min_child_weight', ] keepcols.extend(alldat.columns[alldat.columns.str.contains('best')]) keepcols = list(set(alldat.columns).intersection(keepcols)) keepcols.sort() alldat=alldat[keepcols] if sum(alldat.columns.str.contains('_2'))>0: print("Warning: One or more of your models has metadata for >1 best / >1 baseline epochs.") return alldat
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _aggregate_predictions(datasets, bucket, col_names, result_dir): """Run predictions for best dataset/model_type/split_type/featurizer (max r2 score) and save csv's in /usr/local/data/ DEPRECATED: Will not work in current software environment. Needs to be updated Args: datasets (list): List of (dataset_key, bucket) tuples to query models for. bucket (str): Ignored. col_names (list): List of names of model tracker collections to search for models. result_dir (str): Ignored. Returns: None. Todo: Update for current software environment, or delete function if it's not useful. """ if not mlmt_supported: print("Model tracker not supported in your environment; can examine models saved in filesystem only.") return results = [] mlmt_client = dsf.initialize_model_tracker() for dset_key, bucket in datasets: for model_type in ['NN', 'RF']: for split_type in ['scaffold', 'random']: for descriptor_type in ['mordred_filtered', 'moe', 'rdkit_raw']: model_filter = {"training_dataset.dataset_key" : dset_key, "training_dataset.bucket" : bucket, "ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.label" : "best", 'ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.subset': 'valid', 'ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.PredictionResults.r2_score': ['max', None], 'model_parameters.model_type': model_type, 'model_parameters.featurizer': 'computed_descriptors', 'descriptor_specific.descriptor_type': descriptor_type, 'splitting_parameters.splitter': split_type } for col_name in col_names: model = list(trkr.get_full_metadata(model_filter, collection_name=col_name)) if model: model = model[0] result_dir = '/usr/local/data/%s/%s' % (col_name, dset_key.rstrip('.csv')) result_df = mp.regenerate_results(result_dir, metadata_dict=model) result_df['dset_key'] = dset_key actual_col = [col for col in result_df.columns if 'actual' in col][0] pred_col = [col for col in result_df.columns if 'pred' in col][0] result_df['error'] = abs(result_df[actual_col] - result_df[pred_col]) result_df['cind'] = pd.Categorical(result_df['dset_key']).labels results.append(result_df) results_df = pd.concat(results).reset_index(drop=True) results_df.to_csv(os.path.join(result_dir, 'predictions_%s_%s_%s_%s.csv' % (dset_key, model_type, split_type, descriptor_type)), index=False) for featurizer in ['graphconv', 'ecfp']: model_filter = {"training_dataset.dataset_key" : dset_key, "training_dataset.bucket" : bucket, "ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.label" : "best", 'ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.subset': 'valid', 'ModelMetrics.TrainingRun.PredictionResults.r2_score': ['max', None], 'model_parameters.model_type': model_type, 'model_parameters.featurizer': featurizer, 'splitting_parameters.splitter': split_type } for col_name in col_names: model = list(trkr.get_full_metadata(model_filter, collection_name=col_name)) if model: model = model[0] result_dir = '/usr/local/data/%s/%s' % (col_name, dset_key.rstrip('.csv')) result_df = mp.regenerate_results(result_dir, metadata_dict=model) result_df['dset_key'] = dset_key actual_col = [col for col in result_df.columns if 'actual' in col][0] pred_col = [col for col in result_df.columns if 'pred' in col][0] result_df['error'] = abs(result_df[actual_col] - result_df[pred_col]) result_df['cind'] = pd.Categorical(result_df['dset_key']).labels results.append(result_df) results_df = pd.concat(results).reset_index(drop=True) results_df.to_csv(os.path.join(result_dir, 'predictions_%s_%s_%s_%s.csv' % (dset_key, model_type, split_type, featurizer)), index=False)
[docs] def num_trainable_parameters_from_file(tar_path): """Return number of trainable paramters from tarfile Given a tar file for a DeepChem model this will return the number of trainable parameters Args: tar_path (str): Path to a DeepChem model Returns: int: Number of trainable parameters. Raises: ValueError: If the model is not a DeepChem neural network model """ reload_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with, mode='r:gz') as tar: futils.safe_extract(tar, path=reload_dir) config_file_path = os.path.join(reload_dir, 'model_metadata.json') with open(config_file_path) as f: config = json.loads( # Parse the saved model metadata to obtain the parameters used to train the model model_params = parse.wrapper(config) # Is this an NN model if not (model_params.model_type == 'NN' or model_params.model_type in parse.model_wl): raise ValueError('Saved model is not a neural network. Recieved %s'%model_params.model_type) model_params.save_results = False model_params.output_dir = reload_dir # some models need to be 'built' (graphconv models for one) # before you can count the paramters # The only sure way to do this with DeepChem is to make some predictions. # This code is adapted from predict_from_model pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data={model_params.id_col:['a', 'b', 'c'], model_params.smiles_col:['OC(CCN1CCCCC1)(c1ccccc1)C1CC2C=CC1C2', 'COC(=O)CC1CCCCCC1N1CCN(C(=O)C(C)Cc2ccc(Cl)cc2Cl)CC1', 'O=C(O)c1ccc2cccnc2c1N1CCN(CCc2ccc(OCCCN3CCCCCC3)cc2)CC1']}) pipe = mp.create_prediction_pipeline_from_file(model_params, reload_dir=None, model_path=tar_path) pred_df = pipe.predict_full_dataset(pred_df, contains_responses=False, is_featurized=False, dset_params=model_params) return pipe.model_wrapper.count_params()